Saved by rock n roll
This has been a long week. Unforgivably long. Monday started out fine, but ended with the beginning of the kid’s first-ever stomach bug. Just an upset stomach and a lot of diapers* at first, but then we were up all …
This has been a long week. Unforgivably long. Monday started out fine, but ended with the beginning of the kid’s first-ever stomach bug. Just an upset stomach and a lot of diapers* at first, but then we were up all …
I got a rejection from a lit magazine today. Nothing interesting or unusual in that, as I’ve collected, and will continue to collect, my share of rejections. What was unusual was that, for the first time EVER, I was happy …
The very worst thing about unsolicited advice, particularly of the sort left in blog comments, is that sometimes–okay, fairly often–it’s right. And I HATE that. Because that means admitting you were right and I was being stubborn. (Shocking to those …
You want to know what really pisses me off about unsolicited advice? Read more »
I reached the last page of the manuscript yesterday, much faster than I’d expected to. Today I started at the beginning again, working through my revision notes. I started to write the first new scene I thought needed to be …
from the end to the beginning and back on through Read more »
(Trekking XXL color # 146, a gift from the incomparable Irene)
I’ve mentioned before that I love One Story, yes? A recent issue of One Story was a piece by my MFA friend Rob Travieso. It was the best issue I’ve received so far, and I’m not just saying that because …
I think I have it in me to be a stalker. Not that I would, mind you, but the potential is there. I get fixated on people–almost at random, it sometimes seems. Or, rather, I get fixated on my idea …
1. I already loved Elliott Smith when I lived in Brooklyn, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that he sounds even better in Portland. Especially on a beautiful rainy gray day. 2. Leonard Cohen sounds awfully good on …
We ended 2008 by cleaning the house, then falling into bed and to sleep a bit after midnight, happy the firecrackers down the street and the hooting, six-foot-four thirteen-year-old next door didn’t wake the kid up. We started 2009 with …