A gold star for Heather

This morning Heather returned her copy of the manuscript, all marked up and ready for my next round of revisions. That’s a one-week turnaround. Heather rocks.

And now I sit and wring my hands and wait to hear from everyone else. I hate this part.

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6 Comments on “A gold star for Heather

  1. I know I’ve said this before, but can I tell you again how extremely enjoyable it is to read about your novel writing process? 🙂 Call me crazy, but its so intriguing. Part of me wants to try to write a novel someday, but I have a tremendous fear of failure, and I also do not have any creative writing background whatsoever. Have you ever done the NaNoWriMo write-a-novel-in-a-month thing? I’m tempted to try it out…
    – Heather

  2. I know I’ve said this before, but can I tell you again how extremely enjoyable it is to read about your novel writing process? 🙂 Call me crazy, but its so intriguing. Part of me wants to try to write a novel someday, but I have a tremendous fear of failure, and I also do not have any creative writing background whatsoever. Have you ever done the NaNoWriMo write-a-novel-in-a-month thing? I’m tempted to try it out…
    – Heather

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