1. I just finished reading The Lonely Polygamist. So, so, so good. I added it to my library queue after reading a review somewhere that I now don’t even remember, and when my turn for it came up I almost didn’t pick it up from the library because I couldn’t remember why I wanted to read it. Then I picked it up from the library because I was going there anyway, but I thought I probably wouldn’t read it because I already had two other books on the go and it couldn’t be renewed because there were already several holds on it. Then I read the first page, because what the hell, and the two books already on the go were shoved to the back burner.

It’s hilariously funny, heartbreakingly sad, and so beautifully written. Do check it out.

2. Look who’s cruising.

She’s ten months old today. Crazy, right? Insert the usual noises about how I can’t believe how quickly the time goes, and how I have no idea where the last ten months have flown. Except I have a theory now about where the time goes. There appears to be a vortex in this house…somewhere in the vicinity of the living room. All of my free time and a good chunk of my sanity and short-term memory get sucked into it.

3. I was pretty sure I had three things to say, but I’ve forgotten what the third was. Which is just kind of how things are going lately…

5 Comments on “

  1. OMG! I’m gonna nominate you for the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the Living Room Vortex! I think there’s one at my house, too! Maybe if we all just stay out of the living room, we can begin to live fulfilling, productive lives. 🙂

  2. I’m so glad to see that Brady Udall has a new(ish) book! Have you read The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint? It’s by Udall also, and is also funny and heartbreaking and so, so good.

  3. Thanks for the book suggestion.
    I saw on Goodreads that you are considering reading The Dirty Life. I read that a few months ago and really enjoyed it, I’ll be interested to hear if you read it and what you think.

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