Okay…I think I get the appeal of socks on dpns instead of two circs. (Photo in black and white because that’s a secret gifty sock you see there. Shhh!) The geometry of it is pleasing, and there’s the sense of …
Month: October 2005
In those rare moments when I’m not at my desk…
Laundry day Cari camouflage! Natalya gauntlets in red Calmer knit for Christina, who really needed the Calmer more than I did. (It’s the Calmer Norma sent me for socks. Norma, when I tell you why she needed these gauntlets, you’ll …
Um…a few things…
1. Marrije is teaching me to curse in Dutch. The Dutch are apparently masters of profanity. The best so far? Lul de behanger. I won’t tell you what it means because I don’t want to attract Google searches any stranger …
Settling in
Crazy to think that the first week of my four-week residency is gone. I’ve settled into a routine and am getting good work done. I’m really pleased with the way this new book is going. I can’t describe what a …
While everyone is off having their fun at Rhinebeck…
…I’m here at my temporary home on the prairie. Want a prairie photo? Sure you do. Can you find the locust hiding in this photo? Ragdale is wonderful so far. With nothing to do except write, the days each seem …
While everyone is off having their fun at Rhinebeck… Read more »
The camera is already packed…
…so you’ll have to take my word for it when I say that the Schaeffer Anne that Cirilia sent me (along with a copy of Knitscene) is the most perfect colorway of reds. I’ve already packed all the yarn I …
Another season, another terrorist threat…
…another project knitted with anxious fingers. One knits on the subway in an attempt to make the ride go faster; to avoid noticing how suspiciously we all look at each other and each other’s bags now; to pretend that each …
Research required for the new novel and a call to my former East Village neighbors
My second novel, which I’m just beginning and which will be my main obsession/occupation/preoccupation while at the artists’ colony, requires a bit of research. The first novel, Drowning Practice, needed almost no research so I’m kind of excited about all …
Research required for the new novel and a call to my former East Village neighbors Read more »
The packing question
So I’m leaving for Ragdale a week from Thursday, and the inevitable question has arisen: What knitting do I take with me? I’ll be gone for four weeks, and will have no responsibilities whatsoever apart from writing. Barring the truly …