The process: Tuesday’s version
There comes a point where there are too many thoughts to follow, too many threads to tie together, to rely on your brain or a mere notebook. It’s time to break out the big revision guns. Jumbo sketchpad and Sharpie. …
There comes a point where there are too many thoughts to follow, too many threads to tie together, to rely on your brain or a mere notebook. It’s time to break out the big revision guns. Jumbo sketchpad and Sharpie. …
You may have noticed that the comments in my previous post are screwed up. As in, I received 23 comments, the comment counter shows that there are 23 comments, but none show up in the comments box. Rest assured, those …
Apparently having my own office wasn’t enough. I wrote the first three drafts of Drowning Practice in my office. My very own, quite spacious room full of books and yarn and lovely late afternoon light… Surely no one needs more …
…but I have ACTUAL KNITTING CONTENT. I know. Shocking. I finished the back of the Corset Pullover. The camera did something weird to the creamy off-white Rowan Calmer. There aren’t actually tree trunk-like rings in the stockinette sections. (Or is …
My sixteenth birthday My thirty-second birthday Happy birthday to me! And happy birthday to Jackie, Greta, and Lisa, my blogland birthday twins! Greta and Lisa are both on blog breaks, so think good birthday thoughts for them, and if you …
I could have sworn I was sixteen ten minutes ago Read more »
My sixteenth birthday My thirty-second birthday Happy birthday to me! And happy birthday to Jackie, Greta, and Lisa, my blogland birthday twins! Greta and Lisa are both on blog breaks, so think good birthday thoughts for them, and if you …
I could have sworn I was sixteen about ten minutes ago Read more »
Location: Midtown Manhattan, lobby of corporate skyscraper Security Guard #1: No, man. See, you want there to be one big truth but it’s not like that. My truth doesn’t have to be your truth. We all have our own truth. …
Meet Bertha. She sets up shop each night and is gone by morning. We’ve struck up a “Don’t bite me and I won’t kill you” arrangement that works out pretty well. She builds her web at the far end of …