Yarn: Meilenweit Multiringel #5030Needle: Addi Turbos size zeroMosquito bite: Super-sized Brooklyn mosquito with bizarre black and white stripes and an alarming amount of blood in its body at time of death (by smacking)Bruise: Source unknown
Month: July 2005
The process…
Wouldn’t it be great if I had some knitting photos for you? I don’t. I’ve barely been knitting at all. There’s been two big rows of progress on the Madli shawl, about an inch of progress on the back of …
a messuj frum don Diego de la Luna, esq.
Hi ther knitters and uther peeple and dogs. My momm Cari red me all yur messujs. Thankk yu so verry much fer yure kind wurds an gud thowts. I came home frum the vett a littel wile ago an thats …
Doggie heroin
This is an Italian greyhound. This is an Italian greyhound on drugs. On Friday afternoon, the left side of Diego’s sweet little face swelled up like he’d been punched. Yet another emergency run to the vet (they’ve seen us a …
Sparrow buffet
Today I decided to ignore the heat and tackle my neglected, long-suffering front garden. All the perennials in the front garden are now done blooming. We start with the daffodils in early spring, along with the forsythia bush, and then …
I’d really love to blog today…
…but I’m afraid of what all this sweat will do to the keyboard. I don’t deal well with heat. Let’s just get that straight right off the bat. My DNA is from Russia and England. Yes, I may have spent …
In times of stress, best to take comfort in the simple things
A girl, her dog, and some new handknit socks.
Anatomy of the amateur lace-knitter
1. Pattern with current row hemmed in on all sides by Post-It notes. Logic: Those little squares with the funny symbols will have nowhere to run, and will cease their attempts to blend in with the squares above and the …