What I haven’t been telling you
I’m in my twelfth week, due June 17th. This sonogram image (I assure you the baby was much less fuzzy in live-action) was from 8 1/2 weeks. Oh, the knitting I’m going to do. I’ve already bought a few Dale …
I’m in my twelfth week, due June 17th. This sonogram image (I assure you the baby was much less fuzzy in live-action) was from 8 1/2 weeks. Oh, the knitting I’m going to do. I’ve already bought a few Dale …
Alison and I had such a great time while she was here that we completely failed to take photos. Here are some of the things I didn’t document for you: Sadie and Diego dancing with doggy glee when Alison first …
The wonderful Lee Ann sent me a care package to help ease my re-entry to the real world. Look how utterly fantastic and yummy. No, I won’t share the chocolate. Please take special note of that fibery goodness there. Guess …
Nothing says “Welcome home” like chocolate and yarn Read more »
Oscar Madison, Impossibly Cute Kitten here. Disregard the numbskull dog in the background. I understand that some of you are skeptical of the Girl Human’s claims that I’ve become enormous over the course of the four weeks that she dared …
Back in Brooklyn, safe and sound. It’s so good to be home. Billy was still at work when I got in yesterday afternoon, but I was greeted at the door by the dogs. Sadie was very excited and had lots …
…but then I realized I’m really ready to go home. I’ll be flying home on the 9th, and I’m starting to look forward to it. I miss Billy and the dogs and the cat. I miss the house and I …
I thought about hiding in the closet so I could stay a while longer Read more »