I’m a pissed-off, comment-deleting Mama
I woke up this morning to find a few comments that needed to be approved. (The first time someone comments at this new url, the comment needs to be moderated. Any comments after that are posted automatically.) Most were birthday wishes for Thumper. One was definitely not. This comment was left in the birthday post, but it said, “I can’t take your Utopia anymore. I miss DSY.” (I deleted it, so no need to go looking to see who said it. It was nobody I know, so not a regular commenter, and it was no one with a blog.)
My first thought, and first response, was, “Hunh. That’s kind of weird. Nothing has changed but the banner.” Then I walked away, played with Thumper for a while, had a little dance party in the family room (“Kids in America”! “Rock the Casbah”! “Come on, Eileen”! Thanks for the 80’s mix, Ishmeal!). Then I took another look at that comment, and I got really pissed.
If that’s the way this commenter feels, that’s fine. If she felt moved to say so in a comment, also fine. If she’d left the comment in any other post, I would have approved it and left it up there. But she left the comment in response to my son’s turning two. The utopia she “can’t take anymore” is my happy family life. She misses DSY, but Thumper was around then too. So what she misses, I’m assuming, is the blog before I was a mother. Depressed navel-gazing, rock shows, knitting.
Well, you know what? Lives change. They evolve. My life has changed from those days. It’s moved forward. I’m extremely grateful for that. If that means my life is no longer interesting to you, well, good. I probably wouldn’t want to know you in the real world, then. I adore many of you, but I write the blog for myself. This “utopia” isn’t some fabrication. It’s my life. And yes, I know exactly how fortunate I am. So if you aren’t entertained, move along. And if you feel the need to tell me so, go ahead, and THEN move along. But leave the kid alone. Can’t he have a simple birthday post with nothing but birthday greetings? Do you really need to try to shit all over that?
Since many readers were lost in the shift from DSY to Utopia, I’d assumed only those who were actually interested in the blog as it is now had followed. I guess I was wrong.
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My theory is exactly this “Piss on them!” The name of my blog is exactly how I feel about such things. If I don’t like someone’s blog I am ENTIRELY free NOT to read it – go figure! Sorry for the birthday bummer.
My theory is exactly this “Piss on them!” The name of my blog is exactly how I feel about such things. If I don’t like someone’s blog I am ENTIRELY free NOT to read it – go figure! Sorry for the birthday bummer.
I’ve only ever lurked on your blog, but felt compelled to comment since someone was mean. Really sorry someone would do that, especially on the kid’s birthday post. Clearly the person who wrote that is not a parent….
I’ve only ever lurked on your blog, but felt compelled to comment since someone was mean. Really sorry someone would do that, especially on the kid’s birthday post. Clearly the person who wrote that is not a parent….
I loved the old blog and I love the new one. Just so you know.
And Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to Darling Thumper.
I loved the old blog and I love the new one. Just so you know.
And Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to Darling Thumper.
Hmm…never bothered me mama. We seemed to veer into mommyhood at the same time, but whatever. I understand being a protective mama bear, but don’t give that type of person anymore thought. If they don’t like the blog anymore, they don’t have to read it, or comment about it. Too bad you can’t block them. I hope Thumper had a great b-day, no cake pictures?
Hmm…never bothered me mama. We seemed to veer into mommyhood at the same time, but whatever. I understand being a protective mama bear, but don’t give that type of person anymore thought. If they don’t like the blog anymore, they don’t have to read it, or comment about it. Too bad you can’t block them. I hope Thumper had a great b-day, no cake pictures?
Some people have entitlement issues. They read what you write and you have a few things in common… and then they take this leap into “you will dance for me thrice weekly, slave girl” territory. They have trouble accepting that you write about YOUR life in your blog. It’s not like you’re responsible for their entertainment and happiness… no matter what they say.
Happy birthday to the little man!!!
Some people have entitlement issues. They read what you write and you have a few things in common… and then they take this leap into “you will dance for me thrice weekly, slave girl” territory. They have trouble accepting that you write about YOUR life in your blog. It’s not like you’re responsible for their entertainment and happiness… no matter what they say.
Happy birthday to the little man!!!
People can be such insensitive a-holes. I think the internet is great for many things, but people tend to forget that when they post nasty comments or write unpleasant e-mails, there’s an actual human being with feelings on the other end of it.
People can be such insensitive a-holes. I think the internet is great for many things, but people tend to forget that when they post nasty comments or write unpleasant e-mails, there’s an actual human being with feelings on the other end of it.
Hateful emails are so stupid, and they only come from ignorant people who are jealous of us. I’m keeping my comments on moderate, almost HOPING for more email haters, so that I can send their comments to hell and mark them as spam for all time. It’s so satisfying to know that those people are reading all these comments of support (hi, jerkface commenter!) and are UNABLE to do ANYTHING about your happiness. Be happy, be well, and know they can’t touch your joy.
Hateful emails are so stupid, and they only come from ignorant people who are jealous of us. I’m keeping my comments on moderate, almost HOPING for more email haters, so that I can send their comments to hell and mark them as spam for all time. It’s so satisfying to know that those people are reading all these comments of support (hi, jerkface commenter!) and are UNABLE to do ANYTHING about your happiness. Be happy, be well, and know they can’t touch your joy.
I do so love Rachael.
I do so love Rachael.
amen sister friend…
amen sister friend…
i don’t usually comment on blogs. not because i don’t care, i just feel like another voice in the din, but if i feel compelled, i will comment. and right now, i feel compelled! what a pigshit! when i get tired of a blog, i take it out of bloglines. i don’t feel like i need to announce it, i just go. . .
i don’t usually comment on blogs. not because i don’t care, i just feel like another voice in the din, but if i feel compelled, i will comment. and right now, i feel compelled! what a pigshit! when i get tired of a blog, i take it out of bloglines. i don’t feel like i need to announce it, i just go. . .
I’m so sorry. Having had my share of people voice their displeasure at the “direction” my blog took once I got pregnant, I can certainly commiserate.
I’m so sorry. Having had my share of people voice their displeasure at the “direction” my blog took once I got pregnant, I can certainly commiserate.
I never understand comments that lob personal attacks at bloggers. Just…Stop…Reading. I’ve deleted a number of blogs from my Bloglines over the years because they blog changed, I changed, whatever. Its like a friend that becomes distant over the years. You don’t call them up out of the blue and tell them you’re pissed at them or that they suck. Feh.
Oh, and never piss off a mother. Never.
I never understand comments that lob personal attacks at bloggers. Just…Stop…Reading. I’ve deleted a number of blogs from my Bloglines over the years because they blog changed, I changed, whatever. Its like a friend that becomes distant over the years. You don’t call them up out of the blue and tell them you’re pissed at them or that they suck. Feh.
Oh, and never piss off a mother. Never.
I had it in mind to say some things, but I think Rachael said it. Only better. It’s just nasty and rude to make such a complaint on Thumper’s birthday.
I had it in mind to say some things, but I think Rachael said it. Only better. It’s just nasty and rude to make such a complaint on Thumper’s birthday.
Screw them.. they can take their toys and go home.
Screw them.. they can take their toys and go home.
I’m sorry that there were ugly comments. Your blog is one of my favorites, now and then. Seeing people’s lives change is one of the cool things about the blogs. And I’m with Shana, too!
I’m sorry that there were ugly comments. Your blog is one of my favorites, now and then. Seeing people’s lives change is one of the cool things about the blogs. And I’m with Shana, too!
I am sorry that someone had to leave an ugly comment in such an inappropriate place. I liked your old blog and I like your new one too. And I appreciate the fact that you are willing to share with us. People change and grow and that is what makes life rich and interesting.
I am sorry that someone had to leave an ugly comment in such an inappropriate place. I liked your old blog and I like your new one too. And I appreciate the fact that you are willing to share with us. People change and grow and that is what makes life rich and interesting.
People seem to disregard what is appropriate when they can be somewhat anonymous. My feeling is if you don’t like what you are reading, then click over to the next blog. There’s no need to crap on the joy of a two year old’s birthday.
By the way – I love reading about Utopia. I have a happy family life, so I like to see it with others.
People seem to disregard what is appropriate when they can be somewhat anonymous. My feeling is if you don’t like what you are reading, then click over to the next blog. There’s no need to crap on the joy of a two year old’s birthday.
By the way – I love reading about Utopia. I have a happy family life, so I like to see it with others.
I rarely comment on blogs but I’d like to say that 1) it’s wonderful how you share the joy of parenting Thumper and 2) I admire how you and your husband decided to make a new life in a city across the country. That’s not easy. Phooey to the commenter.
I rarely comment on blogs but I’d like to say that 1) it’s wonderful how you share the joy of parenting Thumper and 2) I admire how you and your husband decided to make a new life in a city across the country. That’s not easy. Phooey to the commenter.
Rachael said it perfectly. Of course your focus has changed – your life has changed. I personally like the new direction, but if it bored or irked me I’d just stop reading it! I’ve certainly done that with other blogs.
I hope Thumper had a wonderful birthday with the cake song sung many times and with everyone clapping afterward. I can’t believe he’s two!
Rachael said it perfectly. Of course your focus has changed – your life has changed. I personally like the new direction, but if it bored or irked me I’d just stop reading it! I’ve certainly done that with other blogs.
I hope Thumper had a wonderful birthday with the cake song sung many times and with everyone clapping afterward. I can’t believe he’s two!
I am sorry that you had a mean comment, especially on Thumper’s b’day post. I like the ‘new’ blog!
I am sorry that you had a mean comment, especially on Thumper’s b’day post. I like the ‘new’ blog!
Delurking… I started reading DSY around the time Thumper was born, so I don’t really see the change in your blogs. What a mean comment to leave, especially on the bday post. Completely mean and hurtful. Please know that I love reading your blog bc of the motherhood content. It’s clear how much you love the little guy and how happy he makes you. Stay happy and healthy and keep writing.
Delurking… I started reading DSY around the time Thumper was born, so I don’t really see the change in your blogs. What a mean comment to leave, especially on the bday post. Completely mean and hurtful. Please know that I love reading your blog bc of the motherhood content. It’s clear how much you love the little guy and how happy he makes you. Stay happy and healthy and keep writing.
You know, what I love about reading blogs is to see how people live and that means how their lives change…
You know, what I love about reading blogs is to see how people live and that means how their lives change…
Well, I for one followed you here and am extremely happy I did.
While I rarely comment, I do enjoy dropping in on your family very much!
Well, I for one followed you here and am extremely happy I did.
While I rarely comment, I do enjoy dropping in on your family very much!
Delurking here too. I really enjoy your blog and you’re generous to share yourself and family with everyone. The comment you deleted was totally out of line. Be well in Utopia and super Happy 2nd Birthday to Thumper.
Delurking here too. I really enjoy your blog and you’re generous to share yourself and family with everyone. The comment you deleted was totally out of line. Be well in Utopia and super Happy 2nd Birthday to Thumper.
I’m a day late on the birthday greeting (you can tell Thumper I took the day off to celebrate his birthday!) but my birthday greetings are very sincere. And I agree, if there isn’t clapping after the cake song, then we need to sing it again!
I’m a day late on the birthday greeting (you can tell Thumper I took the day off to celebrate his birthday!) but my birthday greetings are very sincere. And I agree, if there isn’t clapping after the cake song, then we need to sing it again!
I came to your blog through the knitosphere, but have stayed and enjoyed through the birth, the move, the gardening, the bread making, the memory making. I’m here quietly encouraging you from the sidelines. Warm regards.
I came to your blog through the knitosphere, but have stayed and enjoyed through the birth, the move, the gardening, the bread making, the memory making. I’m here quietly encouraging you from the sidelines. Warm regards.
I don’t understand why some people can leave thoughtless comments like that. Of course your blog has changed–you life has changed. You are now a mother, you have moved across the country, and I’m sure there are other, less obvious changes in your life. Change is the only constant in anyone’s life. But to leave a comment like that on the birthday boy’s blog post–that’s just rude beyond measure. As many others have said, she can just stop reading. No one is forcing her to stay. I hope you enjoyed the day despite her thoughtless comment, and that the cake song was sung, and everyone had a good time.
I don’t understand why some people can leave thoughtless comments like that. Of course your blog has changed–you life has changed. You are now a mother, you have moved across the country, and I’m sure there are other, less obvious changes in your life. Change is the only constant in anyone’s life. But to leave a comment like that on the birthday boy’s blog post–that’s just rude beyond measure. As many others have said, she can just stop reading. No one is forcing her to stay. I hope you enjoyed the day despite her thoughtless comment, and that the cake song was sung, and everyone had a good time.
I’m sorry you had a stupid troll on Thumper’s birthday post. Everybody grows and changes, that’s what makes life interesting.
I’m sorry you had a stupid troll on Thumper’s birthday post. Everybody grows and changes, that’s what makes life interesting.
Seriously, get a life if you can’t leave a nice comment on someone ELSE’S blog. Blog about whatever you want to–and Happy (now belated) Birthday to Thumper. We were pregnant at the same time, and it just hit me when I saw it was Thumper’s birthday, that my little boy is going to be two soon!
Seriously, get a life if you can’t leave a nice comment on someone ELSE’S blog. Blog about whatever you want to–and Happy (now belated) Birthday to Thumper. We were pregnant at the same time, and it just hit me when I saw it was Thumper’s birthday, that my little boy is going to be two soon!
I really don’t get it. I have never been tempted to leave a comment on a blog or a message board that I would feel uncomfortable saying in person. My guess is that some people blur the internet with television and fiction and really start to think of everybody as “characters” instead of “people”. Perhaps they have grown up with television, passively waiting to be entertained instead of living their own story.
And wow, Thumper is only two. and he has already gone from utterly cute to stunningly handsome. How did that happen so fast?
I really don’t get it. I have never been tempted to leave a comment on a blog or a message board that I would feel uncomfortable saying in person. My guess is that some people blur the internet with television and fiction and really start to think of everybody as “characters” instead of “people”. Perhaps they have grown up with television, passively waiting to be entertained instead of living their own story.
And wow, Thumper is only two. and he has already gone from utterly cute to stunningly handsome. How did that happen so fast?
I love your new blog title. I recently changed my blog title too and I’m not sure if I have lost readers because of it (some were confused when they came on and it wasn’t “Me, Myself and Milotis78” anymore) … some figured it out, and maybe some didn’t.
I’m sorry you had a nasty comment. People can be so terrible. {{hugs}}
I love your new blog title. I recently changed my blog title too and I’m not sure if I have lost readers because of it (some were confused when they came on and it wasn’t “Me, Myself and Milotis78” anymore) … some figured it out, and maybe some didn’t.
I’m sorry you had a nasty comment. People can be so terrible. {{hugs}}
hmmm – I’m not a mommy – won’t ever be – but I’ve continued to enjoy your blog – and really, you’re right – it didn’t ‘change’ when you changed the name and the banner – it’s been evolving just like you – I guess it was someone who doesn’t believe in ‘evolution’ of any kind. oh well – Sorry I missed telling Thumper Happy Birthday – he is such a cutie and a lucky boy!
hmmm – I’m not a mommy – won’t ever be – but I’ve continued to enjoy your blog – and really, you’re right – it didn’t ‘change’ when you changed the name and the banner – it’s been evolving just like you – I guess it was someone who doesn’t believe in ‘evolution’ of any kind. oh well – Sorry I missed telling Thumper Happy Birthday – he is such a cutie and a lucky boy!
You know, that comment really said more about the commenter than about you. I hope you’ve been able to put it out of your mind.
You know, that comment really said more about the commenter than about you. I hope you’ve been able to put it out of your mind.
When I first read the post title, I thought it was “pissed off comma-deleting Mama”. I assumed your post would be about editing… I know lots of cranky editors.
Sorry to hear that a cranky comment touched a nerve. Seems silly to me that someone wouuld bother posting something pointlessly negative. It’s one thing to argue a point in a comment, but another to just blandy be negative.
Boo to him/her.
When I first read the post title, I thought it was “pissed off comma-deleting Mama”. I assumed your post would be about editing… I know lots of cranky editors.
Sorry to hear that a cranky comment touched a nerve. Seems silly to me that someone wouuld bother posting something pointlessly negative. It’s one thing to argue a point in a comment, but another to just blandy be negative.
Boo to him/her.
I usually just lurk with the blogs I read, but I have to comment as I agree with Megan… it’s silly of that person to leave a comment that had nothing to do with that post.
I’m sorry it ruined the happyness of Thumper turning two (he’s a real cutie btw). You keep doing what you do, it’s their loss if they can’t grow up.
I usually just lurk with the blogs I read, but I have to comment as I agree with Megan… it’s silly of that person to leave a comment that had nothing to do with that post.
I’m sorry it ruined the happyness of Thumper turning two (he’s a real cutie btw). You keep doing what you do, it’s their loss if they can’t grow up.
I realized today that I hadn’t read anything from you in a while, then remembered you were going to change blog names, then actively went looking for you.
May this be a counterbalance to the asshat who left you that comment.
And happy late birthday to the always-adorable Thumper!
I realized today that I hadn’t read anything from you in a while, then remembered you were going to change blog names, then actively went looking for you.
May this be a counterbalance to the asshat who left you that comment.
And happy late birthday to the always-adorable Thumper!
Listen, your blog rules. I’ve been reading it for years, and you don’t owe anybody ANYTHING. Babies need to be had, bread needs to be baked. So keep on keepin’ on.
Listen, your blog rules. I’ve been reading it for years, and you don’t owe anybody ANYTHING. Babies need to be had, bread needs to be baked. So keep on keepin’ on.
People lash out online in ways that they would NEVER do in person… I’m really sorry it was on thumper’s birthday. I love how your blog has evolved as your life has… I found you because I loved one of your patterns, but I read you because your writing is so multi-textured and I love the snatches of your life you offer the world. And, I’m not a mom. Though my wee niece turns two tomorrow, so I’m sending connected wishes to her and thumper together.
People lash out online in ways that they would NEVER do in person… I’m really sorry it was on thumper’s birthday. I love how your blog has evolved as your life has… I found you because I loved one of your patterns, but I read you because your writing is so multi-textured and I love the snatches of your life you offer the world. And, I’m not a mom. Though my wee niece turns two tomorrow, so I’m sending connected wishes to her and thumper together.
Happy Belated Birthday to Thumper! Am sure he and his parents had a grand time.
As far as the moment someone left, remember, some people cannot take change. Sudden change. Any change. But then, maybe they are jealous too….of the utopia you are experiencing.
It’s nice when you can preview a comment in wordpress. They’re also great with spams. However, be aware that once you get a comment from someone whose previous comment got cleared; this someone can then enter future comments that may be malicious or something and gets cleared because the blogger previously cleared it. How do I know? By experience.
Don’t worry……just keep blogging for the rest of us to enjoy.
Take care.
Happy Belated Birthday to Thumper! Am sure he and his parents had a grand time.
As far as the moment someone left, remember, some people cannot take change. Sudden change. Any change. But then, maybe they are jealous too….of the utopia you are experiencing.
It’s nice when you can preview a comment in wordpress. They’re also great with spams. However, be aware that once you get a comment from someone whose previous comment got cleared; this someone can then enter future comments that may be malicious or something and gets cleared because the blogger previously cleared it. How do I know? By experience.
Don’t worry……just keep blogging for the rest of us to enjoy.
Take care.
Just be glad you’re you and not the commenter, who is probably a very unhappy person, disappointed by nearly everything in life.
Just be glad you’re you and not the commenter, who is probably a very unhappy person, disappointed by nearly everything in life.
I really hate when people feel the need to tell bloggers what they should write about. Really.
(I also hate that I’m an idiot who didn’t update her bloglines properly and missed Thumper’s 2nd birthday. Doh. I’ll clap extra happily at something random for him this evening to make up)
I really hate when people feel the need to tell bloggers what they should write about. Really.
(I also hate that I’m an idiot who didn’t update her bloglines properly and missed Thumper’s 2nd birthday. Doh. I’ll clap extra happily at something random for him this evening to make up)
I have been a lurker for a couple of years on and off. I think I might have commented once. But I wanted to say, 1. piss on her and 2. I know what you mean about things evolving on their own. My old blog used to be about pretty much nothing but knitting and that was my life. Even after it wasn’t my life I tried my hardest to keep the knitting only blog going. But it didn’t. I ignored it for a few months, and then just changed on a regular blog. It just deals with our daily life whether it be knitting, kids, gardening, whatever. Just ignore the Hater! She probably sits at her computer all day long and doesn’t have a fun and interesting life like you and was trying to live vicariously through your “old blog”. 🙂
I have been a lurker for a couple of years on and off. I think I might have commented once. But I wanted to say, 1. piss on her and 2. I know what you mean about things evolving on their own. My old blog used to be about pretty much nothing but knitting and that was my life. Even after it wasn’t my life I tried my hardest to keep the knitting only blog going. But it didn’t. I ignored it for a few months, and then just changed on a regular blog. It just deals with our daily life whether it be knitting, kids, gardening, whatever. Just ignore the Hater! She probably sits at her computer all day long and doesn’t have a fun and interesting life like you and was trying to live vicariously through your “old blog”. 🙂
Ya know……….I’ve only commented here once and I’m not a big blog commenter in general, but I also had the notion to comment on Marnie’s blog to a similar post a few weeks ago.
The bottom line is that there are lots of miserable people out there and they are only happy if they’re giving others a piece of their miserable minds. They somehow think that it makes them look more important if they put others people down.
I’ve been reading your blog for years now and I’ve been quite entertained at your creative endeavors, both knitting and writing, your love of NY, the excitment of anticipating a baby and the joy that his new life has brought, and all of the other observations that make your life….well….YOUR LIFE. From what I can tell, you and I have lots of attitudes in common, but the only thing our actual lives have in common is knitting….still, I like reading to see what you’re up to. I cannot for the life of me see where someone would think they have the right to tell you what to say on YOUR BLOG. Part of living freely is to just not read the blogs that aren’t interesting to us anymore. Couldn’t this reader have just done that? No, she/he felt the need to spew their negativity to you because they’re feeling lousy about themselves.
I say the same thing to you that I said to Marnie, just ignore the nuts who are out there and keep doing what you love. Don’t let the miserable people rent any space in your head. You’ll be much healthier if you tune these people out and teach Thumper to do the same.
Blog in Peace – Terry
Ya know……….I’ve only commented here once and I’m not a big blog commenter in general, but I also had the notion to comment on Marnie’s blog to a similar post a few weeks ago.
The bottom line is that there are lots of miserable people out there and they are only happy if they’re giving others a piece of their miserable minds. They somehow think that it makes them look more important if they put others people down.
I’ve been reading your blog for years now and I’ve been quite entertained at your creative endeavors, both knitting and writing, your love of NY, the excitment of anticipating a baby and the joy that his new life has brought, and all of the other observations that make your life….well….YOUR LIFE. From what I can tell, you and I have lots of attitudes in common, but the only thing our actual lives have in common is knitting….still, I like reading to see what you’re up to. I cannot for the life of me see where someone would think they have the right to tell you what to say on YOUR BLOG. Part of living freely is to just not read the blogs that aren’t interesting to us anymore. Couldn’t this reader have just done that? No, she/he felt the need to spew their negativity to you because they’re feeling lousy about themselves.
I say the same thing to you that I said to Marnie, just ignore the nuts who are out there and keep doing what you love. Don’t let the miserable people rent any space in your head. You’ll be much healthier if you tune these people out and teach Thumper to do the same.
Blog in Peace – Terry
I agree that what you put on your blog is entirely your business, but if you allow comments then you have to take what you get. That is the one part of your blog that you have decided to include that you are not in control of. If you choose to delete unfavorable comments, that, too, is entirely up to you, but I think there is a basic dishonesty in publishing the ones that say what you want them to say, and hiding the rest.
I agree that what you put on your blog is entirely your business, but if you allow comments then you have to take what you get. That is the one part of your blog that you have decided to include that you are not in control of. If you choose to delete unfavorable comments, that, too, is entirely up to you, but I think there is a basic dishonesty in publishing the ones that say what you want them to say, and hiding the rest.
F*ck. WHY do people feel the need to be stupid asses???????
F*ck. WHY do people feel the need to be stupid asses???????
I’m sorry about the lame-o comment!
I’ve been a long time lurker but I don’t think I’ve commented before. I wanted to say that many of the readers you lost in the move may be accidental. I had you on bloglines but I never got an update about your move. I had to come looking for you when I hadn’t read an update in a while.
I like the new blog! As a new mother, I understand that life changes and moves on — and that’s how it should be. If you weren’t learning and growing and changing then you wouldn’t be someone who could write such an interesting blog (or novels & short stories). And, for the record, I’m jealous of your Utopia. 🙂 I’m working my way towards my own utopia if I could just finish graduate school…
I’m sorry about the lame-o comment!
I’ve been a long time lurker but I don’t think I’ve commented before. I wanted to say that many of the readers you lost in the move may be accidental. I had you on bloglines but I never got an update about your move. I had to come looking for you when I hadn’t read an update in a while.
I like the new blog! As a new mother, I understand that life changes and moves on — and that’s how it should be. If you weren’t learning and growing and changing then you wouldn’t be someone who could write such an interesting blog (or novels & short stories). And, for the record, I’m jealous of your Utopia. 🙂 I’m working my way towards my own utopia if I could just finish graduate school…
Hey there. I just got home and am catching up on blogs, and just wanted to let you know that lots of people who *wanted* to follow you may not have, since Bloglines just dropped the feed to DSY without any direction to this new site. Anyhoo, nice new site! I’d follow you anywhere. 😉
Hey there. I just got home and am catching up on blogs, and just wanted to let you know that lots of people who *wanted* to follow you may not have, since Bloglines just dropped the feed to DSY without any direction to this new site. Anyhoo, nice new site! I’d follow you anywhere. 😉
I just found you again after Alison’s post. I’ve read your blog since I first discovered blogs, and I don’t comment very often. But like Alison, I’d follow your voice anywhere.
It’s all about change. Some people can handle it, others can’t. It really speaks volumes about the commenter, doesn’t it?
Keep on writing. Here From Utopia.
I just found you again after Alison’s post. I’ve read your blog since I first discovered blogs, and I don’t comment very often. But like Alison, I’d follow your voice anywhere.
It’s all about change. Some people can handle it, others can’t. It really speaks volumes about the commenter, doesn’t it?
Keep on writing. Here From Utopia.
You may have lost one reader, but you found an old “friend”.
Strangely, this morning I read a post from someone about LibraryThing and thought about you. I remembered that I hadn’t seen your blog in a while. And wondered where it had gone. And what was the name of that blog anyway? Oh yeah, something about Dogs but I knew it had changed after the move, etc.
I know your full name, so I Googled you and found your new home. Glad to be back ;>
You may have lost one reader, but you found an old “friend”.
Strangely, this morning I read a post from someone about LibraryThing and thought about you. I remembered that I hadn’t seen your blog in a while. And wondered where it had gone. And what was the name of that blog anyway? Oh yeah, something about Dogs but I knew it had changed after the move, etc.
I know your full name, so I Googled you and found your new home. Glad to be back ;>