Pregnancy: Day 268

3 a.m. Wake up, have to pee. Shift from left side toward center, lifting belly with hands to avoid those shooting ligament pains, if possible. Reach your back. Wonder if those shooting pains are ligaments or muscle. Shift to right shoulder, easing belly down toward bed on right side. Push self up to sitting position, trying to keep grunting to a minimum, as it wakes the dogs. Once awake, dogs will want to go out in the yard. They’re dreaming, as there’s no way you’re waddling down the stairs right now. Make sure feet are flat on floor. Lift enormous bulk of self off bed, tucking your tailbone so the weight of the belly doesn’t send you sprawling forward. Make your way across the bedroom, down the hall, and into the bathroom. “Walking” after having been lying down for the past hour since last bathroom trip is best achieved by tipping your weight from side to side and shuffling your feet forward. You are aware that you look like a weeble wobble, but have long since stopped caring. Pee. Much less will come out than your bladder was claiming was present. Decide to hang out there a while, because you’re bound to have to go again soon enough anyway. Consider leaving some knitting in the bathroom, because you’ve read through all the cartoons in the pile of New Yorkers already and you’re in no shape to read the articles in the middle of the night.

3:23 a.m. Reverse above process to get previously mentioned enormous bulk of self back into bed. Push sleeping husband back to his own damn side of the bed. Try to figure out what he’s saying in his sleep. If it’s funny or embarrassing, write it down before trying to get back to sleep.

5:17 a.m. See 3 a.m.

6:22 a.m. See 5:17 a.m.

7:00 a.m. Husband’s alarm goes off. He sleeps through it. Smack husband’s shoulder until he wakes up and turns alarm off.

7:09 a.m. See 7 a.m.

7:18 a.m. Try to fall back to sleep as husband gets out of bed, wakes dogs, and makes far too much noise while he showily pees a mighty, effortless stream.

7:44 a.m. Remind self that you love your husband even though he is congenitally incapable of turning out the closet light after leaving the closet, and said light is now shining directly in your all-too-awake face. Roll over. Think about the fact that you no longer have to go to work. Try to forget that you no longer have to go to work because you have completely surrendered your body to the process of baby-making. Mutter something about “taking one for the team” as you finally drift off to sleep.

9:50 a.m. Repeat process from 3 a.m. Rather than return to bed, slowly make your way downstairs, pausing at the top step to be sure your hips are actually awake and willing to support your weight. Make tea and a bagel, turn on radio, sit down and wait for Brian Lehrer to start. Drink tea and wonder if you’ll go into labor today. Try to remember what day of the week it is.

10:00 a.m. Check email while listening to Brian Lehrer. What’s with all the damn spam lately? Nothing from your agent. Tell yourself she’s stuck on the Q train and hasn’t made it to the office yet.

10:13 a.m. Feel Thumper wriggle happily as the tea kicks in. Rub his little butt and feel for his sharp little heels and wonder if you’ll go into labor today. Tell him how excited you are to meet him. Tell yourself to remember that after he’s born and you wake up drenched in sweat and breast milk after 35 minutes of sleep.

12:00 p.m. Consider taking a shower. Sit very still and feel for signs of early labor. Feel none. Wonder if you’ll go into labor today.

12:36 p.m. Lunch. Have soy turkey slices always been this tasty?

1:00 p.m. Showered, dressed in yoga pants and t-shirt. Wishing you still had some shirts that entirely covered the belly. Wishing even one pair of maternity jeans still fit. Walk dogs, waddling at a brisk pace in the hopes that maybe it will help you go into labor today. Six neighbors at six different points in your walk will each say, “Any day now, hunh?” Remember that they mean well and have no idea that they aren’t the first person to say this to you today. Smile and say that you certainly hope so.

2:13 p.m. Remind yourself that just because your doctor estimated the baby’s weight at 7.5 to 8 lbs at your appointment last week, that doesn’t mean you’ll be giving birth to a ten pound turkey come delivery day, even if the baby hangs around the full two weeks till due date, or longer. An estimate is an estimate is an estimate. Take inventory for possible signs of early labor. Sense nothing. Hope you’ll go into labor today.

2:40 p.m. Have lunch again. Yep. Soy turkey slices really are tasty. So are olives. So is pickled okra. Mmmmm.

3:37 p.m. Check email. Wonder if the server is down at your agent’s office. Remind yourself that she’s only had your revisions since Saturday and that today is most likely Monday. Haul your substantial ass up and down the stairs a few times, hoping that you’ll maybe go into labor today.

3:42 p.m. Sit on the damn birth ball and work two rows of the Kimono shawl.

3:58 p.m. Look longingly at couch.

3:59 p.m. Move to sit on couch. Lean back with feet up and promise to spend time later in the day on hands and knees to make up for it. Set lace-knitting aside and cast on for Placket-Neck Pullover for Thumper to wear this winter.

4:08 p.m. Snack. Mmmmm….yogurt with almond butter and a diced apple.

4:10 p.m. Wonder if you’ll go into labor today

4:13 p.m. Work seed stitch hem on baby sweater. Wonder if you’ll go into labor today.

4:45 p.m. Answer phone. Tell husband you aren’t in labor yet.

4:53 p.m. Answer phone. Tell mother you aren’t in labor yet.

5:12 p.m. Remind self that the baby isn’t due for another 12 days, and could come later than that.

5:13 p.m. Wonder if you’ll go into labor today.

5:15 p.m. Sit on birth ball. Wonder if you’ll go into labor today.

6:29 p.m. No email from agent. What if you go into labor and then she emails and you don’t get the email for two days?

6:42 p.m. Wonder if you’ll go into labor tonight.




110 Comments on “Pregnancy: Day 268

  1. Its almost over.. hang in there! I’m convinced that the whole “waking up to pee 16 million times a night” is to get you ready for all the waking up you’ll be doing after the baby is born!
    Posted by: Mouse

  2. I don’t wish to prolong your agony, but having your baby on 6/6/06 would be so COOL! So think Tuesday for baby day…buena suerte!
    Posted by: Silvia

  3. My record was 12 times in one night ! I’d stagger along the hall with my eyes shut,keeping them shut until I got back to bed. Seemed less of an interruption somehow. I rather miss that time. All that nice napping,dozing,resting and sleeping,with lots of food breaks. Sigh.
    Hope it isn’t too long until you meet your precious thumper. Hope the husband knows how to work the blog. We’re all waiting too. :0)
    Posted by: Emma

  4. LOL so are you going to do the castor oil or the “lots-of-sex” induction? Or both? (My DH started to look a bit hunted as we approched the due date.) You could whip up a castor oil and balsamic vinegar dressing for your salad. I remember walking more than a mile to the drugstore on a hot sunny day to buy castor oil, and I forgot my ID and they didn’t want to take my measly two dollar check. I made the cashier call the manager, and he took one look at my “if you don’t take my check I’m going to have this baby right here on your floor” expression and hastily approved the transaction. So exciting for you! Labor is the best part. Epidural or not, (I’ve done both) it’s a freaking amazing experience. I learned you can’t push effectively while laughing. 😀
    Posted by: Gabrielle Adams

  5. Do I detect a bit of eagerness for labor? maybe just a tiny smidge of anticipation? hmmm?

    I won’t share any stories about my own dear first-born being a full week late then…

    Though the looks on the faces of the folks at the fabric store I went to on the day she was due were priceless! They asked when I was due, I said, “oh, today” and suddenly I was at the front of the line…..
    Posted by: Helen

  6. You definitely brought back memories with your vivid description! If you haven’t already gone while I’m typing this, I will send quick-delivery vibes in your direction :-).
    Posted by: Dani

  7. Ugh. That last two weeks are misery. It will end and someday you will feel relief when finished peeing.
    Posted by: Holly Jo

  8. Its almost over.. hang in there! I’m convinced that the whole “waking up to pee 16 million times a night” is to get you ready for all the waking up you’ll be doing after the baby is born!
    Posted by: Mouse

  9. I don’t wish to prolong your agony, but having your baby on 6/6/06 would be so COOL! So think Tuesday for baby day…buena suerte!
    Posted by: Silvia

  10. My record was 12 times in one night ! I’d stagger along the hall with my eyes shut,keeping them shut until I got back to bed. Seemed less of an interruption somehow. I rather miss that time. All that nice napping,dozing,resting and sleeping,with lots of food breaks. Sigh.
    Hope it isn’t too long until you meet your precious thumper. Hope the husband knows how to work the blog. We’re all waiting too. :0)
    Posted by: Emma

  11. LOL so are you going to do the castor oil or the “lots-of-sex” induction? Or both? (My DH started to look a bit hunted as we approched the due date.) You could whip up a castor oil and balsamic vinegar dressing for your salad. I remember walking more than a mile to the drugstore on a hot sunny day to buy castor oil, and I forgot my ID and they didn’t want to take my measly two dollar check. I made the cashier call the manager, and he took one look at my “if you don’t take my check I’m going to have this baby right here on your floor” expression and hastily approved the transaction. So exciting for you! Labor is the best part. Epidural or not, (I’ve done both) it’s a freaking amazing experience. I learned you can’t push effectively while laughing. 😀
    Posted by: Gabrielle Adams

  12. Do I detect a bit of eagerness for labor? maybe just a tiny smidge of anticipation? hmmm?

    I won’t share any stories about my own dear first-born being a full week late then…

    Though the looks on the faces of the folks at the fabric store I went to on the day she was due were priceless! They asked when I was due, I said, “oh, today” and suddenly I was at the front of the line…..
    Posted by: Helen

  13. You definitely brought back memories with your vivid description! If you haven’t already gone while I’m typing this, I will send quick-delivery vibes in your direction :-).
    Posted by: Dani

  14. Ugh. That last two weeks are misery. It will end and someday you will feel relief when finished peeing.
    Posted by: Holly Jo

  15. Oh sweetie…I hope Thumper comes soon! When you disappear from the blog for a day or two, we’ll know!
    Posted by: Christie

  16. Thanks Cari for the journal. Sadly, strangely, masochistically (is that a word?) I feel a bit nostalgic. I must be out of touch. My baby is 3 1/2. I would tell you to enjoy the last few days before Thumper is born, but that’s not very realistic. Just relax as much as you can!
    Posted by: Maryann

  17. Can you belive that not once did I think “gee I want to go into labor, I want this baby out of me”? I was content being pregnant, and loved having a constant companion. The ironic part is that I ended up having them induce because I was in the hospital with high blood pressure, and did not want to stay there. A comment on a comment: we had a woman locally induce a few days ago because she was scared to DEATH to have a baby on 6-6-06. Interesting.
    Posted by: Teresa

  18. Ha! This sounds painfully familiar! Thank goodness I don’t have to work tomorrow… 🙂
    Posted by: Karma

  19. Hang in there! (You, not Thumper. Thumper needs to start checking the Exit sign…)

    And yes, I realize that this is easy for me to say as a person who’s never been pregnant, but hey, I’m trying to be supportive!
    Posted by: –Deb

  20. Thumper –
    Dude, give her a break already. Sure it’s all warm and cozy where you are right now, but outside it’s much, much better. You can breathe air, for example.
    Besides, your mom is providing you some great opportunities. You’re never going to want for handmade clothes (well, for the first couple of years anyway) and you’re going to be one of the generation of our race that can trace his pre-birth life on the Internet.
    Posted by: David

  21. I know you love and trust your doula. But, dude! You’re in week 38, the kid’s pointing in the right direction – get on the sofa!
    Posted by: valentina

  22. I feel your pain! I went 5 days over and finally delivered a 10 pound 12 ounce baby on Friday. I finally gave up on labor and went for a long walk with my husband… and that did it. Just got home and am totally in love, so it’ll all be worth it. Especially the first time you get to dress said baby in your own hand knits! Alex is wearing Mountain colors barefoot socks in Juniper as I type. Good luck!
    Posted by: Cambria W

  23. Oh sweetie…I hope Thumper comes soon! When you disappear from the blog for a day or two, we’ll know!
    Posted by: Christie

  24. Thanks Cari for the journal. Sadly, strangely, masochistically (is that a word?) I feel a bit nostalgic. I must be out of touch. My baby is 3 1/2. I would tell you to enjoy the last few days before Thumper is born, but that’s not very realistic. Just relax as much as you can!
    Posted by: Maryann

  25. Can you belive that not once did I think “gee I want to go into labor, I want this baby out of me”? I was content being pregnant, and loved having a constant companion. The ironic part is that I ended up having them induce because I was in the hospital with high blood pressure, and did not want to stay there. A comment on a comment: we had a woman locally induce a few days ago because she was scared to DEATH to have a baby on 6-6-06. Interesting.
    Posted by: Teresa

  26. Ha! This sounds painfully familiar! Thank goodness I don’t have to work tomorrow… 🙂
    Posted by: Karma

  27. Hang in there! (You, not Thumper. Thumper needs to start checking the Exit sign…)

    And yes, I realize that this is easy for me to say as a person who’s never been pregnant, but hey, I’m trying to be supportive!
    Posted by: –Deb

  28. Thumper –
    Dude, give her a break already. Sure it’s all warm and cozy where you are right now, but outside it’s much, much better. You can breathe air, for example.
    Besides, your mom is providing you some great opportunities. You’re never going to want for handmade clothes (well, for the first couple of years anyway) and you’re going to be one of the generation of our race that can trace his pre-birth life on the Internet.
    Posted by: David

  29. I know you love and trust your doula. But, dude! You’re in week 38, the kid’s pointing in the right direction – get on the sofa!
    Posted by: valentina

  30. I feel your pain! I went 5 days over and finally delivered a 10 pound 12 ounce baby on Friday. I finally gave up on labor and went for a long walk with my husband… and that did it. Just got home and am totally in love, so it’ll all be worth it. Especially the first time you get to dress said baby in your own hand knits! Alex is wearing Mountain colors barefoot socks in Juniper as I type. Good luck!
    Posted by: Cambria W

  31. Cari – I am seven months pregnant (on the DOT) and no one has written about pregnancy with the poignancy that you have… I almost cried at the sisterhood I feel with you. 🙂 I hope Thumper comes soon… and that, until then, you will cope with all the good humor you have demonstrated so far. 🙂
    Posted by: Liz

  32. That bought back memories. And I have all that to look forward to again.
    Shall we archive this post for baby no. 2………(as I move out of the way of the shoe being hurled at me…)
    Posted by: Alison

  33. I have to agree with David… Thumper needs to come… air? Air is just the start… their are several knitter friends just awaiting his arival!! Who knows what trendy stuff mom has in store!

    Hang in the chicka! So Excited for you, hopefully all this happy thoughts keeps you sane!!
    Posted by: Molly

  34. Ahh I remember this! Time slows down so much. And then everything happens so fast. Yay! You are doing great….
    Posted by: Sarah

  35. We adopted, so I missed all this excitement. But I remember when a good friend of mine was a couple of days OVERDUE for her first child. The night before she gave birth, she confessed that she did not honestly believe she would ever have that baby. She was convinced her condition was permanent.

    It wasn’t.
    Posted by: jessie

  36. Any day now, huh? MWAHAHAHAH

    And yeah, pickled okra??? Never heard of it. Doesn’t tempt me, either. 🙂
    Posted by: Norma

  37. SOrry you’re so uncomfortable, lady. Here’s big smooches for you though. You’re doing so well. Love you.
    Posted by: Jenn

  38. Hilarious! I delivered 7 years ago but all the memories of those last few weeks just came flooding back!
    Posted by: The Purloined Letter

  39. Cari – I am seven months pregnant (on the DOT) and no one has written about pregnancy with the poignancy that you have… I almost cried at the sisterhood I feel with you. 🙂 I hope Thumper comes soon… and that, until then, you will cope with all the good humor you have demonstrated so far. 🙂
    Posted by: Liz

  40. That bought back memories. And I have all that to look forward to again.
    Shall we archive this post for baby no. 2………(as I move out of the way of the shoe being hurled at me…)
    Posted by: Alison

  41. I have to agree with David… Thumper needs to come… air? Air is just the start… their are several knitter friends just awaiting his arival!! Who knows what trendy stuff mom has in store!

    Hang in the chicka! So Excited for you, hopefully all this happy thoughts keeps you sane!!
    Posted by: Molly

  42. Ahh I remember this! Time slows down so much. And then everything happens so fast. Yay! You are doing great….
    Posted by: Sarah

  43. We adopted, so I missed all this excitement. But I remember when a good friend of mine was a couple of days OVERDUE for her first child. The night before she gave birth, she confessed that she did not honestly believe she would ever have that baby. She was convinced her condition was permanent.

    It wasn’t.
    Posted by: jessie

  44. Any day now, huh? MWAHAHAHAH

    And yeah, pickled okra??? Never heard of it. Doesn’t tempt me, either. 🙂
    Posted by: Norma

  45. SOrry you’re so uncomfortable, lady. Here’s big smooches for you though. You’re doing so well. Love you.
    Posted by: Jenn

  46. Hilarious! I delivered 7 years ago but all the memories of those last few weeks just came flooding back!
    Posted by: The Purloined Letter

  47. Hang in – I went through this 5 times! I actually went over a full 2 weeks with my first – the nurses confirmed because her skin was so dried out! I was REALLY crabby after the due date when people would call and ask what the heck I was still doing at home 🙂 My 3rd actually arrived at 38 weeks – I sat on my bed and felt my water break! We were not really expecting to go the hospital that night – but we adjusted… At least you know that if you have to go to the bathroom that much the baby is moving in the right direction 🙂
    Posted by: Connie

  48. i guess everyone has these days, waiting….

    the upside for me of getting up to pee all night was being able to check on the cops who for about a month had parked overnight in the parking lot across the street from my apartment to discourage the once active drug trade. I’m sure they were very confused by the light in our bathroom that kept turning on at all hours of the night!
    Posted by: rebecca

  49. Got to say, I’m not with you on the pickled okra thing. The peeing, though? Yep. Ouch.

    My favourite part of this post, however, is the fact that you write down what Billy says in his sleep if it’s funny or embarrassing. Sock rejection revenge is sweet 🙂
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  50. Oh God Yes that’s what it was like. I spent my whole second pregnancy convinced he would be early, and then he was ten days late. There are still days when I unconsciously check for labor pains, and then I remember that he was born almost six years ago…
    Good luck hanging in there. At least it isn’t very hot outside (just checked the weather where you are).
    Posted by: marrije

  51. (delurk)

    Thanks very much for the post. As others have said, it brought the memories pouring back. Best wishes for a timely, smooth delivery!
    Posted by: Amy

  52. Awwwww sweetie, it will come soon enough when Thumper is ready he will make your day exciting. And trust me this boredom will soon be forgotten and you will crave that “alone” time! But the together time is much better!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by: Betsy

  53. So is there some sort of telephone/email tree set up for the folks who live by you so we know when it happens?
    Posted by: Michelle

  54. hang in there and know that we are all waiting for Thumper to tell you that yes he is coming 🙂
    Posted by: stinkerbell

  55. The last few weeks can be tough. Hang in there!
    It’s good you still have your sense of humor though. 🙂
    Posted by: Karen

  56. i’m about a month behind you in my pregnancy and i am already half-checking for signs of labor. i will be so disappointed if i go late.

    hope thumber gets the message soon.
    Posted by: angela

  57. Hang in – I went through this 5 times! I actually went over a full 2 weeks with my first – the nurses confirmed because her skin was so dried out! I was REALLY crabby after the due date when people would call and ask what the heck I was still doing at home 🙂 My 3rd actually arrived at 38 weeks – I sat on my bed and felt my water break! We were not really expecting to go the hospital that night – but we adjusted… At least you know that if you have to go to the bathroom that much the baby is moving in the right direction 🙂
    Posted by: Connie

  58. i guess everyone has these days, waiting….

    the upside for me of getting up to pee all night was being able to check on the cops who for about a month had parked overnight in the parking lot across the street from my apartment to discourage the once active drug trade. I’m sure they were very confused by the light in our bathroom that kept turning on at all hours of the night!
    Posted by: rebecca

  59. Got to say, I’m not with you on the pickled okra thing. The peeing, though? Yep. Ouch.

    My favourite part of this post, however, is the fact that you write down what Billy says in his sleep if it’s funny or embarrassing. Sock rejection revenge is sweet 🙂
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  60. Oh God Yes that’s what it was like. I spent my whole second pregnancy convinced he would be early, and then he was ten days late. There are still days when I unconsciously check for labor pains, and then I remember that he was born almost six years ago…
    Good luck hanging in there. At least it isn’t very hot outside (just checked the weather where you are).
    Posted by: marrije

  61. (delurk)

    Thanks very much for the post. As others have said, it brought the memories pouring back. Best wishes for a timely, smooth delivery!
    Posted by: Amy

  62. Awwwww sweetie, it will come soon enough when Thumper is ready he will make your day exciting. And trust me this boredom will soon be forgotten and you will crave that “alone” time! But the together time is much better!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by: Betsy

  63. So is there some sort of telephone/email tree set up for the folks who live by you so we know when it happens?
    Posted by: Michelle

  64. hang in there and know that we are all waiting for Thumper to tell you that yes he is coming 🙂
    Posted by: stinkerbell

  65. The last few weeks can be tough. Hang in there!
    It’s good you still have your sense of humor though. 🙂
    Posted by: Karen

  66. i’m about a month behind you in my pregnancy and i am already half-checking for signs of labor. i will be so disappointed if i go late.

    hope thumber gets the message soon.
    Posted by: angela

  67. A couple of days ago I was visiting my new niece at her spa (NICU, don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade here- she’s doing well) and only one visitor can go in at a time. My mom was in there so I was knitting in the L waiting room, ah yes, the only woman whose slip-on shoes actually fit properly, and the only one not looking incredibly tired!

    Thumper, oh Thumper!
    We so look forward to seeing your bad self!
    lovelovelove, Aunt Pippy!
    Posted by: Pippy

  68. Though I have no idea how it feels to be the object of neighborhood commentary, I think there is something very sweet about the neighbors wondering about Thumper’s arrival. I’m sure they are oddly excited as well.
    Posted by: Gina

  69. I hear you on the pee routine. I’m at 30 weeks myself and already the 5-point turn to get out of bed has taken effect. Ugh. I hope you deliver soon and have a great labor! I look forward to seeing pictures of Thumper!!!! Until then, hang in there!
    Posted by: Elinor

  70. Damn I remember all that peeing and wondering when I would go into labor and lumbering around. I’d like to say something encouraging, but you’ve probably heard it all by now. My only suggestion is to rent some good movies and hunker down on the birth ball for some knitting!
    Posted by: Kim P

  71. Just so’s you know, I am SO EXCITED whenever I see a new Dogs Steal Yarn post come up on Bloglines. Yay! Cari!

    Just so’s you know.

    Um…got nothing for ya on the baby stuff. But its sure entertaining me.
    Posted by: claudia

  72. OK, do we have a contingency plan in place for a guest blogger to keep us up to date? Or a link where we should be checking for news? I’m across the continent but am pretty close to emailing you several times a day with, “yet? yet?” and I’m sure you would appreciate that.

    I think you should let your neighbors know that when you have the baby you and Billy will put out a flag like the Queen of England does when she is in residence. I know that would tickle me to know when my neighbors had their baby. And it sounds like they are enjoying your lovely event. What a lovely neighborhood to be paying attention and care like that! 🙂
    Posted by: Laurie

  73. Definitely put some knitting in the bathroom — a roll-top sock oughta do it. (And he wants to meet you, too; he’s just waiting for Dream Agent to get in touch first with the good news!)
    Posted by: alison

  74. You’re in the homestretch, momma…Yeah, I remember the 80-something moves it took to haul my butt out of bed when I was preggers.

    Enjoy your moments of nothingness. They’ll be few and far between once Thumper shows up.

    Posted by: Sharon G.

  75. I am so excited for Thumper to make his debut! Ok, obviously not nearly as excited as you, but I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing your experience with those of us who haven’t yet had the pleasure of 15 pee breaks in the middle of the night.
    Posted by: Susan

  76. A couple of days ago I was visiting my new niece at her spa (NICU, don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade here- she’s doing well) and only one visitor can go in at a time. My mom was in there so I was knitting in the L waiting room, ah yes, the only woman whose slip-on shoes actually fit properly, and the only one not looking incredibly tired!

    Thumper, oh Thumper!
    We so look forward to seeing your bad self!
    lovelovelove, Aunt Pippy!
    Posted by: Pippy

  77. Though I have no idea how it feels to be the object of neighborhood commentary, I think there is something very sweet about the neighbors wondering about Thumper’s arrival. I’m sure they are oddly excited as well.
    Posted by: Gina

  78. I hear you on the pee routine. I’m at 30 weeks myself and already the 5-point turn to get out of bed has taken effect. Ugh. I hope you deliver soon and have a great labor! I look forward to seeing pictures of Thumper!!!! Until then, hang in there!
    Posted by: Elinor

  79. Damn I remember all that peeing and wondering when I would go into labor and lumbering around. I’d like to say something encouraging, but you’ve probably heard it all by now. My only suggestion is to rent some good movies and hunker down on the birth ball for some knitting!
    Posted by: Kim P

  80. Just so’s you know, I am SO EXCITED whenever I see a new Dogs Steal Yarn post come up on Bloglines. Yay! Cari!

    Just so’s you know.

    Um…got nothing for ya on the baby stuff. But its sure entertaining me.
    Posted by: claudia

  81. OK, do we have a contingency plan in place for a guest blogger to keep us up to date? Or a link where we should be checking for news? I’m across the continent but am pretty close to emailing you several times a day with, “yet? yet?” and I’m sure you would appreciate that.

    I think you should let your neighbors know that when you have the baby you and Billy will put out a flag like the Queen of England does when she is in residence. I know that would tickle me to know when my neighbors had their baby. And it sounds like they are enjoying your lovely event. What a lovely neighborhood to be paying attention and care like that! 🙂
    Posted by: Laurie

  82. Definitely put some knitting in the bathroom — a roll-top sock oughta do it. (And he wants to meet you, too; he’s just waiting for Dream Agent to get in touch first with the good news!)
    Posted by: alison

  83. You’re in the homestretch, momma…Yeah, I remember the 80-something moves it took to haul my butt out of bed when I was preggers.

    Enjoy your moments of nothingness. They’ll be few and far between once Thumper shows up.

    Posted by: Sharon G.

  84. I am so excited for Thumper to make his debut! Ok, obviously not nearly as excited as you, but I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing your experience with those of us who haven’t yet had the pleasure of 15 pee breaks in the middle of the night.
    Posted by: Susan

  85. The late night stuff at this stage is so not fun. I remember it all too well with your graphic explanation – especially the ligament pain. None of my friends had that – weren’t they missing the fun. All 3 of my children were early and the guesses at birth weight were not accurate (they were smaller – but healthy!) And why is it we try to be quiet and the husbands don’t and leave the lights on and pee effortlessly. Doesn’t seem right! I’m in your corner!
    Posted by: Stephanie

  86. so at some point you’ll have this baby. it will come out, be amazing, hopefully everything will be hunky-dorey and you’ll gaze lovingly at your precious child. and then — all of the sudden you’ll realize that it’s been 3 HOURS since you went to the bathroom. and that will be wonderful.
    Posted by: mandy

  87. I just have 2 words for you:
    Oi. Vey.
    Sheesh! Good luck with that. Happy for you, but I’m SO SO SO glad it’s not me.

    Posted by: cleo j

  88. That was funny! I know, not funny to you….I don’t have any kids yet, and don’t know if I want any NOW.
    Posted by: Martha

  89. Geeze.. no wonder you’re tired and grump! Anyone would be after a day like that *grin*

    Hang in there… good wishes for you!
    Posted by: Mia

  90. I just told a friend of mine yesterday that I feel like a Weeble Wobble – except that I do fall down. And, I’ve still got till late August to wait for the baby to come out. And, count yourself lucky that you aren’t telling us about the leg cramps that keep you from falling asleep at 1 am. It ain’t all bad, right?
    Posted by: Krista

  91. The late night stuff at this stage is so not fun. I remember it all too well with your graphic explanation – especially the ligament pain. None of my friends had that – weren’t they missing the fun. All 3 of my children were early and the guesses at birth weight were not accurate (they were smaller – but healthy!) And why is it we try to be quiet and the husbands don’t and leave the lights on and pee effortlessly. Doesn’t seem right! I’m in your corner!
    Posted by: Stephanie

  92. so at some point you’ll have this baby. it will come out, be amazing, hopefully everything will be hunky-dorey and you’ll gaze lovingly at your precious child. and then — all of the sudden you’ll realize that it’s been 3 HOURS since you went to the bathroom. and that will be wonderful.
    Posted by: mandy

  93. I just have 2 words for you:
    Oi. Vey.
    Sheesh! Good luck with that. Happy for you, but I’m SO SO SO glad it’s not me.

    Posted by: cleo j

  94. That was funny! I know, not funny to you….I don’t have any kids yet, and don’t know if I want any NOW.
    Posted by: Martha

  95. Geeze.. no wonder you’re tired and grump! Anyone would be after a day like that *grin*

    Hang in there… good wishes for you!
    Posted by: Mia

  96. I just told a friend of mine yesterday that I feel like a Weeble Wobble – except that I do fall down. And, I’ve still got till late August to wait for the baby to come out. And, count yourself lucky that you aren’t telling us about the leg cramps that keep you from falling asleep at 1 am. It ain’t all bad, right?
    Posted by: Krista

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