Guess it’s handwashing from now on


The washing machine ate one of my feather and fan socks. Its first time through the washer and it came out all chewed up! I was going to show you a close-up of the hole, but its just too gory a sight for a knitter. This is the third sock the washer has eaten in the last month. I’d love to know what’s going on in there. These huge holes, with many strands torn and frayed and dropped stitches everywhere etc aren’t exactly fun to repair, but I just can’t bring myself to throw out a pair of handknit socks. So I’ve been fixing them. Luckily all the holes have been on the foot so far, so it doesn’t matter that the results are somewhat ugly. Too ugly to show on the blog (come on. no one wants to see a sock with a scar) but not too ugly to wear inside my shoe. Frankensocks. It’s all very sad.

I’ve given up on the washer. Last night I handwashed seven pairs of socks, and that’s what I’ll keep doing from now on. I had considered washing the socks in the washer but zipping them into a zippered pillowcase or something, but now the washer has me spooked. The socks will probably hold up longer with handwashing, anyway. And we love our handknit socks around here.

74 Comments on “Guess it’s handwashing from now on

  1. There’s a sharp edge in there somewhere…run your hand through and get ready to face the fact….yup, you need Need NEED a new washer….
    Posted by: Carmen

  2. I find that using a mesh bag for delicates on the delicate cycle works well but I suspect that there is something rough in your washing machine’s drum or agitator. So sorry about the sock damage…it is heartbreaking to view.
    Posted by: Mary Lou

  3. The socks are still awesome, even with their baby little scar. 🙁 Sorry that happened.

    Pretty colors, which yarn did you use? Not quite a sock knitter yet, but I have some Koigu I’m wanting to try…

    Poo to your washer. Might wanna consider replacing it… Would hate to see this happen to your zippered sweater, etc.
    Posted by: Stephie-P

  4. Yeah, I have washed two pairs in the machine for the first time, and it will be my last. The Fleece Artist ones came out horribly pilly. The Trekking ones you made me came out great, but I’m still going to go back to hand-washing. It’s not worth the risk.
    Posted by: Norma

  5. I’m nearly finished with a pair of toddler size socks for Emeline and plan to toss them into the washer and see if they’re eaten. My washer doesn’t eat anything else so why would it eat my socks? Maybe because they’re intended for deliciously sweet little baby feet? I don’t know. It’s a scary thought, really. And I won’t throw grown-up socks in there until I know the little bitty ones won’t be eaten.
    Posted by: Laura

  6. I don’t have many pairs of handknit socks yet and so far I’ve been handwashing. But I really like my mesh zippered bags for other delicate laundry (bras, etc.). When you figure out your washing machine problem, you might try that.
    Posted by: Karma

  7. Uh-oh! I’ve been washing my socks by either using Stephanie’s method (wearing them in the shower), or just letting them soak in the sink while I’m in the shower, and then laying them out to dry after I’m done. Minimal work, either way, and gentler on my handknits–not a bad thing!
    Posted by: –Deb

  8. Ack! I’m weeping, just thinking about it. I’m just about to Kitchener the toe of my second handknit sock (no, not the mate of the first one, what do you think I am??) and I’m now determined that neither of these will ever see the inside of a washing machine.
    Posted by: Rabbitch

  9. Woo … is there a dog or something more scary hiding inside the machine? Have you checked? I machine wash my socks too … you have scared me now! 🙂
    Posted by: Agnes

  10. There’s a sharp edge in there somewhere…run your hand through and get ready to face the fact….yup, you need Need NEED a new washer….
    Posted by: Carmen

  11. I find that using a mesh bag for delicates on the delicate cycle works well but I suspect that there is something rough in your washing machine’s drum or agitator. So sorry about the sock damage…it is heartbreaking to view.
    Posted by: Mary Lou

  12. The socks are still awesome, even with their baby little scar. 🙁 Sorry that happened.

    Pretty colors, which yarn did you use? Not quite a sock knitter yet, but I have some Koigu I’m wanting to try…

    Poo to your washer. Might wanna consider replacing it… Would hate to see this happen to your zippered sweater, etc.
    Posted by: Stephie-P

  13. Yeah, I have washed two pairs in the machine for the first time, and it will be my last. The Fleece Artist ones came out horribly pilly. The Trekking ones you made me came out great, but I’m still going to go back to hand-washing. It’s not worth the risk.
    Posted by: Norma

  14. I’m nearly finished with a pair of toddler size socks for Emeline and plan to toss them into the washer and see if they’re eaten. My washer doesn’t eat anything else so why would it eat my socks? Maybe because they’re intended for deliciously sweet little baby feet? I don’t know. It’s a scary thought, really. And I won’t throw grown-up socks in there until I know the little bitty ones won’t be eaten.
    Posted by: Laura

  15. I don’t have many pairs of handknit socks yet and so far I’ve been handwashing. But I really like my mesh zippered bags for other delicate laundry (bras, etc.). When you figure out your washing machine problem, you might try that.
    Posted by: Karma

  16. Uh-oh! I’ve been washing my socks by either using Stephanie’s method (wearing them in the shower), or just letting them soak in the sink while I’m in the shower, and then laying them out to dry after I’m done. Minimal work, either way, and gentler on my handknits–not a bad thing!
    Posted by: –Deb

  17. Ack! I’m weeping, just thinking about it. I’m just about to Kitchener the toe of my second handknit sock (no, not the mate of the first one, what do you think I am??) and I’m now determined that neither of these will ever see the inside of a washing machine.
    Posted by: Rabbitch

  18. Woo … is there a dog or something more scary hiding inside the machine? Have you checked? I machine wash my socks too … you have scared me now! 🙂
    Posted by: Agnes

  19. Hi – I didn’t see a way to email this question so I’ll post it here in hopes that you might read it. I saw a few/several months ago that you made a Lopi Cardigan? I’ve been working on one too, and I’ve really had trouble with understanding how the collar attaches in front to the left and right front bodies. I’ve tried it several ways and taken it out because it seems there’s a mistake in the pattern? Several of my knitting friends have looked at the pattern and agree. Did you run into trouble on how the collar is knitting onto the front pieces? is the supposed to be a little fold-back facing? or is it shaped really strangely? The one in your photo looked fine, but I couldn’t see it close up. I haven’t been able to find any official errata online either. Thanks so much – Shelley

    Posted by: Shelley (Pink House)

  20. I won’t say that I’ve been lucky with machine washing my 2 pair of handknit socks so far, coz that’d just be inviting trouble.

    What I Will say is that I’m very impressed that you take the time to fix things. And that you own a darning egg. I wouldn’t even know where to find one, much less what to do with it. Is there a book or other resource out there on mending knits? (this reminds me of a story; when my Mum was about 12 she knit her first sock, and was justifiably proud of it. Her mother then cut a great ruddy hole in it so she could learn how to properly darn a sock. An abrupt and sad end to any further sock knitting interest by Mum.)
    Posted by: Rachel H

  21. I have been throwing mine in the washer for years and never had anything like that happen. I think you must have something sharp in there too. Bummer.
    Posted by: Karen

  22. Hate to say it, but people are right about the washer…I mean, you’re going to need one that doesn’t tear apart baby clothes, handknit or not, and those things can be pretty delicate…

    That is some serious sock gore, there. You’re a brave woman, Cari Luna.
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  23. It’s a pain in the ass, but I handwash all of my handknit socks, too. It’s just safer that way.
    Posted by: Carole

  24. eucalan.

    i own my grandmother’s darning egg, but i have forgotten how to use it. yes, i’ll have to google some resource, huh?
    Posted by: e

  25. Oh, what a drag. machine washing is so tempting, though, isn’t it? I’m sorry your beautiful socks got eaten. I use one of those zippered mesh bags for fine washables and it’s worked out really well so far, but it does sound like maybe there’s something sharp (perhaps a part that got loose?) in there.

    Posted by: regina

  26. That is an ugly sight. I wonder, though, why other clothes besides socks don’t get eaten….

    Maybe….because there is a Sock Ness Monster in the washer!
    Posted by: claudia

  27. Hi – I didn’t see a way to email this question so I’ll post it here in hopes that you might read it. I saw a few/several months ago that you made a Lopi Cardigan? I’ve been working on one too, and I’ve really had trouble with understanding how the collar attaches in front to the left and right front bodies. I’ve tried it several ways and taken it out because it seems there’s a mistake in the pattern? Several of my knitting friends have looked at the pattern and agree. Did you run into trouble on how the collar is knitting onto the front pieces? is the supposed to be a little fold-back facing? or is it shaped really strangely? The one in your photo looked fine, but I couldn’t see it close up. I haven’t been able to find any official errata online either. Thanks so much – Shelley

    Posted by: Shelley (Pink House)

  28. I won’t say that I’ve been lucky with machine washing my 2 pair of handknit socks so far, coz that’d just be inviting trouble.

    What I Will say is that I’m very impressed that you take the time to fix things. And that you own a darning egg. I wouldn’t even know where to find one, much less what to do with it. Is there a book or other resource out there on mending knits? (this reminds me of a story; when my Mum was about 12 she knit her first sock, and was justifiably proud of it. Her mother then cut a great ruddy hole in it so she could learn how to properly darn a sock. An abrupt and sad end to any further sock knitting interest by Mum.)
    Posted by: Rachel H

  29. I have been throwing mine in the washer for years and never had anything like that happen. I think you must have something sharp in there too. Bummer.
    Posted by: Karen

  30. Hate to say it, but people are right about the washer…I mean, you’re going to need one that doesn’t tear apart baby clothes, handknit or not, and those things can be pretty delicate…

    That is some serious sock gore, there. You’re a brave woman, Cari Luna.
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  31. It’s a pain in the ass, but I handwash all of my handknit socks, too. It’s just safer that way.
    Posted by: Carole

  32. eucalan.

    i own my grandmother’s darning egg, but i have forgotten how to use it. yes, i’ll have to google some resource, huh?
    Posted by: e

  33. Oh, what a drag. machine washing is so tempting, though, isn’t it? I’m sorry your beautiful socks got eaten. I use one of those zippered mesh bags for fine washables and it’s worked out really well so far, but it does sound like maybe there’s something sharp (perhaps a part that got loose?) in there.

    Posted by: regina

  34. That is an ugly sight. I wonder, though, why other clothes besides socks don’t get eaten….

    Maybe….because there is a Sock Ness Monster in the washer!
    Posted by: claudia

  35. Ouch,that huuuuuurts.

    My handknit socks go through the washing machine in a lingerie bag and they’ve all been fine so far.

    But hey, a new washer instead, that would work for me!
    Posted by: ginchy

  36. Oh no! That’s terrible… I put mine in a mesh bag, but it’s also a front loader. I had a Koigu ankle sock come out with a hole, it’s still unmended, I can’t bear to deal with it yet.
    Posted by: Monica

  37. oh no! I’ve been handwashing my socks lately too, but…kinda more because I didn’t want to go to the laundromat than anything else.
    Posted by: Em

  38. i often wash handknit socks in the shower. i get a squirt of shampoo, they get a squirt too! if water is going to be running down my elbows, i’d rather it be in the shower. besides, i don’t even have a washer to eat my socks, and my sink is tiny at best!
    Posted by: gray la gran

  39. That is terribly disappointing news about your socks! My condolences. It is a beautiful sock and I’m sure your repair will make it unique and still wearable! I love hearing your baby on the way news!
    Posted by: Stephanie

  40. sounds like you’ve got a gremlin in your washer because i wash mine in the machine all the time pas de problème. how is it that your machine messes with nothing else? spooky!
    Posted by: carolyn

  41. I think your machine must have something specifically against handknits. Do you ever wash any handknits other than socks in there? Anyway, having only ever knit two pairs of socks, I would be devastated if my machine did something like that. Hence, handwashing. And lots of patience. You are very talented to be able to repair them, though!
    Posted by: Sneaksleep

  42. Yikes!! I also machine wash, and so far so good. There must be a sharp edge somewhere in your washer — but no damage to anything but handknit socks? Oh, that is just So Wrong.
    Posted by: alison

  43. I’m halfway up the foot of my first sock (not for me, for my hiker younger brother who wears size 11 men’s, oy), and I’m going to make a “Yarn Harlot Sock Washing Method” instruction sheet to give with the pair because my mother’s washer eats a lot of random stuff. Hubby’s work pants included. I’ve always thought her method was brilliant.
    Posted by: jen

  44. Hey – I just wanted to let you know that the stash sale needles arrived yesterday – thanks for packing them so carefully, they suffered no mishandling in the mailroom!

    And – your washer is EVIL! What a bummer!
    Posted by: Amanda

  45. Could it be bra hooks – I discovered that my bras had become bullies in the wash so its them that get handwashed now – hoping solitary confinement will teach them the error of their ways! (lovely ex-socks bty)
    Posted by: Cherry

  46. I once thought something *very* bad had happened to my washing machine, due in part to a loud, funky clanking noise. Turned out that a rogue underwire from a bra had snuck out during a wash and wedged itself through a hole in the drum. Perhaps the sock vandal is something just as innocent?

    good luck. that’s a lot of time to see go down the drain, so to speak.

    Posted by: paula

  47. Ouch,that huuuuuurts.

    My handknit socks go through the washing machine in a lingerie bag and they’ve all been fine so far.

    But hey, a new washer instead, that would work for me!
    Posted by: ginchy

  48. Oh no! That’s terrible… I put mine in a mesh bag, but it’s also a front loader. I had a Koigu ankle sock come out with a hole, it’s still unmended, I can’t bear to deal with it yet.
    Posted by: Monica

  49. oh no! I’ve been handwashing my socks lately too, but…kinda more because I didn’t want to go to the laundromat than anything else.
    Posted by: Em

  50. i often wash handknit socks in the shower. i get a squirt of shampoo, they get a squirt too! if water is going to be running down my elbows, i’d rather it be in the shower. besides, i don’t even have a washer to eat my socks, and my sink is tiny at best!
    Posted by: gray la gran

  51. That is terribly disappointing news about your socks! My condolences. It is a beautiful sock and I’m sure your repair will make it unique and still wearable! I love hearing your baby on the way news!
    Posted by: Stephanie

  52. sounds like you’ve got a gremlin in your washer because i wash mine in the machine all the time pas de problème. how is it that your machine messes with nothing else? spooky!
    Posted by: carolyn

  53. I think your machine must have something specifically against handknits. Do you ever wash any handknits other than socks in there? Anyway, having only ever knit two pairs of socks, I would be devastated if my machine did something like that. Hence, handwashing. And lots of patience. You are very talented to be able to repair them, though!
    Posted by: Sneaksleep

  54. Yikes!! I also machine wash, and so far so good. There must be a sharp edge somewhere in your washer — but no damage to anything but handknit socks? Oh, that is just So Wrong.
    Posted by: alison

  55. I’m halfway up the foot of my first sock (not for me, for my hiker younger brother who wears size 11 men’s, oy), and I’m going to make a “Yarn Harlot Sock Washing Method” instruction sheet to give with the pair because my mother’s washer eats a lot of random stuff. Hubby’s work pants included. I’ve always thought her method was brilliant.
    Posted by: jen

  56. Hey – I just wanted to let you know that the stash sale needles arrived yesterday – thanks for packing them so carefully, they suffered no mishandling in the mailroom!

    And – your washer is EVIL! What a bummer!
    Posted by: Amanda

  57. Could it be bra hooks – I discovered that my bras had become bullies in the wash so its them that get handwashed now – hoping solitary confinement will teach them the error of their ways! (lovely ex-socks bty)
    Posted by: Cherry

  58. I once thought something *very* bad had happened to my washing machine, due in part to a loud, funky clanking noise. Turned out that a rogue underwire from a bra had snuck out during a wash and wedged itself through a hole in the drum. Perhaps the sock vandal is something just as innocent?

    good luck. that’s a lot of time to see go down the drain, so to speak.

    Posted by: paula

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