Billy spent the past two weekends in continuing ed courses. The weekend before last, the course was in town, so he was home at night. This weekend’s course was out of town. During the week, he gets home from work about an hour before the bedtime routine starts and I do the bedtime routine on my own (only because it works best that way), so I’ve had very few breaks over the past two weeks. And here we are with another week stretching out ahead of us before I can get to a weekend with actual rest built into it.
Which is to say, goddamn I’m tired and rundown and not all that fit to blog.
(To which the single parents out there say, “Poor baby!” I know… I know…)
CPH has toggles as of ten minutes ago. Shalom still needs to be blocked. Other than that, there isn’t anything to report around here apart from my growing ability to consume enormous quantities of granola and mumble to myself.
Thumper’s doing fine, but I may be going a bit feral.
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It’s like that around here too–David is working on a project until Friday that has required 14 hour days 7 days a week.
Except I just have to take care of myself. How pathetic am I? I think I just ate popcorn for dinner.
As my husband is out of town frequently and I live with three dogs, the act of going feral is not as bad as it might seem. It’s a real stress reducer in the long run! It’s only when you feel the urge to walk on all fours and consume things from the trash that you should start worrying!
I’ve learned over the years that rest (sleep) is very important. Hope you find some rest soon!
My hubby does tai chi 3 days a week in the evenings, conviniently at bedtime… I really admire single mothers, really truly. I don’t know how they can do it.
You’ll do fine–really. If I can survive two Naval deployments with a newborn (one 6 week trip to Ireland, made 3 weeks after I had a c-section, the second a 6 month deployment starting when the short person was about six months–the hubby did make it home for the first birthday) you can survive a few weeks with a toddler. I reccommend a LOT of coffee.
I’m sure you’ll do fine, but I do recommend lots of playdates and coffee.
Hang in there. I completely understand how you feel.
I hope Thumper gives you some nap times so you can unwind a bit.
Hold on, you can make it, even if it doesn’t always feel that way.
Mmmm. Granola.
I’ve been experimenting with making extra-spicy granola. A lot of ginger and a little crushed red pepper could perk you up. If you’ve been schlepping around the house in something optimistically known as “loungewear”, try putting on some real clothes. It might help pull you back toward the light of civilization.
Plus, you’re in the downside of Utopia: All of the November weather and darkness wears on everyone. (This is my fifth November in Seattle — it’s always a rough transition.) For what it’s worth, my doctor recommends an extra cup of coffee at this time of year and taking a 1000 IU Vitamin D supplement on top of your standard multivitamin.
Feel better soon!
You wrote earlier about Thumper still waking you up two or three times a night to be nursed. Is he still doing that? If so, you might consider cutting back on the night nursing slowly, it’s not like he still needs it and like someone said here before, sufficient sleep is very important and will probably make you a nicer mom during the day. Anyway, whatever you decide, remember it will get better eventually. Thumper won’t stay a toddler forever! Good luck.
“Feral Cari” – now there’s a blog I’d read. Though I guess all the entries would read something like “Grrrr. Oaauurrmm. *skritch skritch skritch* Uurk.”
Hang in there. Hope you enjoy some decent rest when the opportunity presents itself.
Ooh I know that feeling. Counting down the dayshoursminutes. It’s important for you to have it, when it comes.
Hey, I’m wondering how you worked out the math for your Shalom cardi. I am hankerin’ to make one out of some really lovely silk/wool blend hand-dyed stuff in my stash & if you’ve already done the math I’d love to steal it!
My husband has been home a total of 48 hours in the last month. I feel your fatigue. I have 3 teenagers (17,16,15), one applying to college. They are all night owls. I have taken to going to bed at 9 or 10 when they’re all home. Next Monday can’t come soon enough.