Okay…I’m amazed. Absolutely thrilled and
Okay…I’m amazed. Absolutely thrilled and amazed. Felting is magical, simple as that. I was less than crazy with my finished, pre-felted suki body. Well, it’s been felted and now I absolutely love it. I still need to sew the straps on before I send pictures to Mare for the felt-along page and officially call it done, but here it is in all its strapless glory:
And here’s the wonderful bottom, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE:
And here’s a shot of the inside, which is cool as hell:
The whole felting process was interesting. Reading the instructions in the pattern, I expected it to be felted after 15 minutes in the washing machine. Not so. After the first wash it was stubbornly the same size. I decided to abuse it as an experiment, figuring if I destroyed it I could just make another. I ran it through again, and let it go through the full cycle, spin and all. It came out 8 inches smaller and seemed no worse for the spinning wear. It was too late to go for another round, but the bag was still bigger than I wanted. I let it dry overnight, then yesterday evening tossed it in for a full wash and spin again, then stuck it in the dryer for a half hour. What the hell, I figured. Well, maybe I broke some felting rules, but it worked out great for me. The bag started out at 27″ deep. It’s now 14″ deep, a perfect size for me.
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