146 Comments on “She’s here!

  1. She’s a beauty! Everyone did a great job 🙂

    So what were you doing posting knitting pictures on March 31???? They are lovely little sweaters … but really!


  2. Absolutely beautiful. Is it too soon to say she looks just like her mom? Glad to hear she’s here all safe and sound!

  3. I admit – I gasped when my RSS reader brought the picture into view. She’s lovely. Congratulations to you all, and welcome to the world, baby girl.

  4. Congratulations!!! She is completely gorgeous, and one of the most mature-looking babies I’ve ever seen in my entire life. That beautiful mouth could be on a 21-year old. Amazing. You’re going to get the “Are you two sisters?” thing from the time she learns to walk. Heal well and get some sleep.

  5. squeeeeee! she’s such a darling — keil and i cannot wait to meet her and welcome her to the neighborhood.

  6. Congratulations! SO glad to hear that everything (I’m guessing) went smoothly! Waiting for the modeled knitwear shots 🙂

  7. Congrats!
    What a sweetie.
    Though the March 31st post sounded like major nesting kicking in! Not surprised she came early.

  8. Congratulations! Glad to hear you are doing well and can’t wait to hear about it. She really does look so much like you!

  9. Your blog is the only one I’ve read consistently over the years – almost since the start. It’s been lovely watching your family grow and I wish you much joy with your sweet girl and boy.

  10. Yup, that’s a baby! May your family’s lives be filled with many blessings. And now, let the parade of baby knit blog modeling begin! Her first handknit…her first handmade hat…her first handmade socks… her first sweater…

  11. So many congratulations due for you my dear – your family will be so much richer for her being with you all. Enjoy those early days with her, breathe in her beautiful newborn scent, and know you’ve done an amazing job – you bought life into the world 🙂 xxx

  12. i was thinking how mature she looks, too! you sure she wasn’t born last month and you holdin’ot on us???? 🙂 a beauty.

  13. Congratulations! She’s beautiful! I’m so glad that she’s here safe and sound. I hope that you’re doing splendidly too.

  14. Oh! She’s beautiful. All went well, I hope, I hope. The biggest congratulations, and much love to all four of you! xx

  15. Yahoo! Congratulations she is beeyoooteeful! I hope everything went smoothly for you guys. Sending lots of love your way!

  16. What a truly lovely baby. Congratulations! I hope things went expeditiously this time!

  17. The first thing I saw was your baby’s stunning lips! She’s lovely! Congratulations on a job well done — now enjoy her and your treasured family!

  18. She is beautiful…just like you! She really does look like you. I will figure out a way in the next 2 weeks to get the baby clothes to you.

  19. Wow, I was so happy to see the post!! this is great news after all you’ve been through. She’s a beautiful girl and I know you are one HAPPY mom.
    best wishes
    Pat (tinker)

  20. Congratulations! She’s beautiful and looks a lot like her big brother. So happy that everything worked out so well!

  21. Welcome, little one. It’s going to be a great adventure, and you couldn’t have chosen a better family.

  22. congratulations!!!!!!!! (sorry I am a bit late, read the post, but got busy and didn’t comment, and only just realised that I hadn’t left a congratulations comment!)

  23. I can’t stop crying (in happiness) for you. One of my friends just lost her first pregnancy at 22 weeks.

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