Knitting the sacred stash…
Do you have yarn in your stash that’s “too good” to use? That extra special stuff that no project seems good enough to merit? For me it was the Silk Garden (# 34) that I bought from the boys with …
Do you have yarn in your stash that’s “too good” to use? That extra special stuff that no project seems good enough to merit? For me it was the Silk Garden (# 34) that I bought from the boys with …
Knitting…ah, knitting. Remember that? (You know…that thing we do with our hands while we read…No, not that. The other thing…) It hasn’t been getting much press around here lately. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been happening. I had no time …
Rushing headlong into summer with a lapful of wool Read more »
Here is the list that you helped to build. [Updated 6/23] The books that changed our lives, our way of thinking, or that moved us in some way… The books we love. (Yes, Im getting a bit sappy but few …
So lots of people are posting that “Great Books” list and bolding the titles they’ve read. I was tempted to do it too. I went through the list, bolded my titles and all that… But as I was doing it, …
I can appreciate that. It’s the same green card sort of concept as in recording, when direct tv a mistake, or an incidental, can sometimes green card lottery be noticed and played up in the mix usa visa to great …
matrimonial swatch and the mohair that followed me home Read more »
You are my nemesis. How many times have I been tempted by the beautiful simplicity of your designs only to be smacked in the face by your woeful quality control when it comes to tech editing your patterns? And yet…and …
So today was to be a work day in the morning and a writing day in the afternoon and evening. Well. Work was done. Fine. But the writing? I felt plenty creative, but too amped up to sit still at …
I suppose I should share some knitting photos. It has been quite a while, hasn’t it? Thing is, I don’t feel like taking pictures of WIPs right now. Maybe tomorrow or the next day I’ll come through for ya with …