More raffle prizes!
I’m happy to say offers of raffle prizes keep coming in from authors, artists, and publishers. With each $10 you donate to the Afghan Women’s Writing Project, you can now also win:
Junot Díaz has donated 4 signed paperbacks. He’s traveling right now and isn’t sure what combination of copies of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and Drown those four books will be. Specifics to come. For now: four signed books! From Junot Díaz!
Nick Zinner of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs has donated a CD or merch item signed by the band. They aren’t sure yet what they’ll sign, but it’s getting signed at Bonnaroo today.
The Kenyon Review has donated a one-year subscription to the literary journal.
Connie May Fowler has donated a copy of her novel The Problem with Murmur Lee.
HarperCollins has donated a selection of signed celebrity books. Which celebrities and which books? I’ll let you know when the box arrives.
Remember, you need to email me here after you donate, so I can enter you into the raffle.
Thank you!
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This is good news indeed. Keep ’em coming.
This gives me an opportunity to say something about Junot Diaz … any reader here should treasure getting any of his books, signed or not. I met him at the Buenos Aires Book Fair and was able to spend some time with him. He is the most courteous, amiable, accessible, and interesting writer (of repute) I have ever met. Sad to say, some writers (of repute) have their heads so far up their asses that you wouldn’t want to be in the same city with them, much less the same room. This is not Junot Diaz.
I recommend you contribute as much as you can and hope you get one of his books.
Such a great project! Even without the door prizes, which are all pretty fab. But Junot Diaz, wow! I’ve loved his work since I first read “Drown” … it stunned me! So glad to hear his personality is as fabulous as his writing; it doesn’t always work that way, does it.
Okay, time to donate.