Here’s an interesting article by Cliff Frasier, a friend of Billy’s. Cliff, a pastor here in New York, recently spent six months in jail as punishment for having trespassed on government property during a nonviolent protest. It was the maximum sentence allowed, as I understand it.

The first time I met him was at his going-away party a few days before his self-surrender. The next time I saw him was at a small gathering at his apartment the night he got home from jail. It was like meeting two different men. His time as a prisoner of conscience (a term I hadn’t heard before meeting Cliff) of course had a profound effect on him…but that’s his story to write, not mine. I hope one day he will.

I’m very happy to say that Cliff will be the officiant at our wedding. He’s an amazing person.

4 Comments on “

  1. Bless Cliff and all who do that extraordinary and unfortunately extraordinarily needed work for those of us who cannot. My heart it with him and all who care form him, you, too, Cari..I send you all love and light and best wishes… and double thanks for letting us in blogworld know of it.
    Posted by: Caroline

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I just forwarded the article to all sorts of folks.
    I can’t imagine a better officiant at your wedding. I look forward to being there!
    Posted by: Rebecca

  3. Bless Cliff and all who do that extraordinary and unfortunately extraordinarily needed work for those of us who cannot. My heart it with him and all who care form him, you, too, Cari..I send you all love and light and best wishes… and double thanks for letting us in blogworld know of it.
    Posted by: Caroline

  4. Thank you for sharing this. I just forwarded the article to all sorts of folks.
    I can’t imagine a better officiant at your wedding. I look forward to being there!
    Posted by: Rebecca

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