Damn, we miss that dog. There hasn’t been any regret–it was definitely time to say goodbye–but it’s been awfully quiet around here with just the three of us. Well, as quiet as a house with a very active 3.5-year-old human boy who loves to play the drums can be. But no tappity tapping nails on the floor. No flappity flappity head-shake ears.

Also? No more following a geriatric dog with kidney disease around with a mop and bucket. These last few months our house has smelled like dog pee no matter how on top of it we tried to be. Not missing that so much, I have to admit.

This is the first time in my life I’ve been without a pet. That feels quite weird, but we’re not looking to change that anytime soon. I mean…there’s a baby due to join us in 6.5 weeks (or less). Now is not the time to bring another furry kid into the mix. Eventually, though… Eventually.

As for that human baby on the way? Even though all the post-Fifth Disease diagnosis monitoring ultrasounds have looked normal, the perinatologist wants me to keep getting them every two weeks until the end of the pregnancy. That first doctor who said if two scans looked good she’d give us the all clear wasn’t the one who’d done our amnio. All the perinatologists on the team rotate through being the one to look at ultrasounds on any given day. Which would be fine if they talked to each other and…oh, I don’t know… AGREED on a treatment protocol. So the first doctor, let’s call her Dr. R, would have discharged us already. The second, the one who did the amnio, Dr. J (no, I don’t know if he’s any good at basketball. Looking at him, I suspect not), wants to keep us coming until the end of March. And he’s been the doctor on duty for the last two ultrasounds, so for now that protocol stands.

Dr. J is older and more experienced than Dr. R. So here are the possibilities, as I see them:

1. Dr. J is more conservative than Dr. R and doesn’t want to take chances.
2. Dr. J has seen more parvo cases than Dr. R and his experience leads him to want this degree of continued monitoring
3. Dr. J is more concerned with covering his ass re: malpractice than Dr. R is.
4. Dr. J is totally working us for the insurance money. As in, $400 a pop for these scans.

Don’t you love healthcare in the US. Fucking fantastic, really. I’m guessing the truth is a combination of #’s 1 and 4. That said, I’m going for the scans. Better safe than sorry. Which is, of course, what he’d be counting on with #4.


The most important bit here is that the baby continues to look great. In fact, at the last scan at 32 weeks 1 day, they estimated her weight at 4lbs 11 oz. Yes, these estimates can be way off. But this is a good indication that I’m growing a nice, sturdy baby in there. One less thing to worry about, you know?

Of course, my body’s ability to grow ’em big (Thumper was 8 lbs 6oz, which isn’t tremendous, but rather large in relation to my size) coupled with my small frame and very short torso means I carry ’em big, too. Folks, the belly has passed beyond big and into enormous. I should probably give you a photo at some point. I haven’t taken any belly photos at all during this pregnancy. For now let’s just say that it’s rather zeppelin-like. Though not nearly as lofty. Huge. I am huge. And waddling.

Ah, the glamour of pregnancy…

Not much longer now. The waddling will soon be behind me forever. Though if I recall correctly, this last bit feels ten times longer than the entire rest of the pregnancy.

15 Comments on “

  1. Your family is remembered in our prayers. I had 3 geriatric dogs at the same time and the mess and smell were worth it as I remember back and know that I did all things possible to give them a good life and much love. I have no regrets.

  2. I love you. And your belly. And the little creature inside.

    I’d take every freaking scan available. (Though, here, it would be paid for…)

    That said, I prefer the conservative panicky doctors in these situations…

    Courage, ma belle. Courage.

  3. Better be safe than sorry – but, still – having the doctors talk to each other (or, better yet, having the same doc throughout it all!) would be nice. I work at the edge of medicine, and I have to say that “safe not sorry” is what drives most docs to call for tests/procedures that may not be necessary.

    And re Diego – it’s hard but you know you did the right thing….

  4. I was so huge when I was pregnant both times people would ask me if I was having twins. I was so jealous of those women who just didn’t get all that big. It is nice to have something to wear out of the house.

    It really isn’t nice to smell dog pee all the time. After our last geriatric case, the smell topped my list of nasty things I do not care to smell again.

  5. Sorry to hear about Diego. The absence of animals creates a particular type of quiet.
    But it is really good to hear that all is going well with the baby. That is a good size indeed!

  6. I still can’t walk in my mom’s door without being confused by the absence of a jingling collar to greet me and it’s been at least five years. The absence of a furry family member is a real kick in the ass, even when it is absolutely the right thing for the dog.

  7. Cari, I didn’t know you had a blog — stumbled onto it when I saw the blurb in the Facebook updates. I love your writing; you’re so grounded, serene, and honest. I wish you much peace and joy in the weeks and months ahead — I suspect that your home will not echo with silence much longer. 🙂

  8. I can’t believe you’re due in 6,5 weeks time already! How time flies when other people than yourself are pregnant 😉

    Good luck with the final 2 months. It’s so good to read that everything seems OK with you and the baby.

  9. I lost my old boy 2 years ago and I miss him every single day. But I wouldn’t change anything for the world. I was so lucky to have him in my life.

    The new baby will definitely keep you busy! Thumper is going to have so much fun being a big brother!

  10. I’ve got a bag of girl-baby clothes for you, but want to hit up my friend who has a 3 year old girl and twin 1 year old girls. I’ll go contact her and then we can set up a delivery time (for the clothes, not the baby!)

  11. I have to admit that I don’t know what I’d do without an animal in the house. Okay probably take a vacation that doesn’t have to include the dogs and get rid the need for a cat feeder hehe

    But still. Since I’m not lucky enough in the two legged baby departments, I’ll stick with the four legged ones for now.

    But as they go, I don’t think we will be adding any back to the mix. And since all but 1 of the seven just hit double digits, the attrition may be starting sooner rather than later. 🙁

    Hugs regarding Diego, super hugs regarding news that your little darling to be is still doing well.

  12. Good luck with the baby-to-be. An ultrasound ordered by a doctor who understood my nervousness resulted in induction because of lack of amniotic fluid. Sometimes extra ones work out very very well!

  13. I totally want to see your tummy! And if you’re still looking for names, there’s mine. I know you guys wait until someone’s gone before your name someone else after them, but my people don’t (which is why there are at least three Glens in my family)– but there’s room for another Anina.

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