Feeling kind of mopey today…
I think I’ve listened to too much NPR today. Now that the kid is at school for long stretches of the day three days a week, I’m getting way too caught up on the news. Not good for one’s mood, is it?
And then art angst atop the weltschmerz.
Oh yeah, and our old laptop up and died this weekend, too, so now we have two computers in the shop and a rental on my desk and no telling yet how much data’s been lost.
It could be so much worse. I mean, life is good.
Proof, to remind my mopey-ass self:
This weekend on Sauvie Island with my guys:

Do note that when twelve weeks pregnant the second time around, I look as big as I did at five months with the first kiddo. I’ve been assured this is normal. But it’s still kind of crazy. I mean, this is after a HELL of a lot of pilates in the past couple years. I started showing at 7 weeks.
Okay…time for a snack, then off to pick up the kiddo at preschool. It’s a 25-minute walk to get him. Hopefully that will snap me out of this mood.
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I can’t remember which show, but recently on NPR, the host made reference to “the teabagger movement”. This brought much giggling and joy.
I highly recommend an egg timer so you switch the radio to another station (or off) so as to not dwell on too much of the world stuff. I had to get all my world news from my blog feed for a while as the news news just made my head hurt.
You look beautiful! It is funny when people call it the “teabagger movement” sometimes I wonder if they are doing it on purpose : )
Congrats on your pregnancy! I had not checked your blog in a while and had a good feeling tonight that if I did I might hear this news… Best of luck.
Keep your eyes open for Costco specials on external hardrives. I kept lurking around the idea until they sent out a coupon for one once and I picked up a nice, big external hardrive for $60. I can’t remember the gig size and it is allllll the way in the other room. But it was sufficient for me to backup my laptop and store movies and music (I have a dream of getting rid of all my CDs).
The alien picture is way cute! Your boys are adorable.
I also look the equivalent of 5 months pregnant at 12 weeks. I like to think of it as a sign that the baby is growing like crazy.
Re: baby. Everyone looks bigger faster the second time around. I think it’s because everything was stretched out already, and now you are more “elastic” than before. My theory, anyway.
I had a friend guess I was pregnant by 10 weeks the second time around. It’s so weird to show that much sooner! Congrats on the pregnancy!
I think you look great! It’s nice to see that baby growing in there!
Blew coffee all over the monitor at the alien picture–I needed a good giggle. And I second the external hard drive idea–totally saved my cookies last month when my laptop fritzed.
I’m with you. I wrestled with the stupid scene for five hours today. I’m going crazy and I will send you a post card when I arrive. Wear gloves if it looks bloody.
Who was it up there? Laurie? Recommending the external harddrive backup? This has dropped my anxiety level about 95%. I have a 500 GB external HDD connected all the time to my imac, and it backs up everything in the computer, everything, every hour. Do this and live free.
Gone for a while and when I come back there is all this good news! I remember the first time I took one of my kids to preschool. She was so excited to be there. And congrats on the pregnancy. You guys worked so hard to get there. I am so happy for you. I hope everything goes well!
I gained my weight backwards during pregnancy- all of it in the first 6 months. You look fantastic and I am so happy for all of you 🙂
You and your belly look amazingly beautiful. I am so, so happy for you.
The news is a problem. I feel lazy and uninformed if I don’t watch/listen to/read news, but alternately despairing and suspicious when I do. I don’t know what the answer is, but I take a news vacation every once in a while and the world does not seem to come to an end or improve out of all recognition while I am away.
Hooray for pregnant belly! I always said I needed maternity clothes the second time around at the moment of conception (and I was 15lbs lighter than before my first kid)