The kiddo is sick today. A stomach bug, the poor little chicken. Luckily it’s just been vomit and a very slight temperature, so I’m not all worked up that he’s got the swine flu. Swine flu. Oy vey. Let’s just …
Month: April 2009
The knitting, which has languished…
Amy (gently) poked me recently about doing another design for Knitty. (Last stint here, for those of you who didn’t read me back when.) I was too busy with revisions at the time to take her up on it, but …
Some random (with photos! Because random is more fun with photos)
1. I don’t post to Twitter all that often, and don’t put a hell of a lot of energy into it when I do, and yet Twitter seems to be sapping my will to blog. Want to know what I’m …
Some random (with photos! Because random is more fun with photos) Read more »
That breezy between-drafts feeling
Adverse Possession is out of my hands again, for the next little while. I finished Draft Five yesterday and passed it along to this round’s draft readers. Now comes the excited/nervous/impatient waiting for feedback. Then acting on that feedback, as …
That was a bit of a stretch between posts, wasn’t it? See, the kid and I went back east for eight days, and blogging didn’t quite fit with the schedule. Neither did friends, for the most part, sadly. In those …
Things that made me happy today
The sun through a plum tree Asparagus! More asparagus! This boy
Rediscovering plain vanilla
I haven’t been blogging about knitting much at all lately. It’s been months, maybe, since I even mentioned it. I have been knitting, though not every day and not for long when I do, but I haven’t been talking about …