Thumper and the hounds

A lot of you have been asking how the dogs are dealing with the new baby. The dogs have been great. They’re quite pleased with the new addition to the pack.

kiddo and dogs.jpg

Oscar, on the other hand, took to peeing on furniture when Thumper came home. A combination of Feliway spray and scat mats seems to be helping, though. It’s been a week since his last pee attack. We’re really hoping he’s over it.

40 Comments on “Thumper and the hounds

  1. Glad to hear that at least on the part of the dogs, there’s no jealousy. And what a cute picture. Only. . . is that Diego’s tail, sticking out between his legs there?
    Posted by: jodi

  2. What a cute picture. I’m stealing it. And sending it to the Weekly World News with the caption, “Brooklyn baby raised by wolves!!”
    Posted by: Iris

  3. We actually had to give our cat away when we had our first child because the cat got agressive toward him when he was a toddler and big enough to grab a tail or ears. I’m so glad the pups like cute little Thumper. 🙂

    He’s growing so fast!!
    Posted by: Laura

  4. Two kids and four years later I think our cat, Penelope, has finally forgiven us. She comes out during the day now.
    Posted by: Holly Jo

  5. After Hannah was born, Sophie the cat indicated her displeasure by peeing on all of Hannah’s things: blanket, porta-crib, etc. After Feliway, many gallons of Nature’s Miracle and a session with a kitty therapist/psychic (i kid you not — i was at the end of my tether), she settled down and now happily sleeps on hannah’s bed. I wish you luck with that. Thumper looks quite kissable, but you already know that.
    Posted by: regina

  6. They look splendid together! And ach, how I remember those legs that fit in your hand exactly…

    Good luck with the rewrites!
    Posted by: marrije

  7. Cute picture! Of course Italian greyhounds would love the baby–they all nap and eat and nap some more. They’re kindred spirits.
    Posted by: Sil

  8. Glad to hear that at least on the part of the dogs, there’s no jealousy. And what a cute picture. Only. . . is that Diego’s tail, sticking out between his legs there?
    Posted by: jodi

  9. What a cute picture. I’m stealing it. And sending it to the Weekly World News with the caption, “Brooklyn baby raised by wolves!!”
    Posted by: Iris

  10. We actually had to give our cat away when we had our first child because the cat got agressive toward him when he was a toddler and big enough to grab a tail or ears. I’m so glad the pups like cute little Thumper. 🙂

    He’s growing so fast!!
    Posted by: Laura

  11. Two kids and four years later I think our cat, Penelope, has finally forgiven us. She comes out during the day now.
    Posted by: Holly Jo

  12. After Hannah was born, Sophie the cat indicated her displeasure by peeing on all of Hannah’s things: blanket, porta-crib, etc. After Feliway, many gallons of Nature’s Miracle and a session with a kitty therapist/psychic (i kid you not — i was at the end of my tether), she settled down and now happily sleeps on hannah’s bed. I wish you luck with that. Thumper looks quite kissable, but you already know that.
    Posted by: regina

  13. They look splendid together! And ach, how I remember those legs that fit in your hand exactly…

    Good luck with the rewrites!
    Posted by: marrije

  14. Cute picture! Of course Italian greyhounds would love the baby–they all nap and eat and nap some more. They’re kindred spirits.
    Posted by: Sil

  15. Good for you, as it is not always the “Lady and the Tramp” kind of romatic relationship between established dogs and newcoming babies.
    I hope everything works out well with the cat, too.

    Best wishes
    Posted by: Petra

  16. Felines do love to speak to us via their elimination functions. I join you in hoping that Oscar is over it.
    Posted by: claudia

  17. This has nothing to do with cats, or dogs – although they seem very at home with Le Thumper there – but that kid is going to be rolling over before you know it. I just had to tell you that.
    Posted by: Alison

  18. I’m glad I am not the only who noticed the tail. Although I would have never admitted it if Jodi hadn’t said something first.
    I hope Oscar is done with all that too.
    Posted by: Karen

  19. When my mother’s friend’s cat started peeing on her everything after she came home from the hospital (previously he’d only pee occassionally, when he was mad or the litter box was full), she took the cat into the bathtub, held him down, and peed on him. Three years, a new cat, three moves, and a new boyfriend later and the cat hasn’t peed on anything since.
    Posted by: jen

  20. All my dogs over the years have adjusted just fine to family addition, human or otherwise. When my oldest dd was potty training she had an accident on our old futon. The old cat seemed to think that that was an okay to use that spot for a litter box from that time on. Needless to say, we got rid of that futon ASAP!

    BTW, that oldest dd is going to be 13 this fall so it has been a while! LOL
    Posted by: Beth

  21. If it continues, try Cat Appeasing Pheromone. You can get it in a diffuser or a spray. We can’t smell it but it is a smell which relaxes the cats (apparently the pheromones are the same mama cats put out when nursing). I’ve heard several people mention they used it successfully for these types of sudden behavioural problems caused by stress.

    Beautiful picture of baby & dogs.
    Posted by: hornblower

  22. Good for you, as it is not always the “Lady and the Tramp” kind of romatic relationship between established dogs and newcoming babies.
    I hope everything works out well with the cat, too.

    Best wishes
    Posted by: Petra

  23. Felines do love to speak to us via their elimination functions. I join you in hoping that Oscar is over it.
    Posted by: claudia

  24. This has nothing to do with cats, or dogs – although they seem very at home with Le Thumper there – but that kid is going to be rolling over before you know it. I just had to tell you that.
    Posted by: Alison

  25. I’m glad I am not the only who noticed the tail. Although I would have never admitted it if Jodi hadn’t said something first.
    I hope Oscar is done with all that too.
    Posted by: Karen

  26. When my mother’s friend’s cat started peeing on her everything after she came home from the hospital (previously he’d only pee occassionally, when he was mad or the litter box was full), she took the cat into the bathtub, held him down, and peed on him. Three years, a new cat, three moves, and a new boyfriend later and the cat hasn’t peed on anything since.
    Posted by: jen

  27. All my dogs over the years have adjusted just fine to family addition, human or otherwise. When my oldest dd was potty training she had an accident on our old futon. The old cat seemed to think that that was an okay to use that spot for a litter box from that time on. Needless to say, we got rid of that futon ASAP!

    BTW, that oldest dd is going to be 13 this fall so it has been a while! LOL
    Posted by: Beth

  28. If it continues, try Cat Appeasing Pheromone. You can get it in a diffuser or a spray. We can’t smell it but it is a smell which relaxes the cats (apparently the pheromones are the same mama cats put out when nursing). I’ve heard several people mention they used it successfully for these types of sudden behavioural problems caused by stress.

    Beautiful picture of baby & dogs.
    Posted by: hornblower

  29. Ok, it’s a good thing I didn’t have a beverage in my mouth when I read Jen’s comment or my screen would be covered. I love the picture of Thumper and the dogs.
    Posted by: Donna in Virginia

  30. If you get a minute, could you tell me how you use Feliway Spray and the mats? I have two Italian Greyhounds and their fin-icky potty habits are about to kill me. I know you are busy, so I’ll try Goggle as well. Thanks, Bev–p.s. Enjoy every minute with your baby– all of a sudden, my baby is 18 and I’m not sure how it happened.
    Posted by: Bev

  31. Ooooh so sweet!!!! So sweetsweetsweet!!! Dieglito, such a sweetheart! Little Thumper workin’ those chubby arms!! I heart them all!!!
    Posted by: Aunt Pippy

  32. I have an Italian Greyhound and I’ve been wondering this same thing. I’m glad you addressed this. I would think our Iggy, Rocco, would be insanely jealous of a baby who gets held and snuggled all the time. He’s jealous just when I talk to a visitor to our house! We’ve been wanting to get another Iggy (a rescue this time) but are afraid that they may become the enemy of Rocco.

    Also – our cat (who is no longer with us) was insanely jealous when we got new living room furniture to come and live with us. The cat just did NOT like that and proceeded to back up to the living room walls (all around the furniture) and spray. It was not a pretty sight. Be glad your dog just lifts his leg.
    Posted by: Shelley (Pink House)

  33. Ok, it’s a good thing I didn’t have a beverage in my mouth when I read Jen’s comment or my screen would be covered. I love the picture of Thumper and the dogs.
    Posted by: Donna in Virginia

  34. If you get a minute, could you tell me how you use Feliway Spray and the mats? I have two Italian Greyhounds and their fin-icky potty habits are about to kill me. I know you are busy, so I’ll try Goggle as well. Thanks, Bev–p.s. Enjoy every minute with your baby– all of a sudden, my baby is 18 and I’m not sure how it happened.
    Posted by: Bev

  35. Ooooh so sweet!!!! So sweetsweetsweet!!! Dieglito, such a sweetheart! Little Thumper workin’ those chubby arms!! I heart them all!!!
    Posted by: Aunt Pippy

  36. I have an Italian Greyhound and I’ve been wondering this same thing. I’m glad you addressed this. I would think our Iggy, Rocco, would be insanely jealous of a baby who gets held and snuggled all the time. He’s jealous just when I talk to a visitor to our house! We’ve been wanting to get another Iggy (a rescue this time) but are afraid that they may become the enemy of Rocco.

    Also – our cat (who is no longer with us) was insanely jealous when we got new living room furniture to come and live with us. The cat just did NOT like that and proceeded to back up to the living room walls (all around the furniture) and spray. It was not a pretty sight. Be glad your dog just lifts his leg.
    Posted by: Shelley (Pink House)

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