where I’m at right now, according to Photo Booth I was toying with the idea of doing a recap of 2008, but looking back over my posts for the year it doesn’t seem to add up to nearly as much …
Month: December 2008
Blue pancakes = cry for help
The rain has returned to Portland, melting all that godawful white stuff. The return of puddles and pavement. All is as it should be. While the snow lasted, driving was treacherous because of the lack of plows, and pushing a …
Secret Santa makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
I was an Indie Lit Secret Santa over at HTMLGIANT. (I think I want that on a t-shirt. Or a bumper sticker. Or a snazzy tote bag.) I got this postcard in the mail the other day. (A treat in …
Secret Santa makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside Read more »
cough cough, hack hack, sniffle, snuffle, groan
I’m sick in bed. Luckily it is a Sunday, so I’m free to take to my bed all day while Billy toddler-wrangles. Though, with all the snow on the ground, I suspect Billy would have been home today even if …
The somewhat obligatory Best Of list
In case you haven’t heard, books make great gifts. And it seems to be that gift-giving time of year again. So, maybe you’re looking for suggestions? What books to buy for the giftees on your list? In no particular order, …
Snow day in Portland
Well, it snowed here yesterday. It’s our second winter here, and I don’t recall any snow last winter at all. Or at least nothing that stuck. When the forecast started calling for snow, there was a general giddy sort of …
Oh…in case you didn’t notice, book publishing is imploding
Finally, a bailout I can get behind.
One more for the lit nerds
Okay, so this didn’t bring the chills that Virginia Woolf did, but it amused the hell out of me. It’s Vladimir Nabokov being exactly as one would have imagined him being. (And do please note that I love him dearly, …