First Glove

Man! I thought it was hard to take photos of socks on my own feet. Try taking a picture of your right hand in a glove when you’re right-handed!


I love the softness of the Inca Alpaca, but I think I’ll make the next pair of gloves in a yarn that has a bit of spring to it so they’ll conform to the shape of my hand and wrist better (without ribbing. I don’t really like the look of ribbing).

And here’s another shot of the glove, especially for the GAWKs who RAWK. (Late to the party? That’s Grammar Avengers Who Knit, thank you very much. Yes, we know we’re silly, but we’re also rather cute and charming, and boy can we diagram a sentence.) Smell the glove, baby.


Have a great Thanksgiving, folks.

14 Comments on “First Glove

  1. Gorgeous!!! And although I’m like you and do like a fitted glove sometimes, I also really like the ones like these that you can get off really quickly by tucking a hand under the opposite arm and pulling should some dog-related thing happen, etc. Nothing like trying to pick up after a big monster while traffic is whizzing by and you’re struggling to pull off a fitted elbow-length glove. Blegh.
    Posted by: Andrea

  2. I can smell it from here, baby! Throwing alpaca-wrapped metal back at ya! (The first photo looks eerily like a mannequin hand…)
    Posted by: alison

  3. Righteous! It’s a lovely glove, perfect for pointing (and metal throwing, naturally). I like a contoured glove and don’t mind ribbing, but I love the look of the rolled stockinette on your glove. Very classic looking.
    Posted by: Em

  4. Nice glove! I like the color too. That’s the same yarn (I think) people could use to knit up the Elle bag, although I haven’t used it yet. Rock on!
    Posted by: Brooks

  5. Gorgeous!!! And although I’m like you and do like a fitted glove sometimes, I also really like the ones like these that you can get off really quickly by tucking a hand under the opposite arm and pulling should some dog-related thing happen, etc. Nothing like trying to pick up after a big monster while traffic is whizzing by and you’re struggling to pull off a fitted elbow-length glove. Blegh.
    Posted by: Andrea

  6. I can smell it from here, baby! Throwing alpaca-wrapped metal back at ya! (The first photo looks eerily like a mannequin hand…)
    Posted by: alison

  7. Righteous! It’s a lovely glove, perfect for pointing (and metal throwing, naturally). I like a contoured glove and don’t mind ribbing, but I love the look of the rolled stockinette on your glove. Very classic looking.
    Posted by: Em

  8. Nice glove! I like the color too. That’s the same yarn (I think) people could use to knit up the Elle bag, although I haven’t used it yet. Rock on!
    Posted by: Brooks

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