It’s been entirely too long since my last post, and I feel like I should want to do something entertaining here for you, but I have a cold–a nasty one–and all I want to do is hide under a blanket for a while and maybe feebly sip some tea.
Alas, nope. Someone should come up with some kind of sick day plan for moms.
Woe is me.
(I know, not really. But ugh.)
Doesn’t motherhood have a way of restoring your own mother to something of the saintly position she held in childhood–the one she lost when you turned 13? When I’m feeling this cruddy and still have to go on (still WANT to go on) smiling and singing and playing with the little guy, I really appreciate all the times my own mother did the same and more. I don’t remember her ever being sick, but of course that’s impossible. So she just never acted sick. She never crawled into bed and took a sick day. Maybe she should have. Maybe she should have asked my dad to call in sick once in a while to help her out with us when she wasn’t feeling well. Probably she should have. (It can certainly be said that my mother has a habit of putting herself last way too often.)
I don’t want to be quite that demanding of myself. I do need sick days. When I’m really sick–like the food poisoning the other week–I do ask for help, and Billy does stay home from work to get me the rest I need.
So what am I saying here? Damn, my brain is fuzzy today. What I guess it comes down to is that I owe my mom a phone call to say thanks. And that I, not quite the selfless person my mother is, not quite ready to suffer the way she does, will be asking Billy to get up with the kiddo tomorrow morning so I can sleep in.
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Sorry you feel crappy… I’ve been there, willing myself through a sick day on duty with a toddler. Those are the days when I bend (or break) a few rules, and buy avocado sushi for dinner and serve ice cream for dessert. Tomorrow’s another day!
Posted by: Michele
you’re mom is sweet.
i hear you– it’s not easy being green with a toddler. oh, speaking of muppets, there are these earth’s best organic toddler cookies, “letter of the day,” very vanilla (indeed) with cookie monster on the box. just thought you’d like to know… in case you didn’t already. also, they’re really for moms, but we can share.
Posted by: reyna
I hope you are feeling better soon!
The one thing that suprised me most about being an adult is how messy it all is. My parents always made everything look so easy. Not that there were never any problems, but they handled them with a certain calmness, grace, and certainty that I have yet to master. They had the ability to conceal things like illness and worries that now I know must have been a part of life. Odd, isn’t it?
Posted by: knittripps
Selflessness is overrated. But moms are not. Feel better soon.
Posted by: Lizbon
Best wishes and rest to you!
I don’t remember my mom ever being sick either. Hmmmm…this is interesting.
Posted by: Ande
Sorry you feel crappy… I’ve been there, willing myself through a sick day on duty with a toddler. Those are the days when I bend (or break) a few rules, and buy avocado sushi for dinner and serve ice cream for dessert. Tomorrow’s another day!
Posted by: Michele
you’re mom is sweet.
i hear you– it’s not easy being green with a toddler. oh, speaking of muppets, there are these earth’s best organic toddler cookies, “letter of the day,” very vanilla (indeed) with cookie monster on the box. just thought you’d like to know… in case you didn’t already. also, they’re really for moms, but we can share.
Posted by: reyna
I hope you are feeling better soon!
The one thing that suprised me most about being an adult is how messy it all is. My parents always made everything look so easy. Not that there were never any problems, but they handled them with a certain calmness, grace, and certainty that I have yet to master. They had the ability to conceal things like illness and worries that now I know must have been a part of life. Odd, isn’t it?
Posted by: knittripps
Selflessness is overrated. But moms are not. Feel better soon.
Posted by: Lizbon
Best wishes and rest to you!
I don’t remember my mom ever being sick either. Hmmmm…this is interesting.
Posted by: Ande
Oh I know that feeling. My mom was WAY more selfless than I feel when I’m sick. Sending healthy thoughts your way…. 🙂
Posted by: Ruth
*hugs* hope you feel better soon..
Posted by: Kai
Here’s an easy activity for the sick abed mom that can entertain a toddler for hours. Blow up a medium size balloon and bat it around the room. Toddler gives chase while you recline on couch or bed. I don’t know what happens if the cat or dog gets it first…..
Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport
Feel better soon!!
Posted by: alison
I know what you mean, I was sick a few weeks back, and it completely changes everything when you have a child. Its just so hard. Hope you get better soon.
Posted by: Sharon
Yes, call her…I’m sure she will appreciate it. Funny how we never appreciate our parents until we become parents ourselves…ciao
Posted by: rositta
Oh I know that feeling. My mom was WAY more selfless than I feel when I’m sick. Sending healthy thoughts your way…. 🙂
Posted by: Ruth
*hugs* hope you feel better soon..
Posted by: Kai
Here’s an easy activity for the sick abed mom that can entertain a toddler for hours. Blow up a medium size balloon and bat it around the room. Toddler gives chase while you recline on couch or bed. I don’t know what happens if the cat or dog gets it first…..
Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport
Feel better soon!!
Posted by: alison
I know what you mean, I was sick a few weeks back, and it completely changes everything when you have a child. Its just so hard. Hope you get better soon.
Posted by: Sharon
Yes, call her…I’m sure she will appreciate it. Funny how we never appreciate our parents until we become parents ourselves…ciao
Posted by: rositta
Hope you’re feeling better. It must be all over the place in Portland. I know so many people who have the same crud right now, including my oldest son.
Posted by: LeAnne
Hope you’re feeling better. It must be all over the place in Portland. I know so many people who have the same crud right now, including my oldest son.
Posted by: LeAnne