The view from the birth ball
Thumper and I have been named to the No Back Labor Task Force. Our primary responsibilities fall to me and involve keeping my weight forward, sitting with my knees lower than my hips, and keeping tabs on his positioning within the Ginormous Belly O’ Doom. (Yes, the belly now looks like the Death Star. I’ve got some photos taken at unflattering angles to prove it, but I’m not in such a sharing mood.)
To this end, I spend a hell of a lot of time either in hands-and-knees position or sitting on a birth ball. Before I got pregnant, I thought these things were called physio balls. I used them for trivial activities like exercising and stretching. Silly me. It’s a birth ball. I feel a bit like I’m nesting on a giant green egg when I sit on it, but it’s more comfortable than the straightback chairs in the house and it keeps me in a good position.
Thumper has been in a great position all along. The goal is now to keep him there. (His primary responsibility is to stay put with his head down and his tush toward my belly button.) Because he’s been very cooperative with the positioning, and because I’m good at identifying what baby parts are where, my doula has given me her blessing to sit back on the couch with my feet up for a while each evening. But that’s not the majority of the time. Most of my time, this is what the world looks like from where I sit:
Belly, lace knitting, knees. The birth ball is there, but you can’t see it due to the total belly eclipse. And on the floor, keeping the ball of laceweight merino neat, the lovely basket bag Alison made me quite some time ago. It’s turned out to be the perfect project bag for a project that uses threadlike yarn that must be protected from the cat at all times. It’s the Kimono Shawl from Folk Shawls, by the way. I’m using the handpainted laceweight Merino purchased two Rhinebecks ago. This yarn used to be the beginning of a Madli Shawl. Then I came to terms with the fact that I don’t like knitting nupps, probably never will like knitting nupps, and in fact don’t especially care for the look of nupps. Madli was frogged. Kimono was cast on. Much better.
Thumper’s due to make his appearance on June 17th. We’re really in the homestretch now. I can’t wait to meet him.
I look very forward to meeting mr. thumper. I can’t tell you how impressed I am that you have the patience or the mental wherewithall to knit lace! By the time I was that pregnant, it was all I could do to string a cogent sentence together, much less knit something complex.
Posted by: regina
Good for you for doing what’s right most of the time. I had swelling/blood pressure issues so I had to sit with my feet up ALL the time. But the labor went well and I won’t complain.
Thinking about you a lot these days, ya know.
Posted by: Carole
I hope Thumper continues to cooperate with the positioning. I’m thinking about the Kimono Shawl myself for some laceweight cashmere I recently acquired. But I won’t be knitting mine sitting on a birthing ball! Wow!
Posted by: Wendy
I think this last little bit may be the hardest part.
Posted by: LaurieM
Wow, 2.5 weeks – but really, it can be any time now and you’re good to go development wise. So exciting!! You are gonna kick ass, mama.
Posted by: melanie
I look very forward to meeting mr. thumper. I can’t tell you how impressed I am that you have the patience or the mental wherewithall to knit lace! By the time I was that pregnant, it was all I could do to string a cogent sentence together, much less knit something complex.
Posted by: regina
Good for you for doing what’s right most of the time. I had swelling/blood pressure issues so I had to sit with my feet up ALL the time. But the labor went well and I won’t complain.
Thinking about you a lot these days, ya know.
Posted by: Carole
I hope Thumper continues to cooperate with the positioning. I’m thinking about the Kimono Shawl myself for some laceweight cashmere I recently acquired. But I won’t be knitting mine sitting on a birthing ball! Wow!
Posted by: Wendy
I think this last little bit may be the hardest part.
Posted by: LaurieM
Wow, 2.5 weeks – but really, it can be any time now and you’re good to go development wise. So exciting!! You are gonna kick ass, mama.
Posted by: melanie
The home stretch indeed! This is the part that’s two part’s exciting, one part frustrating, coz as much as you’re excited to meet your son, you’re also pretty much ready to have him move the hell out of his current abode.
Funnily enough though, I’ve just started using an exercise ball as my chair at the office. Definitely not a birth ball in my case though.
Posted by: Rachel H
Wow, not much longer now! I can’t wait to meet Thumper, take it nice and easy until he arrives! (aside from the effort of sitting on the green squishy egg thing, of course)
Posted by: Amber
“Total Belly Eclipse”! I love it. I’m still at work! Waaah. I grew so much this weekend. That must be why I was so tired. Hang in there, buddy. I’m glad to hear that Thumper is in the right position.
Posted by: Karma
Wow, I’m impressed. And a little petrified since I’m a future Brooklyn mama who is a mere 16 weeks down this path.
Should you have any free time I’d love to hear about any resources you can reccommend in Brooklyn or the Slope (pre-natal exercise classes, doulas, anything…)
Good luck with the home stretch!!!
Posted by: liz
You know seeing that picture took me back 21-1/2 years ago when I gave birth to my first born.
He was 2 ounces shy of 10 pounds
He was born drug free
He was not coming out without some serious coaxing.
Best of luck and remember this…..The birth of your first child only happens once. Enjoy every moment of it. This is a memory you will forever recall. Mostly about 16 years from now, when his wings are speading and your patience is tried!
Best of luck Cari!
Posted by: Betsy
OK, to clarify He was not born drug free because I had a drug problem.
YIKES, I meant I did not take anything for pain and no epidural
Posted by: Betsy
I hope the next few weeks are good ones for all three of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My “baby” will be 21 in March and he continues to be the greatest miracle in my life. Thumper is a lucky little guy.
Posted by: delia
Getting so close! I’m rediculously excited for you. I can’t believe it’s been that long though. Seems like just yesterday you were surprising us with the wonderful news. Keep up the good behavior you two 🙂
Posted by: Vicki
I love the photo. I hope you are finding moments of physical comfort in these last weeks. A Gemini baby…
Posted by: Gina
I love the total belly eclipse. Too funny. Everything is going to be PERFECT, I just know it. I feel it.
Posted by: Norma
The home stretch indeed! This is the part that’s two part’s exciting, one part frustrating, coz as much as you’re excited to meet your son, you’re also pretty much ready to have him move the hell out of his current abode.
Funnily enough though, I’ve just started using an exercise ball as my chair at the office. Definitely not a birth ball in my case though.
Posted by: Rachel H
Wow, not much longer now! I can’t wait to meet Thumper, take it nice and easy until he arrives! (aside from the effort of sitting on the green squishy egg thing, of course)
Posted by: Amber
“Total Belly Eclipse”! I love it. I’m still at work! Waaah. I grew so much this weekend. That must be why I was so tired. Hang in there, buddy. I’m glad to hear that Thumper is in the right position.
Posted by: Karma
Wow, I’m impressed. And a little petrified since I’m a future Brooklyn mama who is a mere 16 weeks down this path.
Should you have any free time I’d love to hear about any resources you can reccommend in Brooklyn or the Slope (pre-natal exercise classes, doulas, anything…)
Good luck with the home stretch!!!
Posted by: liz
You know seeing that picture took me back 21-1/2 years ago when I gave birth to my first born.
He was 2 ounces shy of 10 pounds
He was born drug free
He was not coming out without some serious coaxing.
Best of luck and remember this…..The birth of your first child only happens once. Enjoy every moment of it. This is a memory you will forever recall. Mostly about 16 years from now, when his wings are speading and your patience is tried!
Best of luck Cari!
Posted by: Betsy
OK, to clarify He was not born drug free because I had a drug problem.
YIKES, I meant I did not take anything for pain and no epidural
Posted by: Betsy
I hope the next few weeks are good ones for all three of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My “baby” will be 21 in March and he continues to be the greatest miracle in my life. Thumper is a lucky little guy.
Posted by: delia
Getting so close! I’m rediculously excited for you. I can’t believe it’s been that long though. Seems like just yesterday you were surprising us with the wonderful news. Keep up the good behavior you two 🙂
Posted by: Vicki
I love the photo. I hope you are finding moments of physical comfort in these last weeks. A Gemini baby…
Posted by: Gina
I love the total belly eclipse. Too funny. Everything is going to be PERFECT, I just know it. I feel it.
Posted by: Norma
Personal Journal, Day 250
I’m in the home stretch now. All of our careful planning comes to a head, pardon the pun, in a little under three weeks. I believe I’ve drawn enough energy from the woman to both weaken her and make it on my own.
If the kitty’s done her part, then the dogs and the man should be powerless to resist our combined assault. I believe the two-pronged attack will prove to be a success.
Posted by: Codename Thumper
You’re almost there!!
Posted by: –Deb
Wonderful photo, and good to know about the exercise/birth ball. I’m glad I didn’t get rid of it when I gave up exercise.
Posted by: Susan
I hate to be the harbinger of bad news, I really really do, but correct positioning doesn’t guarantee a lack of back labor. Case in point: when my son was born 6 months+1 day ago, he was in perfect position, and he was born after 24.5 hours of total back labor. What really really helped me get through all that was near-constant pressure on my lower back, especially during contractions, and the bathtub was absolutely fantastic.
Posted by: jen
Hello cute little schmoo in there! Maybe you want to hang on until the 21st so you can be a Cancer? Cancer boys are the best. But with this heat and humidity, the sooner you come out and stop kicking your mom’s bladder the better.
Posted by: sarah
Wow! OK, now I feel like a total wuss for ripping out my Kimono Shawl last week after messing up on the last row of the first repeat. I am starting over tonight and will think of you sitting on the birthing ball. Good luck and hang in there!
Posted by: emily
i love the picture 🙂 (and if for some reason you have back labor….pushing a tennis ball against my back helped aleviate some of the pain. that and eventually the very nice man who gave me an epidural)
Posted by: rebecca
Awesome belly picture! I can’t believe it’s almost time already. Boy these 8+ months went by fast…for me. 🙂
Posted by: Karen
That’s 18 more days sitting on a giant ball. Just sayin’.
I’ve always admired the Kimono Shawl. Lovely choice.
Posted by: claudia
wow! that brought back memories 🙂 It is highly possible that Thumper may share his birthday with my first born. He’s going to be 20 – Lord how times fly 🙂
Posted by: janine
Personal Journal, Day 250
I’m in the home stretch now. All of our careful planning comes to a head, pardon the pun, in a little under three weeks. I believe I’ve drawn enough energy from the woman to both weaken her and make it on my own.
If the kitty’s done her part, then the dogs and the man should be powerless to resist our combined assault. I believe the two-pronged attack will prove to be a success.
Posted by: Codename Thumper
You’re almost there!!
Posted by: –Deb
Wonderful photo, and good to know about the exercise/birth ball. I’m glad I didn’t get rid of it when I gave up exercise.
Posted by: Susan
I hate to be the harbinger of bad news, I really really do, but correct positioning doesn’t guarantee a lack of back labor. Case in point: when my son was born 6 months+1 day ago, he was in perfect position, and he was born after 24.5 hours of total back labor. What really really helped me get through all that was near-constant pressure on my lower back, especially during contractions, and the bathtub was absolutely fantastic.
Posted by: jen
Hello cute little schmoo in there! Maybe you want to hang on until the 21st so you can be a Cancer? Cancer boys are the best. But with this heat and humidity, the sooner you come out and stop kicking your mom’s bladder the better.
Posted by: sarah
Wow! OK, now I feel like a total wuss for ripping out my Kimono Shawl last week after messing up on the last row of the first repeat. I am starting over tonight and will think of you sitting on the birthing ball. Good luck and hang in there!
Posted by: emily
i love the picture 🙂 (and if for some reason you have back labor….pushing a tennis ball against my back helped aleviate some of the pain. that and eventually the very nice man who gave me an epidural)
Posted by: rebecca
Awesome belly picture! I can’t believe it’s almost time already. Boy these 8+ months went by fast…for me. 🙂
Posted by: Karen
That’s 18 more days sitting on a giant ball. Just sayin’.
I’ve always admired the Kimono Shawl. Lovely choice.
Posted by: claudia
wow! that brought back memories 🙂 It is highly possible that Thumper may share his birthday with my first born. He’s going to be 20 – Lord how times fly 🙂
Posted by: janine
I’m so glad for you that you have a doula. A friend of mine that I met in Lamaze (!) class went on to become a doula after the birth of her two boys and I admire her choice so much. I wish I would have had that option.
Posted by: LeAnne
Oh it’s so exciting! The time is getting nearer. You’re doing so awesome to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the delivery Cari! I’m looking forward to seeing the post that says “He’s Here!” 🙂
Posted by: Laura
Just delurking to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed reading about Thumper these past months. Good luck with your next few weeks of waiting and with the birth. Don’t mind me if I keep checking back…at least I’m not on the phone, asking, “any news yet?”
Posted by: maura
I loved my birthing ball – for sitting and waiting and during early labour. Wishing you and Thumper all the best in the next few weeks.
Posted by: Mary
My first thought, no joke, was that you were wearing some kind of talisman-like belly-band.
Obviously, more coffee is in order. Yell if you need anything, and I’m serious about that. Any. thing.
Posted by: Cassie
How is it possible that you are due, like, now? It was five minutes ago you couldn’t come to Rhinebeck because you were at the writer’s retreat……but now that I check the calendar, 9 months. Impossible.
Thinking of all three of you.
Posted by: Juno
In the home stretch! How exciting! We wanna see the baby! We wanna see those socks on feet!
Posted by: Christie
I’m so glad for you that you have a doula. A friend of mine that I met in Lamaze (!) class went on to become a doula after the birth of her two boys and I admire her choice so much. I wish I would have had that option.
Posted by: LeAnne
Oh it’s so exciting! The time is getting nearer. You’re doing so awesome to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the delivery Cari! I’m looking forward to seeing the post that says “He’s Here!” 🙂
Posted by: Laura
Just delurking to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed reading about Thumper these past months. Good luck with your next few weeks of waiting and with the birth. Don’t mind me if I keep checking back…at least I’m not on the phone, asking, “any news yet?”
Posted by: maura
I loved my birthing ball – for sitting and waiting and during early labour. Wishing you and Thumper all the best in the next few weeks.
Posted by: Mary
My first thought, no joke, was that you were wearing some kind of talisman-like belly-band.
Obviously, more coffee is in order. Yell if you need anything, and I’m serious about that. Any. thing.
Posted by: Cassie
How is it possible that you are due, like, now? It was five minutes ago you couldn’t come to Rhinebeck because you were at the writer’s retreat……but now that I check the calendar, 9 months. Impossible.
Thinking of all three of you.
Posted by: Juno
In the home stretch! How exciting! We wanna see the baby! We wanna see those socks on feet!
Posted by: Christie