My brother’s wedding was lovely. Really special. Sadly, I have no photos to share with you. I left that to the professionals. If they get digital proofs from the photographer, I’m sure they’ll let me post a few pics then.

Quite a sight to see Marines in full dress blues holding the four poles of the chuppah, hand over hand and stock still, serious as if holding flags. One of the things that was so fantastic about this wedding, something I felt really lucky to witness, was the simple fact of my brother and his Marine buddies. All of these guys were in Iraq only months ago. They literally depended on each other for their lives. There was no guarantee that any of them would make it home again. They all did, though. Joel’s entire company suffered no casualties while in Nasiriyah, though they did come under fire on a regular basis. And went house to house, searched for and found weapons (though no WMD’s of course, Bush you bastard).

Anyway, I’m rambling a bit. What I meant to say was that it was so incredible to see these guys dancing at my brother’s wedding. Young, healthy, handsome in their dress blues, home safe.

Tomorrow my friend Ernesto will be reading from his new novel at the Chelsea Barnes and Noble at 7pm. Please do come out to the reading if you’re in NYC!

After the reading I’m throwing a book party/40th birthday party for him. It’s turning out to be quite the literary event…I’m a bit nervous about some of the writers I’m going to be hosting. There’ll also be plenty of friends from the MFA program though. And, of course, the divine Ms. Em.

14 Comments on “

  1. Oh, I wish I could come to your party! Have fun — I’m sure it’ll go smoothly.
    Posted by: alison

  2. What a nice post. The wedding sounds like it was very special.

    Good luck with the party! I’m sure it will be fantastic.
    Posted by: Rebecca

  3. please tell me they did the thing with the swords at the end and made your bro & new wife walk through them!!!! 🙂 (my brother was a marine too. and it was always my dream that i would get married while he was still in the corps and have lots of lovely dress uniforms at my weddin. what a dork i used to be (used to be, key words) huh.)
    Posted by: carolyn

  4. Mazel Tov!

    I am in NYC but already have dinner/theatre plans (“Sweeney Todd” at NYCO starts at 7:30pm) so I can’t come to the reading. Next time, maybe…
    Posted by: Jon

  5. I love a man in a uniform! *ahem* I am so excited to attend my first literary soiree…hopefully I won’t be hacking my lungs out.
    Posted by: Em

  6. Oh, I wish I could come to your party! Have fun — I’m sure it’ll go smoothly.
    Posted by: alison

  7. What a nice post. The wedding sounds like it was very special.

    Good luck with the party! I’m sure it will be fantastic.
    Posted by: Rebecca

  8. please tell me they did the thing with the swords at the end and made your bro & new wife walk through them!!!! 🙂 (my brother was a marine too. and it was always my dream that i would get married while he was still in the corps and have lots of lovely dress uniforms at my weddin. what a dork i used to be (used to be, key words) huh.)
    Posted by: carolyn

  9. Mazel Tov!

    I am in NYC but already have dinner/theatre plans (“Sweeney Todd” at NYCO starts at 7:30pm) so I can’t come to the reading. Next time, maybe…
    Posted by: Jon

  10. I love a man in a uniform! *ahem* I am so excited to attend my first literary soiree…hopefully I won’t be hacking my lungs out.
    Posted by: Em

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