Thanks for all the thoughts you shared in comments and emails in response to the last post. I’m not going to stop blogging, but I’ve cut way back on the time I spend on Twitter and Facebook. That’s quieted the noise a bit, and that seems like the right solution for now.

I’ve got about a million and three things up in the air right now, none of which I can blog about publicly just yet, so I think that added to my weariness with my internet self. All this talk, and not saying a word about the big/exciting/scary possibilities going on in my life at the moment. There’s been a lot of change around here this summer, and not to say so feels kind of empty. Most of it has been good. Some of it seemed disastrous at the time and has also proven to, most likely, be good. I’ll talk about what I can, when I can. At the moment, there’s not really any of it I can share.

Cryptic enough? I’ll give you this much: No, the book hasn’t sold, nor is it on the verge of being sold. Not yet. And Billy and I and the kiddo are fine.

So what’s left to say? Well, stuff is growing in the garden, and my desire to knit may have actually been rekindled after a rather long break. An excerpt from Adverse Possession is going to be published in The Owls, and that was a nice surprise, particularly because I didn’t submit it. One of the editors got a hold of the excerpt through someone else and liked it, and kindly offered to publish it. So I’ll let you know when that’s up.

Otherwise? I’ll do my very, very best to not let things fall completely into small talk (too late, you say?), and I’ll share news when I can.

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