Grammar Avengers Who Knit!
There’s a new web ring in town, thanks to Em. It’s the Grammar Avengers ring. We aren’t here to JUDGE you. We’re not even here to EDIT you. Really. All this ring will do, I suspect, is formally link a group of writers and editors who’ve already formed a loose network to bond over being big nerds who knit. And that’s certainly a good thing. So will we be storming into your blog to take you to task for misplacing an apostrophe? Probably not. We’re too busy contemplating the various forms and incarnations of the IRO. Yes, Grammar Avengers have been known to throw metal.
Maybe judge just a little bit. But you’ll never know! Mwah ha ha ha ha.
Forget the sweater for your brother–you just made yourself some leg warmers!
I know what you mean about working with no AC. My brain just melts and I can’t string coherent words together to save my life. A couple days ago it was hotter in my apartment with all the fans running than it was during the blackout!
Posted by: Em
you two really crack me up
Posted by: carolyn
This is EXACTLY the description I meant to write for the Grammar Avengers ring on my site, only I wasn’t as clever as you and just managed to mumble a couple of things. Perfect. We love to/need to edit – not meaning to take over the world, just our little knitting bit of it. Yep.
Posted by: Rachael
What a fabulous idea! I love it. I’m not an editor, but I’m a lawyer who spent years revising docs. As a result, I CANNOT rid myself of the habit of mentally correcting the bad grammar/punctuation/spelling in each blog I happen upon. Ack. It’s annoying. Both the habit and the bad grammar/punctuation/spelling, if constant. Tee hee.
Posted by: Becky
Maybe judge just a little bit. But you’ll never know! Mwah ha ha ha ha.
Forget the sweater for your brother–you just made yourself some leg warmers!
I know what you mean about working with no AC. My brain just melts and I can’t string coherent words together to save my life. A couple days ago it was hotter in my apartment with all the fans running than it was during the blackout!
Posted by: Em
you two really crack me up
Posted by: carolyn
This is EXACTLY the description I meant to write for the Grammar Avengers ring on my site, only I wasn’t as clever as you and just managed to mumble a couple of things. Perfect. We love to/need to edit – not meaning to take over the world, just our little knitting bit of it. Yep.
Posted by: Rachael
What a fabulous idea! I love it. I’m not an editor, but I’m a lawyer who spent years revising docs. As a result, I CANNOT rid myself of the habit of mentally correcting the bad grammar/punctuation/spelling in each blog I happen upon. Ack. It’s annoying. Both the habit and the bad grammar/punctuation/spelling, if constant. Tee hee.
Posted by: Becky