Meanwhile, back at the home office…
The Revolution of Every Day is done. Started October 2005, finished October 2011. Eight drafts. I printed it out, gave it a big wet kiss, and sent it out into the world. Fingers crossed, yeah?
This means I get to turn my attention back to the next novel, started in–when the hell was it? 2009?–and then back-burnered so I could do some needed heavy revisions on Revolution. I was only one chapter into the first draft when I set it aside, and now it’s sat for so long the only way back into it is to start over again. The original working title had been Cold Black Stars. Then it became Damascus. Then Joshua Mohr published his Damascus, so… Yeah. He kindly offered to share the title, but I think I’ll let him have it. (He offered this on Twitter. How unexpectedly magical and uniting has Twitter proved? It’s a tool, folks. All in how you use it.) So we’ll just call this one Cold Black Stars until and unless another title asserts itself in the writing. If its lucky enough to find a publisher, the marketing department will rename it anyway.
My first two novels were set in New York. This one is set in Oregon, and it feels like the first time I dreamed in Spanish: I truly live in Portland now. No longer a New Yorker in exile. It’s good to be home.
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Congratulations, Cari :). I can’t wait to read it.
I am commenting for the first time on your site using my author’s profile 🙂 I have my fingers crossed for “The Revolution of Every Day.” So far, what I’ve read between my own edits, I love it!
Eight drafts is a lot of work. A lot of worthwhile work. Here’s hoping the rest of the world sees it soon!
I’m pulling for you so hard. SO HARD.
Doing the goddess twirly dance for you.
Congratulations. It’s good you can move right into a new book. I finished one a couple of weeks ago and have been floundering since.
Congratulations! I’m sending out good thoughts and visions of your novel lining bookstore shelves.
I know it’s your working title, but the very first time you mentioned it, way back when, I got a rush, a jolt of something when I read that phrase, Cold Black Stars. I love it. Just for whatever that’s worth.
Revolution of Every Day is the one that I know about, or a different one? I’m sending karma, prayers, and happy wishes your way, but you don’t need any of it. Talent like yours will blaze its own path. Happy Halloween!