So that’s what back pain feels like…
I’ll admit it. All you folks with bad backs who would groan or complain as you gingerly lowered yourself into a chair or slowly shuffled across a room…I never really got it. I thought I did, but I didn’t. I’d never hurt my back. Had never felt anything worse in that particular body part than that lower-back fatigue that comes from too much time parked in a chair working.
I get it now. And I’m sorry you feel this way often.
Damn dog. It’s Diego’s fault, you see. Well. Not really, but let’s blame it on the dog. Diego has had trouble going up and down the stairs lately. (Billy diagnosed it as a sprained hind ankle. Yes, he’s only licensed to treat humans, but Diego is family.) We’ve been carrying him up and down the stairs to give the ankle a chance to heal. Yesterday, attempting to carry my breakfast in my left hand while bending to scoop Diego up with my right, I tweaked my back. I usually pick Mr. D up while he stands next to me. Yesterday he was standing in front of me and even though I know better I still bent right over and lifted him. Ignoring not only good body mechanics but also the fact that my abs are not as strong as they were, thanks to the renovations the baby has made to my body (and continues to make. Will there come a morning when I DON’T wake up to an entirely new body?!).
So yeah. I hurt my back. And now it’s me lowering myself gingerly into chairs and grunting and shuffling slowly. Fun. Billy says 50% of pregnant women develop back problems. Somehow this does not make me feel better.
Billy made a rather interesting observation the other day. See, I was very happy with my pre-pregnancy breasts. Very happy. I’m a bit…overwhelmed…by my pregnant breasts. They’re…um…well, let’s just say I’ve gone from a single letter to a double one. Same letter, but twice as much of it. They’re heavy. They get in the way because they stand up. And out. So Billy (who likes them VERY much, though he was also a fan of the earlier version) said the other night that the look that breast implants mimic is actually the pregnant breast. And you know…he’s right. It’s not the youthful, perky breast that implants look like. It’s that big, round, full-at-the-top look of pregnant breasts. Not that anyone is thinking this in their conscious mind… But it does say quite a bit about why men are attracted to large fake breasts. (And don’t tell me women get those big implants because THEY really like the way they look separate from a desire to attract men. I don’t buy it.)
What does it mean when you go to the OBGYN and she’s looking at your boobs and groans and says – you’re in trouble when you get pregnant. I think what happens is you go from double letters UP to single letters again. Like M.
Hope the back feels better soon.
Posted by: Cara
Girl, just wait until you experience the “engorged with milk” breasts. You aint seen (or felt) nothin yet!! (choosing not to insert smile at this time because I’ve experienced this very recently)
Posted by: Laura
And be so careful please! No more picking up Mr. D. You’ve got a long way to go – bad back now isn’t a good thing. (((Hugs)))
Posted by: Laura
Ouch. Lucky for you, you know a good PT.
Posted by: claudia
Um, yeah. I’m already *at* the double letter, and I’ve never even been a little bit pregnant. Of all the wonders of pregnancy and motherhood, the breast thing? Not really looking forward to it. Hope your back feels better soon!
Posted by: Sneaksleep
Ouch, hope your back feels better soon. I hurt enough during pregnancy to see a chiropractor (which I swore I would never do) and get some deep tissue massage–it was totally worth doing.
And yes your body will continue to amaze you for the next few months (I can’t wait until you tell us about playing spot the foot!) and then after (be sure to find out about the post-partum body!)
Finally, the boobs. Just wait until the milk comes in–you’ll be adding letters. I have little breasts, and I finally understood women who talked about men talking TO their breasts. Never had that problem before (and hope not to repeat it).
Posted by: Steph
With breasts like those your UPPER back will be hurting soon enough! Take it from a pregnancy breast survivor…Plus mine never went back to their orginal size. They only shrunk back a little bit whereas my sister’s shrunk to smaller than normal. So the answer is – it will be a LONG time until you wake up to an entirely normal body. 🙂
Posted by: stephanie
What does it mean when you go to the OBGYN and she’s looking at your boobs and groans and says – you’re in trouble when you get pregnant. I think what happens is you go from double letters UP to single letters again. Like M.
Hope the back feels better soon.
Posted by: Cara
Girl, just wait until you experience the “engorged with milk” breasts. You aint seen (or felt) nothin yet!! (choosing not to insert smile at this time because I’ve experienced this very recently)
Posted by: Laura
And be so careful please! No more picking up Mr. D. You’ve got a long way to go – bad back now isn’t a good thing. (((Hugs)))
Posted by: Laura
Ouch. Lucky for you, you know a good PT.
Posted by: claudia
Um, yeah. I’m already *at* the double letter, and I’ve never even been a little bit pregnant. Of all the wonders of pregnancy and motherhood, the breast thing? Not really looking forward to it. Hope your back feels better soon!
Posted by: Sneaksleep
Ouch, hope your back feels better soon. I hurt enough during pregnancy to see a chiropractor (which I swore I would never do) and get some deep tissue massage–it was totally worth doing.
And yes your body will continue to amaze you for the next few months (I can’t wait until you tell us about playing spot the foot!) and then after (be sure to find out about the post-partum body!)
Finally, the boobs. Just wait until the milk comes in–you’ll be adding letters. I have little breasts, and I finally understood women who talked about men talking TO their breasts. Never had that problem before (and hope not to repeat it).
Posted by: Steph
With breasts like those your UPPER back will be hurting soon enough! Take it from a pregnancy breast survivor…Plus mine never went back to their orginal size. They only shrunk back a little bit whereas my sister’s shrunk to smaller than normal. So the answer is – it will be a LONG time until you wake up to an entirely normal body. 🙂
Posted by: stephanie
yep, someone i know said recently how she wished she had taken pictures of her breasts before she got pregnant because THEY’LL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN (emphasis was hers not mine.)
i hear ya on back pain. i pulled a muscle between my shoulders two days ago and it’s been hell ever since.
Posted by: gleek
Oh man, I’m sorry about your back! And I feel your breat pain, I really do. Dean has only recently stopped talking about mine. 🙂
Posted by: melanie
Yeah, try going from triple letter size to something that most people don’t even know exists. Not fun. Seriously. Wait till the milk comes in (this, by the way, is really what they’re imitating with fake ones – I swear). I jumped up 6 sizes from start of pregnancy to breastfeeding. Insane. There’s your back ache. Luckily for you, I’m just a freak of nature, and most people don’t get the privilege of all that.
Just in case you ever need a really good bra or can’t find one that feels right (because most bra sales ladies try to sell you what they’ve got in stock not actually what you should wear), try this site for all sorts of great info plus links to sites where they sell larger size bras (even nursing ones)… (this site is purely informative – they don’t sell anything)
Sorry for highjacking your comments, but I thought the info could come in handy.
Posted by: Krista
Ouch! I had sciatica when I was pregnant, but i was lucky enough to have an amazing chiropractor who doesn’t crack anything. she practices a particular style of chiropractic called “directional non-force technique” and it helped me immensely. In fact, she even adjusted Noah after he was born and he would only nurse on one side. As far as breast size is concerned, I went down a full cup size after nursing two kids, but I really don’t care. I wish gravity weren’t taking its toll on me, but that’s another story entirely. I hope your back feels better soon!!
Posted by: regina
I don’t know. I think there are only so many shapes that breasts can take once you start making them bigger (through pregnancy or surgery). The other aspects of a fashionable woman (very thin, with no hips) is not an acurate portrayal of a pregnant woman.
The American way of thinking is bigger is better. Has anyone done a cultural comparison on breast augmentation surgery? Maybe women in other cultures don’t want them quite as big?
Posted by: LaurieM
Awwww….. So sorry you have back pain. I hate the back pain. No one should have it ever!!!
Posted by: Cassie
Hmm, that 50% figure sounds low to me. And yeah. EEE for me. I couldn’t even believe they made that size bra. It was not comfortable, and I could not wait for them to return to small. I was going to say “normal,” but of course that never happened, either.
Take care of that back and feel better soon!
Posted by: Norma
For Diego: Although dogs can tolerate aspirin now and then, it is rougher on their stomach than it is on ours. For dog pain I use white willow bark, which is the precursor to aspirin. It’s anti-inflammatory and helps really well with pain WITHOUT the bad stomach effects. You can get it cheap at places that sell vitamins and food supplements. Good idea to give that with food too, just because.
And CONGRATULATIONS about the baby. Isn’t pregnancy amazing? Enjoy every minute.
Posted by: Catherine
Diego-bunny, why you go an hurt your mommy like that? It’s enough she has to juggle breakfast and swollen jugs then you stand in the wrong spot for pickup?
Preganancy boobs have such a lovely heft and density to them.
Google is going to bring some wonderful people to your site, it’s too bad you can’t set up a gateway that people who search certain strings on google have to click through that would get them to pay a subscriber fee to access all the “hot” pregnancy breast, implant & little injured dog with Latin-sounding name action–the baby would have a college fund in no time.
Posted by: spaazlicious
Your description of your preggy breasts reminds me of when Marge Simpson got breast implants and they kept on getting in the way of her everyday activities…like opening kitchen cabinets and such. Ah…boobies!
Posted by: Christie
Without the pregnant belly below them, those fake breasts look so stupid. Why would you want a shadow to be cast ABOVE your breasts? Gross.
Here’s hoping they shrink back to something resembling pre-pregnancy size. If it’s any consolation, Pete says that of the 3 kinds of natural breasts, childless, pregnant and post-pregnant, he thinks that post-pregnant feel the nicest, by far. Which is a really nice thing to say to your childless girlfriend, eh?
Posted by: jodi
My back hurt fairly steadily when I was pregnant. The thing that helped the most was a little pregnancy yoga in the morning and before bed. Even five minutes of going through just a few poses did wonders. I recommend getting a book or taking a class on yoga for pregnancy. They say it even helps labor to be easier, although I didn’t do enough of it to be able to say from personal experience. It did help me feel much better physically during pregnancy.
Posted by: Saralyn
Yoga during pregnancy is wonderful for back pain, but make sure you go to a specialised class. I did it through both my pregnancies and it really helped. As for the breasts – like everyone says, just wait until the milk comes in!
Posted by: Mary
I was having a bad day and just cracked up when reading your post about pregnant breasts! I am sorry for your back problems though!
Posted by: lia
Ouch ouch ouch. So sorry your back is out. As Claudia said, you’ve got the best PT. I had back problems when I was pregnant too, so you have my total sympathy.
Posted by: Cassie
And that, that RIGHT THERE, is the reason I’m not in any damn hurry to be pregnant. Especially now that I found out there exists in the universe a size J. JAY. F#^$% that sh*t. They’re fine the way they are, thank you very much. Though I do heartily give you the double-letter salute.
And I must add a philosophical note: as our bodies change every second on a microcellular level, don’t we all wake up to different bodies every morning? Discuss.
Posted by: Em
Ouch! I hope your back feels better soon. Oh my the pregnancy breasts. I was a triple D before I got pregnant – after I was pregnant they needed their own zip code. I didn’t even know they made bras in a I cup until I had to have them custom made. I would love to tell you they return to pre-pregnancy shape and size…well…you can always hope.
The changes of the pregnant body are wondrous. Like when you open the refrigerator door and WHAP yourself in the stomach, because it wasn’t that big yesterday. I once entertained an entire conference room of men by taking notes on a steno pad perched on my very pregnant belly that was doing the mambo.
Posted by: Bliss
Yes, that magic moment when the milk comes in. I ran screaming into the living room the morning I woke up with the biggest rack outside of a strip club. Freaked me the heck out.
Sorry about the back pain, hon. Nice to have a PT handy, tho, ain’t it?
Posted by: Iris
Sorry about the back–I’ve had a bad one now for a couple of years and I cannot count the number of times I have called my mom and apologized for torturing her while she couldn’t move…
I try to look on the bright side–at least when my back is acting up, I get a lot of knitting done.
oh–and the boobs. Lets just say, I had a reduction done a couple of years ago and I can barely tell nowadays. Its nice but wow, it makes you more self aware then you ever were before…
Posted by: Megan
I happened on to your blog today (for the knitting). Have to comment about boobies. I started out as a B and went DOWN a cup size after nursing each child. Three children later and I couldn’t even find a bra to fit. My husband used to joke that if we had anymore children my breasts would be inverted.
Breast, I mean best of luck. Take care of your ouchy back.
Posted by: Debra
Two words: body pillow,
Posted by: Frith
It’s all the badness. It makes little Diego much, much heavier. Cuidaoooo. Ta logooooooo.
Posted by: serena
I love hearing about pregnancys, I don’t know why, but pregnant women alway fascinate the hell out of me. maybe I just want to know what to expect when I have kids someday. On the subject of baby knits, have you checked out, Zoe Mellor’s,”Nursery Knits” ? There’s great stuff in there, including a blanket with moon and stars, you know, Luna, and all. Oh, and a very cute knitted penguin!
Posted by: Julia
Poor you! Poor Diego!
Hopefully everyone, big and small, will feel better soon. As for the boobs, I dread getting pregnant, it’s not going to be pretty at my house either. Interesting observation on the implants however.
Posted by: baast
My sister (who recently had a baby) was having a girls’ night sleepover w/ some friends. One had just gotten breast implants and was showing her friends what they looked like. My sister burst out laughing, and then lifted her shirt to show her friend why – her (natural) breasts looked exactly like the ones the friend had paid so much money to get.
Which makes me think your hypothesis might be true…
Posted by: Lizbon
yep, someone i know said recently how she wished she had taken pictures of her breasts before she got pregnant because THEY’LL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN (emphasis was hers not mine.)
i hear ya on back pain. i pulled a muscle between my shoulders two days ago and it’s been hell ever since.
Posted by: gleek
Oh man, I’m sorry about your back! And I feel your breat pain, I really do. Dean has only recently stopped talking about mine. 🙂
Posted by: melanie
Yeah, try going from triple letter size to something that most people don’t even know exists. Not fun. Seriously. Wait till the milk comes in (this, by the way, is really what they’re imitating with fake ones – I swear). I jumped up 6 sizes from start of pregnancy to breastfeeding. Insane. There’s your back ache. Luckily for you, I’m just a freak of nature, and most people don’t get the privilege of all that.
Just in case you ever need a really good bra or can’t find one that feels right (because most bra sales ladies try to sell you what they’ve got in stock not actually what you should wear), try this site for all sorts of great info plus links to sites where they sell larger size bras (even nursing ones)… (this site is purely informative – they don’t sell anything)
Sorry for highjacking your comments, but I thought the info could come in handy.
Posted by: Krista
Ouch! I had sciatica when I was pregnant, but i was lucky enough to have an amazing chiropractor who doesn’t crack anything. she practices a particular style of chiropractic called “directional non-force technique” and it helped me immensely. In fact, she even adjusted Noah after he was born and he would only nurse on one side. As far as breast size is concerned, I went down a full cup size after nursing two kids, but I really don’t care. I wish gravity weren’t taking its toll on me, but that’s another story entirely. I hope your back feels better soon!!
Posted by: regina
I don’t know. I think there are only so many shapes that breasts can take once you start making them bigger (through pregnancy or surgery). The other aspects of a fashionable woman (very thin, with no hips) is not an acurate portrayal of a pregnant woman.
The American way of thinking is bigger is better. Has anyone done a cultural comparison on breast augmentation surgery? Maybe women in other cultures don’t want them quite as big?
Posted by: LaurieM
Awwww….. So sorry you have back pain. I hate the back pain. No one should have it ever!!!
Posted by: Cassie
Hmm, that 50% figure sounds low to me. And yeah. EEE for me. I couldn’t even believe they made that size bra. It was not comfortable, and I could not wait for them to return to small. I was going to say “normal,” but of course that never happened, either.
Take care of that back and feel better soon!
Posted by: Norma
For Diego: Although dogs can tolerate aspirin now and then, it is rougher on their stomach than it is on ours. For dog pain I use white willow bark, which is the precursor to aspirin. It’s anti-inflammatory and helps really well with pain WITHOUT the bad stomach effects. You can get it cheap at places that sell vitamins and food supplements. Good idea to give that with food too, just because.
And CONGRATULATIONS about the baby. Isn’t pregnancy amazing? Enjoy every minute.
Posted by: Catherine
Diego-bunny, why you go an hurt your mommy like that? It’s enough she has to juggle breakfast and swollen jugs then you stand in the wrong spot for pickup?
Preganancy boobs have such a lovely heft and density to them.
Google is going to bring some wonderful people to your site, it’s too bad you can’t set up a gateway that people who search certain strings on google have to click through that would get them to pay a subscriber fee to access all the “hot” pregnancy breast, implant & little injured dog with Latin-sounding name action–the baby would have a college fund in no time.
Posted by: spaazlicious
Your description of your preggy breasts reminds me of when Marge Simpson got breast implants and they kept on getting in the way of her everyday activities…like opening kitchen cabinets and such. Ah…boobies!
Posted by: Christie
Without the pregnant belly below them, those fake breasts look so stupid. Why would you want a shadow to be cast ABOVE your breasts? Gross.
Here’s hoping they shrink back to something resembling pre-pregnancy size. If it’s any consolation, Pete says that of the 3 kinds of natural breasts, childless, pregnant and post-pregnant, he thinks that post-pregnant feel the nicest, by far. Which is a really nice thing to say to your childless girlfriend, eh?
Posted by: jodi
My back hurt fairly steadily when I was pregnant. The thing that helped the most was a little pregnancy yoga in the morning and before bed. Even five minutes of going through just a few poses did wonders. I recommend getting a book or taking a class on yoga for pregnancy. They say it even helps labor to be easier, although I didn’t do enough of it to be able to say from personal experience. It did help me feel much better physically during pregnancy.
Posted by: Saralyn
Yoga during pregnancy is wonderful for back pain, but make sure you go to a specialised class. I did it through both my pregnancies and it really helped. As for the breasts – like everyone says, just wait until the milk comes in!
Posted by: Mary
I was having a bad day and just cracked up when reading your post about pregnant breasts! I am sorry for your back problems though!
Posted by: lia
Ouch ouch ouch. So sorry your back is out. As Claudia said, you’ve got the best PT. I had back problems when I was pregnant too, so you have my total sympathy.
Posted by: Cassie
And that, that RIGHT THERE, is the reason I’m not in any damn hurry to be pregnant. Especially now that I found out there exists in the universe a size J. JAY. F#^$% that sh*t. They’re fine the way they are, thank you very much. Though I do heartily give you the double-letter salute.
And I must add a philosophical note: as our bodies change every second on a microcellular level, don’t we all wake up to different bodies every morning? Discuss.
Posted by: Em
Ouch! I hope your back feels better soon. Oh my the pregnancy breasts. I was a triple D before I got pregnant – after I was pregnant they needed their own zip code. I didn’t even know they made bras in a I cup until I had to have them custom made. I would love to tell you they return to pre-pregnancy shape and size…well…you can always hope.
The changes of the pregnant body are wondrous. Like when you open the refrigerator door and WHAP yourself in the stomach, because it wasn’t that big yesterday. I once entertained an entire conference room of men by taking notes on a steno pad perched on my very pregnant belly that was doing the mambo.
Posted by: Bliss
Yes, that magic moment when the milk comes in. I ran screaming into the living room the morning I woke up with the biggest rack outside of a strip club. Freaked me the heck out.
Sorry about the back pain, hon. Nice to have a PT handy, tho, ain’t it?
Posted by: Iris
Sorry about the back–I’ve had a bad one now for a couple of years and I cannot count the number of times I have called my mom and apologized for torturing her while she couldn’t move…
I try to look on the bright side–at least when my back is acting up, I get a lot of knitting done.
oh–and the boobs. Lets just say, I had a reduction done a couple of years ago and I can barely tell nowadays. Its nice but wow, it makes you more self aware then you ever were before…
Posted by: Megan
I happened on to your blog today (for the knitting). Have to comment about boobies. I started out as a B and went DOWN a cup size after nursing each child. Three children later and I couldn’t even find a bra to fit. My husband used to joke that if we had anymore children my breasts would be inverted.
Breast, I mean best of luck. Take care of your ouchy back.
Posted by: Debra
Two words: body pillow,
Posted by: Frith
It’s all the badness. It makes little Diego much, much heavier. Cuidaoooo. Ta logooooooo.
Posted by: serena
I love hearing about pregnancys, I don’t know why, but pregnant women alway fascinate the hell out of me. maybe I just want to know what to expect when I have kids someday. On the subject of baby knits, have you checked out, Zoe Mellor’s,”Nursery Knits” ? There’s great stuff in there, including a blanket with moon and stars, you know, Luna, and all. Oh, and a very cute knitted penguin!
Posted by: Julia
Poor you! Poor Diego!
Hopefully everyone, big and small, will feel better soon. As for the boobs, I dread getting pregnant, it’s not going to be pretty at my house either. Interesting observation on the implants however.
Posted by: baast
My sister (who recently had a baby) was having a girls’ night sleepover w/ some friends. One had just gotten breast implants and was showing her friends what they looked like. My sister burst out laughing, and then lifted her shirt to show her friend why – her (natural) breasts looked exactly like the ones the friend had paid so much money to get.
Which makes me think your hypothesis might be true…
Posted by: Lizbon
Morgan and Bailey caused me similar pain several years ago. Picking up 30-40 pound Golden Retrievers incorrectly is a great way to really screw up your back. My lower back was spasming so badly I couldn’t stand up straight for a couple of days.
I love breasts.
Posted by: David
I have been away from the blog for a bit and just came back to such great news!!!! No, not the back pain, the baby. Congratulations from a lurker. Hope the back feels better soon (and on the topic of breasts — I was out with my breast obsessesed friend who always says no one can rival mine — and then there was this Asian girl but I thought they were too full, must be fake, so I know exactly what you mean about prosthetics being like pregnant breasts. he didn’t seem to mind but upon finding out she was Asian (he hadn’t noticed that at first) and the guy she was with pronounced her for hire
Posted by: Jasmine
I hear you on the breast thing, having done it twice.
The other thing that my nurse practicioner said with my first pregnancy that has stuck in my mind ever since was that after having a baby and breastfeeding that my breasts would look like raisins on pancakes. I totally didn’t understand it at the time but now I do!
Posted by: Marie
I hear you on the breast thing, having done it twice.
The other thing that my nurse practicioner said with my first pregnancy that has stuck in my mind ever since was that after having a baby and breastfeeding that my breasts would look like raisins on pancakes. I totally didn’t understand it at the time but now I do!
Posted by: Marie
Oh the breast observations are hilarious. You are so right!
So sorry to hear about your back. I’m one of those sufferers. Now both you and Diego will need to take it easy.
Posted by: Shelley
chiming in with all the others… just wait. change is at hand! ahhhh nursing…what it will do to them 🙂
be careful! no more picking up puppies! take every advantage of pregnancy – when you have a little one screaming for no reason, i promise, you’ll wish you had 🙂
man, what a downer i am – don’t get me wrong…. every moment of everything pregnancy and post is worth it!
Posted by: rebecca
I’ve no personal experience to bank on, but have heard about the overnight explosions that result in bras that no longer fit. My mom has always spoken of her time as a pregnant/nursing mom with pride – she was able to (finally) escape the “A” section of the alphabet.
I hope both you and Diego are feeling better soon and that this was just a one time event. 🙂
Posted by: Kristen
Mine bizarrely never went back. And PMS makes them feel and look like they did while I was nursing. Too bad, because they’re uberbreasts right at a time where I feel like throwing heavy objects at the nearest human being and eating massive amounts of chocolate underneath a warm blanket.
On the bright side, for my husband, anyway, I didn’t have much before. Now I have cleavage.
I think the bigger-as-we-get-older phenomenon is happening in my family anyway. My poor sister is getting hers reduced because she can no longer stand the back pain.
Hang in there…no pun intended…Muah 🙂
Posted by: Lee Ann
Heehee…wait till the baby is really, really big, and you pee a little when you sneeze! Ah, pregnancy.
Posted by: Kate
I just buzzed in from Alison, and was caught by your post on backs/pregnancy/breasts.
Constant nausea overshadowed my pregnancy backpain. As for the breasts, it’s a whole new ballgame post-pregnancy. Think of balloons filled with warm jello.
Posted by: Candy
This is what happens when I don’t read the internet enough: We’re lying in bed. And there’s a conversation that goes like this: Lala: “You’re stacked.” “Thanks.” “Like Cari.” “WHAT?” “You need to catch up on her blog, all I’m saying.”
Posted by: Rachael
The “belly bra” from right start was the best thing for my prego back. (the stupid strip of elastic from motherhood is not even close)
i highly recommend it. it was about $35.
Posted by: heatherly
About the back pain: I am (give or take) EXACTLY as preggers as you (due June 12th) and I had the same agonizing back pain… but no Diego. At prenatal yoga (adoration!) I found out that many women think they’ve pulled their backs at about week 12/14. A real yowie pain, like nothing you’ve done before. The theory we came up with is it’s the bits moving up out of the bony pelvis into the osfter belly and, well, those muscles ain’t never done that before. For me anyhow, it went away much faster than a real pulled back would have… which I also wish for you!
On boobies – I feel cheated! I got nothin’ new! Humpf!
Posted by: sophiagrrl
Morgan and Bailey caused me similar pain several years ago. Picking up 30-40 pound Golden Retrievers incorrectly is a great way to really screw up your back. My lower back was spasming so badly I couldn’t stand up straight for a couple of days.
I love breasts.
Posted by: David
I have been away from the blog for a bit and just came back to such great news!!!! No, not the back pain, the baby. Congratulations from a lurker. Hope the back feels better soon (and on the topic of breasts — I was out with my breast obsessesed friend who always says no one can rival mine — and then there was this Asian girl but I thought they were too full, must be fake, so I know exactly what you mean about prosthetics being like pregnant breasts. he didn’t seem to mind but upon finding out she was Asian (he hadn’t noticed that at first) and the guy she was with pronounced her for hire
Posted by: Jasmine
I hear you on the breast thing, having done it twice.
The other thing that my nurse practicioner said with my first pregnancy that has stuck in my mind ever since was that after having a baby and breastfeeding that my breasts would look like raisins on pancakes. I totally didn’t understand it at the time but now I do!
Posted by: Marie
I hear you on the breast thing, having done it twice.
The other thing that my nurse practicioner said with my first pregnancy that has stuck in my mind ever since was that after having a baby and breastfeeding that my breasts would look like raisins on pancakes. I totally didn’t understand it at the time but now I do!
Posted by: Marie
Oh the breast observations are hilarious. You are so right!
So sorry to hear about your back. I’m one of those sufferers. Now both you and Diego will need to take it easy.
Posted by: Shelley
chiming in with all the others… just wait. change is at hand! ahhhh nursing…what it will do to them 🙂
be careful! no more picking up puppies! take every advantage of pregnancy – when you have a little one screaming for no reason, i promise, you’ll wish you had 🙂
man, what a downer i am – don’t get me wrong…. every moment of everything pregnancy and post is worth it!
Posted by: rebecca
I’ve no personal experience to bank on, but have heard about the overnight explosions that result in bras that no longer fit. My mom has always spoken of her time as a pregnant/nursing mom with pride – she was able to (finally) escape the “A” section of the alphabet.
I hope both you and Diego are feeling better soon and that this was just a one time event. 🙂
Posted by: Kristen
Mine bizarrely never went back. And PMS makes them feel and look like they did while I was nursing. Too bad, because they’re uberbreasts right at a time where I feel like throwing heavy objects at the nearest human being and eating massive amounts of chocolate underneath a warm blanket.
On the bright side, for my husband, anyway, I didn’t have much before. Now I have cleavage.
I think the bigger-as-we-get-older phenomenon is happening in my family anyway. My poor sister is getting hers reduced because she can no longer stand the back pain.
Hang in there…no pun intended…Muah 🙂
Posted by: Lee Ann
Heehee…wait till the baby is really, really big, and you pee a little when you sneeze! Ah, pregnancy.
Posted by: Kate
I just buzzed in from Alison, and was caught by your post on backs/pregnancy/breasts.
Constant nausea overshadowed my pregnancy backpain. As for the breasts, it’s a whole new ballgame post-pregnancy. Think of balloons filled with warm jello.
Posted by: Candy
This is what happens when I don’t read the internet enough: We’re lying in bed. And there’s a conversation that goes like this: Lala: “You’re stacked.” “Thanks.” “Like Cari.” “WHAT?” “You need to catch up on her blog, all I’m saying.”
Posted by: Rachael
The “belly bra” from right start was the best thing for my prego back. (the stupid strip of elastic from motherhood is not even close)
i highly recommend it. it was about $35.
Posted by: heatherly
About the back pain: I am (give or take) EXACTLY as preggers as you (due June 12th) and I had the same agonizing back pain… but no Diego. At prenatal yoga (adoration!) I found out that many women think they’ve pulled their backs at about week 12/14. A real yowie pain, like nothing you’ve done before. The theory we came up with is it’s the bits moving up out of the bony pelvis into the osfter belly and, well, those muscles ain’t never done that before. For me anyhow, it went away much faster than a real pulled back would have… which I also wish for you!
On boobies – I feel cheated! I got nothin’ new! Humpf!
Posted by: sophiagrrl