sleepy guy.jpg

The challah is in the oven and the little guy is napping. I’m about to sit down with my second cup of coffee and some knitting.

Thank you all for your thoughtful responses to my previous post, both in comments and in private emails. I certainly know my blog is a public space, and I’m grateful for the large readership I have, commenters and lurkers alike. Thank you all for reading, for coming back each time. Your company is appreciated.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. I’m off to knit a hat for a friend’s baby-in-progress.

26 Comments on “

  1. That is a gorgeous photo. I love watching the little kidlets sleep, they look so peaceful, plus you get to drink the coffee while it’s hot!
    Posted by: ginchy

  2. I know it’s repetitive to keep saying “aww,” but “aww.” Look at that lightbulb shaped head! No wonder he hung around inside for so long! Re: your previous blog, it’s sort of, to me, akin to the tree falling in the forest thing. If the poster, your former friend, doesn’t KNOW you’re lurking, must you feel mild, voyeuristic guilt? The answer is yes, I think, because guilt is internal while shame is foisted on one from without. Now, of course, you’ve told a lot of people that you’re feeling intrusive, so guilt has turned to shame. If nobody KNEW that you had been peeking, would it then be necessary to feel shame……oh, the heck with it. Meanwhile, your former friend has put all that personal stuff out there, so whose fault is it when it gets seen? Maybe someone should warn them, like you would if their phone calls were getting broadcast on a neighbor’s baby monitor.
    Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport

  3. precious. I couldn’t keep from kissing that little forehead. Kidlets are wonderful. And his little jeans. You found the Osh Kosh outlet in Seaside, right?
    Posted by: Laurie

  4. Your previous entry has made me step out of the shadows and comment. I just wanted to tell you that you’ve articulated some feelings I’ve had when reading blogs. There have been some blogs I’ve stopped reading because I felt they were getting way too personal about their lives. I confess I am a bit nosy and like to see how other people live, and the beautiful knitting projects that are featured always motivate me in my own knitting, but when topics dwell on troubled marriages, personal problems or graphic bodily functions, I feel like an intruder.
    Also your entry (and rightfully so, I believe) spurred me to comment just so you know that you have a person from Texas who really loves your writing style and the little snippets of Utopia, challah, knitting, and Thumper that you choose to reveal. Thanks for a good read.
    Posted by: Lela Ellison

  5. That is a gorgeous photo. I love watching the little kidlets sleep, they look so peaceful, plus you get to drink the coffee while it’s hot!
    Posted by: ginchy

  6. I know it’s repetitive to keep saying “aww,” but “aww.” Look at that lightbulb shaped head! No wonder he hung around inside for so long! Re: your previous blog, it’s sort of, to me, akin to the tree falling in the forest thing. If the poster, your former friend, doesn’t KNOW you’re lurking, must you feel mild, voyeuristic guilt? The answer is yes, I think, because guilt is internal while shame is foisted on one from without. Now, of course, you’ve told a lot of people that you’re feeling intrusive, so guilt has turned to shame. If nobody KNEW that you had been peeking, would it then be necessary to feel shame……oh, the heck with it. Meanwhile, your former friend has put all that personal stuff out there, so whose fault is it when it gets seen? Maybe someone should warn them, like you would if their phone calls were getting broadcast on a neighbor’s baby monitor.
    Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport

  7. precious. I couldn’t keep from kissing that little forehead. Kidlets are wonderful. And his little jeans. You found the Osh Kosh outlet in Seaside, right?
    Posted by: Laurie

  8. Your previous entry has made me step out of the shadows and comment. I just wanted to tell you that you’ve articulated some feelings I’ve had when reading blogs. There have been some blogs I’ve stopped reading because I felt they were getting way too personal about their lives. I confess I am a bit nosy and like to see how other people live, and the beautiful knitting projects that are featured always motivate me in my own knitting, but when topics dwell on troubled marriages, personal problems or graphic bodily functions, I feel like an intruder.
    Also your entry (and rightfully so, I believe) spurred me to comment just so you know that you have a person from Texas who really loves your writing style and the little snippets of Utopia, challah, knitting, and Thumper that you choose to reveal. Thanks for a good read.
    Posted by: Lela Ellison

  9. What a wonderful napping couch you seem to have. It looks like he just ran out of steam and there he lays.

    In response to your post from yesterday, I sometimes won’t post to a blog because I feel the feelings that you articulated. I feel like I am peeking into the lives of people that, while putting their lives out there for people to peruse, don’t always consider all of the consequences of what they are doing by putting so much info out there. I know I do the same thing, but I guess we feel like there isn’t that much of a following on our blog and therefore we’re safe.
    Posted by: Lynda

  10. Thumper on the couch. Bless. God I love those moments.

    And can I just say – that is one lovely and comfy looking couch. I’d be falling asleep on it too.
    Posted by: Alison

  11. It’s 7:53 on Saturday morning and I already wish I was like Thumper…sleeping.

    Nope, heading to work. Gots to love retail during the holiday season. 🙂
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  12. What a wonderful napping couch you seem to have. It looks like he just ran out of steam and there he lays.

    In response to your post from yesterday, I sometimes won’t post to a blog because I feel the feelings that you articulated. I feel like I am peeking into the lives of people that, while putting their lives out there for people to peruse, don’t always consider all of the consequences of what they are doing by putting so much info out there. I know I do the same thing, but I guess we feel like there isn’t that much of a following on our blog and therefore we’re safe.
    Posted by: Lynda

  13. Thumper on the couch. Bless. God I love those moments.

    And can I just say – that is one lovely and comfy looking couch. I’d be falling asleep on it too.
    Posted by: Alison

  14. It’s 7:53 on Saturday morning and I already wish I was like Thumper…sleeping.

    Nope, heading to work. Gots to love retail during the holiday season. 🙂
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  15. There’s not much more wonderful than a napping baby! So cute!
    Posted by: Minneapolismama

  16. OMG Cari your picture of Thumper brought back such vivid memories of my own son when he would nap on the couch in much the same way. Thank you for that! (P.S. son is a senior in college; still comes home for naps!!)
    Posted by: delia

  17. There’s not much more wonderful than a napping baby! So cute!
    Posted by: Minneapolismama

  18. OMG Cari your picture of Thumper brought back such vivid memories of my own son when he would nap on the couch in much the same way. Thank you for that! (P.S. son is a senior in college; still comes home for naps!!)
    Posted by: delia

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