Tube meats, costumes, bad fashion decisions…
Yeah…playing catch-up again with the photos. Behold the wonder that is our family:
1. Like 80% of Portlanders, we woke up to an unexpectedly warm and sunny Sunday a few weeks back and thought, “Pumpkins!” We went to Kruger’s Farm on Sauvie Island. Kiddo had his first pony ride (poor, sad things, but he enjoyed it and I was happy to see they rotated the ponies so they all got regular breaks). I ate a German (local! pastured!) sausage. Kiddo eyed a (local!) hot dog suspiciously and mostly just ate the bun and his roasted corn. (I know…kinda gross. It tasted good outside in the sun but I don’t plan to repeat that anytime soon.) There was tree-climbing, farm-frolicking, tractor-riding, and pumpkin choosing. A lovely day, despite the crowds. In fact, once you got past the 30-minute wait on the food lines there was plenty of space for everyone. Next year we’ll bring a picnic and skip the lines.
2. Kiddo was a football player for Halloween. The allegiance is not for Denver, but for Dark Blue. Dark Blue is the very most special and good of all colors, you see. Since we don’t have TV, he’s only seen football the handful of times it’s been playing at the pizza place, etc. This means he’s free to root for Dark Blue all he wants, thankyouverymuch. It also means he’s kind of confused by all the men who shout praises for his shirt when he wears it. The baby? She was a ladybug. We got one handmedown costume, and it turned out to be a ladybug. (What kind of irony is that? Billy insists there are seven kinds of irony, but he can’t name them.)
3. I’m usually the one taking the photos, which is why I appear in next to none of them. So the other day it occurred to Billy to take a picture of me while I was holding the baby. A candid photo. Without warning. When I couldn’t tell you when I’d last had the chance to wash my hair and I was wearing some pretty unfortunately paired layers. Warmth over fashion, you know? And he also had the nerve to catch me at a moment where I’d failed to lose the last 15 pregnancy lbs… But hell–I’ve got two young kids. My hair gets washed twice a week if I’m extremely lucky and I’m often seen in unfortunately paired layers. And the baby weight? Nine months on, nine months off. I’m okay with that. So you know what? This is what I look like these days. Here you go. Proof I still exist in corporeal form:
Verbal, dramatic and situational… verbal is intentional. Dramatic includes tragic (but for Billy’s sake, let’s count it). That’s 4. Cosmic irony (the gods are laughing at us) and Historical Irony… O.k. I’ve got 6 before I’ve got to go ask Mr Google. … ah Socratic.
p.s. Ladybug and ladybug costume are historical, me thinks. Nice pic. (Also love Kiddo in the tree.)
Nice puzzle for 5 a.m. Better than coffee 🙂
Use this photo of you with the baby as your author photo on your book jacket.
Your stare will always be full of rivers and your beauty full of nights.
You know what? I like this picture of you.
How does your hair looks so good when unwashed for days? Two days in mine is sticking up in 18 directions like a clowns. Stupid fine curly hair. Eh, I think you look great. A little non plussed… sure. But great.
Your skin looks great! Blemish free with a healthy glow.
Hell, you look better than me, and I don’t have nearly the same excuse!
I think you look splendid.
Awwww you look fine, I wish I looked that good for not washing my hair for a couple of days… also, I am totally shocked at how tiny ladybug looks. Oh, and she is completely adorable!
Um, Ladybug in a ladybug costume? Whatever kind of irony it is, it’s slaying me.
Also, I kinda love that last photo; the two of you are wearing nearly the same expression.
A few catch-up comments:
(1) I am startled by how much Ladybug looks like Thumper when he was that age. (needless to say, both are/were adorable)
(2) I can’t believe how much Thumper has grown
(3) I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post on your writing process. As a would-be writer who writes so much for work that I’m usually unmotivated to do much else, I always enjoy reading about other people’s writing processes.
Lovely. really.
That is an AWESOME picture of you and the baby! I remember that expression vividly. That’s the face you used to make at me when I strolled into homeroom, all hopped up on caffeine, singing obnoxious show tunes at the top of my lungs. See? I’ll bet you thought I just didn’t realize how annoying that was… 🙂 And I agree; you must have made some dirty deal with the devil for your hair to look so fresh and bouncy unwashed. Love how your Ladybug makes the same perturbed expression as her mama, too.
I’m amazed at how your hair looks. Those of us cursed with fine straight hair can’t go more than a day without looking a little like a homeless person.
You look adorable. Tired, but adorable. The hair is charmingly tosseled and the fashion is fine! I spent the weekend going through an old photo album and I don’t know why I was so critical of myself then. I was adorable too. Enjoy being young and pretty with your little kidlets! You are a doll.
I love that picture of you! It truly captures a moment in time.