Button, button…

My wonderful mother has made me a button:


Handy to have a graphic designer in the family.

My dsl went down on Friday afternoon and I just got it back late this morning. I was surprised and a bit embarrassed by how cut off I felt without my email and web access. Yes, I can argue that as a freelancer who works from a home office, connectivity is essential. But it was SATURDAY. Was it really all that important that I be able to check my email on a Saturday when the sun was shining (and finally not in the awful oppressive manner of earlier in the week)? I could tell you I was just concerned with the connection still being down once the workweek started. And that would be true. Kinda. I think I need to make a pact with myself to keep the computer turned off for one day of each weekend. I don’t want to be that dependent on it. I don’t like the fact that I actually felt a bit anxious without it.

Perhaps I’ll start small…like no computer before three pm. on Saturday, and work my way up to a whole day. I almost said work my way up to a whole weekend, but that made me a bit nervous–just the thought of typing it. I got along just fine in the pre-Web days, thank you very much. I think I need to get just a touch of that back.

2 Comments on “Button, button…

  1. I hear you, Cari. I just moved and I’m not yet connected, so I can look at the Internet at work but I’m not allowed to check e-mail and I can’t post to my blog. And it’s making me CRAZY! And the fact that it does make me feel crazy makes me feel like I might have a problem! Anyway, when I’m able to, I’m going to lift your happy new button (love those dogs). 🙂
    Posted by: alison

  2. I hear you, Cari. I just moved and I’m not yet connected, so I can look at the Internet at work but I’m not allowed to check e-mail and I can’t post to my blog. And it’s making me CRAZY! And the fact that it does make me feel crazy makes me feel like I might have a problem! Anyway, when I’m able to, I’m going to lift your happy new button (love those dogs). 🙂
    Posted by: alison

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