Shall we have some random?

In the great tradition of random Wednesdays, because otherwise I have nothing for you today.

1. How we recycle cardboard:

2. I’ve finished my Central Park Hoodie, except for adding the toggles and crochet button loops. Must get that done tonight, and then hopefully photos soon. In the meantime, I’ve been wearing it constantly, even without the closures. Though it’s a pain in the ass to keep tugging it around me, so I’ll be glad for the toggles when they’re on. (Which brings up the question of why I haven’t gotten that done yet. I have no idea.)

3. I’ve finished my Shalom cardi and I love it. It needs a good blocking before photos, though. So that soon too.

4. Adam is visiting, laying the groundwork to hopefully move to Portland. Hurray for Adam! Any Portland singles want to be on his show? He’s looking to cast a Portland episode.

5. Go watch the Feed Me Show. Really. Do. It’s great fun.

6. Apparently a cute guy riding past me on his bike and shouting, “Hey, Red!” is still enough to make me swoon. (I’m a simple girl with simple needs.)

7. I’m reading The Path of Minor Planets and enjoying it, but the shifty povs have me a bit off balance and I’m not sure yet what I think of that choice. Will reserve judgment until I’ve finished the book. For now, I like it quite a bit.

8. It’s raining today. I know. Shocking.

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9 Comments on “Shall we have some random?

  1. I’m quite impressed that Thumper hasn’t taken the paper off of his crayon! In my house all crayons were naked when my eldest was around his age.

  2. My brother and sister and I used to take cardboard boxes, crayons, tinfoil and glue and build computers and space shuttles. We had a much better mission success rate than NASA, I am proud to say.

  3. That’s a perfect use for old cardboard. Thumper is getting so big!

    I too love it when a random man makes a little comment. Just nice to know you’re still a little desireable.

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