
I guess I’ve got plenty to blog about. If I ever got around to taking photos of the finished Central Park Hoodie, finished Shalom cardi, finished Lenore socks, finished cowl, finished hat, or finished husband-neck warmer, that would probably keep the knitters among you entertained for at least a while. I’ve already worn the CPH and Shalom so many times that both will need to be de-pilled for photos. Thumper’s said some rather cute things lately, and when my brain gets too tired to work on my own book I’ve been reading good stuff by other people. Plenty I could be saying.

And yet…can’t seem to gather up the energy to actually do so. All waking moments that aren’t spent toddler-wrangling are going to revising the book, and that’s pretty much all I’m thinking about at any given moment, too. (Which is just how it goes with me, and that’s fine. I’m comfortable with my obsessive nature.) But it makes for dull, dull blogging. I’m hoping to get the revised manuscript back to my agent in early January, but I will make an effort to be somewhat interesting here long before that. Just not today. Okay? Yeah. Sorry.

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14 Comments on “

  1. Just show us a cute Thumper picture like above, and we’re happy. I’m not sure where he’s going, but he seems to be enjoying the ride!

  2. I think both knitting and writing requires an obsessive nature. You must be willing to repeat the same action over and over and over…. (I’m am very, very obsessive myself).

    Good thing you have Thumper to keep an eye on things for you…

  3. This photo makes me laugh. Boys will be boys, tis true. I raised two and never would let them play with toy guns, swords, or knives. They, however, would simply MAKE their own weapons out of paper, cardboard, Legos, or whatever. They seem happiest with some kind of weapon in hand. 🙂

  4. I feel the same way about my blog. I can go days w/out saying anything and then all of a sudden, WOOSH! There’s a billion things to say. I love Thumper’s photo. My favorite photo of my nephew is one of him standing in our backyard with a tin foil hat on with a dinosaur in one hand and a huge helicopter in the other. It’s very boyish!

  5. Don’t you just love you Lenores? They are my favorite socks to date. And they are the only STR club socks I’ve managed to finish. I think I am going to force myself from taking a year off in 2009 to catch up.

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