Getting it “right”
Well, it’s on its way. I sent the finished third draft of the new novel off to my agent, Gail, on Saturday. It’s out of my hands, for now. It’s her first look at this book, and I’m excited to …
Well, it’s on its way. I sent the finished third draft of the new novel off to my agent, Gail, on Saturday. It’s out of my hands, for now. It’s her first look at this book, and I’m excited to …
I’ve just now finished reading Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson. Oh my god. I’ve said before, on several occasions and to various people, that it’s neither possible nor desirable to write a perfect novel. I take it back. I take it …
What a week. I’m exhausted. Thumper’s going through this weird resistance to bedtime thing. (Okay. not that weird. I remember feeling the same way from age 3 to 31. But it’s new to him and I’m not enjoying it.) It’s …
I’m sitting in the usual Sunday cafe, where I come to write without toddler or husband interruption. (Which is not to say that I don’t appreciate the fact that I wouldn’t have this time to work if it weren’t for …
The Trilce pattern is now (finally!) finished, knit, and up for sale on Ravelry and on the Patterns page. Thanks for your patience. I hope you enjoy it! The first time I knit Trilce, I used Manos del Uruguay and …
I’ve just had a somewhat heartbreaking epiphany of the Proustian sort. A small epiphany to be sure, but it’s mine and I’ll take it. And no less valid, for having been triggered by a blog entry instead of an uneven …
When I say Proust changed my life, I’m not trying to prove that I’m clever. No, really. Read more »
What you maybe can’t tell for sure from the photo, but what is perfectly clear if you see this in real life (in a community garden in SE Portland) is that the fence is not cutting through the squash. The …
Yesterday, some of the neighborhood kids decided to build Thumper a bike with training wheels. Yep. Build him. A bike. They had a frame that fit him. They had wheels with tires that just needed a wee bit of patching. …
If you haven’t read this letter about Sarah Palin yet, it’s worth a read.