My book is a real book! and other updates

book and bookplates

I have a box of hefty, gorgeous, very real finished books in my office, and the release date of October 15th, which felt so terribly far off when I signed the contract with Tin House in the summer of 2012, is now very nearly here. My book will soon be out in the world.

But wait! Amazon says “Screw your release date!” They’ve got boxes of the hefty, gorgeous finished books, too, and they’ve decided to start shipping them NOW. If you pre-ordered the book from Amazon (and THANK YOU for buying my book!), you likely already know this: The Revolution of Every Day is on its way to you. (Surprise! It came as a surprise to me, too.) So those of you who buy books from Amazon, it’s now available. (A month early. Crazy.) The rest of you? SOON! SO SOON! (Also crazy).

And you e-book readers have to wait, Amazon or otherwise. I expect the e-book and Kindle etc etc editions will be made available on October 15th.

No matter where you buy the book, if you can’t make it to one of my readings, I would love to send you an inscribed book plate for your copy. Please email your address to and let me know you want one.

Also, book clubs! Do you have one? Can I hang out with you guys via Skype or FaceTime? I’m totally up for talking to your book club via the miracle of modern technology. for that, too.

(How cool would that be, to get to see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices? Some of you have stuck with this blog for a long damn time. It would be great to connect faces and voices to the names in the comments.)

I felt like I had a hundred things to update you on when I sat down  to write this post, but I guess it’s really just a few things that feel like a hundred. I’m officially starting to freak out, now that I’m in the pre-pub home stretch. Wish me luck! (Yikes!)

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14 comments on “My book is a real book! and other updates
  1. This is all quite wonderful, and I am pleased for you. Enjoy the thrill.

  2. Laurie says:

    So, so, SO exciting! Congrats X100!

    I can’t wait to read the book.

  3. Mom/Gramma says:

    Enjoy the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Melissa says:

    I got mine in the mail today. I can’t wait to start it!

  5. Cari says:

    Thank you, guys! And Melissa! AHHHHH!!! That’s so exciting!!! I hope you like it.

  6. Tama says:

    OMG – super extra awesome. Can’t wait to read it. A MONTH EARLY! :p

  7. Marisa says:

    Hooray! I’m dashing over to Amazon right now to buy it!

  8. Marlena says:

    Oh man, this tests my resolve to buy local! I’ll definitely be hitting you up for a plate. Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it.

  9. janna says:

    Yes, mine came from Amazon! I will admit that I haven’t started it yet (crazy, crazy work right now, and I’d like to appreciate it!), but it’s lying right here! And you should come to Prairie Lights in Iowa City (best bookstore in the Midwest) for a reading.

  10. Heather says:

    It’s still embargoed in Canada. I see people tweeting about getting their copies and fume in righteous literary indignation. 😉

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Writer, With Kids