Here’s a photo of my

Here’s a photo of my first-ever skein of handspun that actually looks like yarn. (The first practice stuff would probably look like a sheep if I knitted it up.) It’s drying in the bathroom right now. In fact, I had to stand in the bathtub to take the picture. Definitely not enough room for a sheep in there, much to my chagrin. Anyway, when I wound the yarn from the bobbin onto the skeinwinder it was all nice and taut and smooth, but as soon as I took it off the skeinwinder for washing it all bounced back and went all sproingy on me, as you see here. Any spinners out there with some advice or insights on that?

Oh…and then there’s this stuff:

That same wonderful man who adopted a sheep for me a few months ago came home with three pounds of merino roving for me the other day for our anniversary. What a guy!

So now I’m wondering, is it better to dye the roving before or after spinning? I’m thinking before. But then how to do that in an apartment? Hmmm.

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