A new old standby

I’m sick. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. The cold that’s been knocking seemingly the entire city on its ass has found a home in my lungs. Somehow a coughing fit becomes a whole new experience when you’re nearly five months pregnant.

I’m comforting myself with sock knitting. My usual default sock is a roll-top stockinette sock on two circular needles, a slight modification from my former default sock, which was the same but with a wee bit of a ribbed cuff. I don’t really like ribbed cuffs, and so a while back gave myself permission to just let the sock tops roll the way they wanted to. Those teeny little rolls make me very happy.

Last night I decided to try someone else’s default sock pattern for a change, so I cast on for Cassie’s feather and fan sock. And because it’s Cassie’s default sock, I’m using dpns in her honor. That’s Lorna’s Laces Vera colorway. Pretty, yes?


I can see this pattern becoming a back-up default sock for me. It’s fast and the lace repeat is very easy to memorize, and it produces such a sweet little sock. If I really want to be like Cassie, I’ll knit the next pair in a solid color. In fact, I think I will. I’ve got some Lorna’s in Cranberry burning a hole in the stash.

Never fear, however, plain sock enthusiasts. This morning I also cast on for a pair of roll-top stockinette socks in Trekking. The ball band is long gone, so I have no idea what colorway it is. Pictures of that one when it’s more than two rows on two circs.

58 Comments on “A new old standby

  1. I highly recommend a vaporizer when you sleep at night. It’s also good for your baby if it has a stuffy nose.

    I hope you feel better soon.
    Posted by: LaurieM

  2. Now you said you’re having a boy, right? Not revealing the name, right? Looking for some kind of blogging nickname for the baby? Just curious. I don’t have any ideas of course. hah

    I hope you feel better soon – the coughing while preg sucks.
    Posted by: Laura

  3. The sock is lovely, basking in the sunshine!
    Hope you feel better soon…….
    Posted by: christine

  4. I love, love, love the Vera colorway. I hope you’re feeling better soon. Being sick and pregnant does totally suck. 🙁
    Posted by: Jessica

  5. Oh, man, Darlin’. As I told you yesterday, I had exactly this, and also this time of year, when I was preggers. It was brutal. I was in my first trimester, though. I second the vaporizer idea.
    Posted by: Norma

  6. You don’t have to use the dpns if you don’t want to. I’m sure its 2-circ-able.
    Posted by: Cassie

  7. Oh dearie! Not you too!! But you are at least well enough to knit. When I was out last week, I was too tired to even watch TV and knit. Couldn’t even read because the fever was burning up my eyeballs. (Great imagery, no?) My rec – DRINK more water. So much you think you will burst. Since all we can take is Tylenol, do anything to avoid getting a fever in the first place. Congestion is irritating but fevers are worrisome… and I’m seriously twice shy about being sick and pregnant now. (Midwives get downright cranky with 5 month pregnant ladies who lose 6 lbs in 2 weeks. Lemme tell you!)
    Posted by: sophiagrrl

  8. Yuck. Sick. Poor baby, you have my heartfelt sympathy.

    If you can still knit, though, I know not to worry about you.
    Posted by: claudia

  9. Feather and Fan is one of my default patterns, too. I use magic loop to do it, though.
    Posted by: Carole

  10. I highly recommend a vaporizer when you sleep at night. It’s also good for your baby if it has a stuffy nose.

    I hope you feel better soon.
    Posted by: LaurieM

  11. Now you said you’re having a boy, right? Not revealing the name, right? Looking for some kind of blogging nickname for the baby? Just curious. I don’t have any ideas of course. hah

    I hope you feel better soon – the coughing while preg sucks.
    Posted by: Laura

  12. The sock is lovely, basking in the sunshine!
    Hope you feel better soon…….
    Posted by: christine

  13. I love, love, love the Vera colorway. I hope you’re feeling better soon. Being sick and pregnant does totally suck. 🙁
    Posted by: Jessica

  14. Oh, man, Darlin’. As I told you yesterday, I had exactly this, and also this time of year, when I was preggers. It was brutal. I was in my first trimester, though. I second the vaporizer idea.
    Posted by: Norma

  15. You don’t have to use the dpns if you don’t want to. I’m sure its 2-circ-able.
    Posted by: Cassie

  16. Oh dearie! Not you too!! But you are at least well enough to knit. When I was out last week, I was too tired to even watch TV and knit. Couldn’t even read because the fever was burning up my eyeballs. (Great imagery, no?) My rec – DRINK more water. So much you think you will burst. Since all we can take is Tylenol, do anything to avoid getting a fever in the first place. Congestion is irritating but fevers are worrisome… and I’m seriously twice shy about being sick and pregnant now. (Midwives get downright cranky with 5 month pregnant ladies who lose 6 lbs in 2 weeks. Lemme tell you!)
    Posted by: sophiagrrl

  17. Yuck. Sick. Poor baby, you have my heartfelt sympathy.

    If you can still knit, though, I know not to worry about you.
    Posted by: claudia

  18. Feather and Fan is one of my default patterns, too. I use magic loop to do it, though.
    Posted by: Carole

  19. Hope the sock knitting proves terribly healing! I used to roll the tops of my socks all the way down to my akles when I was younger, roll top socks sound very tempting.
    Posted by: Vicki

  20. Hope you feel better soon. I’ve been home for two days with a fevery Cheb. I’m sure you have enough yarn to keep you occupied while you’re sick, no?
    Posted by: Iris

  21. Ughhh you have my sympathy. I had 4 colds in a row in the fall (2nd trimester)…probably due to the 250 students I was teaching and my immune compromised system (thats what the doc said). The TB cough one was pretty bad. I’d cough until I threw up and bubs would get all upset and kick me. I ended up getting some cough medicine with codeine from the doc, but I was too nervous to use it more than once. Sticking my head over a bowl of steaming water with vicks vapor rub in it brought temporary relief as did real lemon and honey in hot water.
    Posted by: Ingrid

  22. Sock-knitting is a proven way to fight a nasty virus. (Well, proven by me; admittedly a very nonscientific study.) May the sock guide your way to better health!
    Posted by: anne

  23. my default sock pattern used to be some sort of ribbing, a heel flap and kitchner’d toes. This past weekend I cast on using a picot edge and there’s potential for it to become my new “old” standby. (I just need to finish this sock and see if it’ll stay up…)

    The feather and fan sock looks good – once I get over the idea of lacey holes in a cold weather sock I do vow to try it. (socks out of a solid color are on my “Someday…” list. Love the notion, but the ammount of striped/varigated yarn I have is working against the idea…)

    I hope you’re feeling better and drip-free soon.
    Posted by: Kristen

  24. You know, I’ve never considered making a sock that didn’t have ribbing at the top… I’ll have to give your default sock a try! Hope you feel better soon!
    Posted by: teresa

  25. I empathize, except I’d bet my bladder is doing better than yours. I’m merely hacking up a lung over here and on antibiotics now, much to my body’s dismay…

    Feel better soon, lovey.
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  26. I hope you are feeling better really soon. Your feather and fan sock looks lovely!
    Posted by: emily

  27. Agree with you on roll tops. They just look cute and casual and I think are flattering on my tree trunk calves. That feather and fan is so pretty – is it a free pattern somewhere?

    Feel better sweet cousin! Are you a bath person? Steamy bath helped me clear it all out when I was sick last month.
    Posted by: sarah g.

  28. Agree with you on roll tops. They just look cute and casual and I think are flattering on my tree trunk calves. That feather and fan is so pretty – is it a free pattern somewhere?

    Feel better sweet cousin! Are you a bath person? Steamy bath helped me clear it all out when I was sick last month.
    Posted by: sarah g.

  29. Um… I know I’m supposed to notice the knitting…. but I SO have to tell you what an awesome table that is! Can’t we see a full on pic and if you ever put it in a garage sale… call me first!
    Posted by: Mia

  30. I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well! I got bronchitis both times i was pregnant and I also second the vaporizer suggestion. I slept propped up with pillows, which was no fun, but it helped.

    Love the sock. Hope you’re feeling better soon. If you need anything, I’d be more than happy to trek out to your place with supplies. Just let me know.
    Posted by: regina

  31. Hope you feel better soon. Here in Berkeley that same virus kicked our butts! Still have a bit of a cough. Love the photo, really nice work.
    Posted by: Dharma

  32. Very pretty sock yarn, and such an artfully composed photo, too! Lovely!
    You know, I always want roll top socks, but I always am afraid its wrong! Perhaps its time to say it out loud, I don’t like ribbing, and I’m proud..! Oh, Cari, you’ve given me courage to not rib! Hourah!
    Sorry you are sick!
    Hope you are feeling better very soon!!

    Posted by: Pippy

  33. Hope the sock knitting proves terribly healing! I used to roll the tops of my socks all the way down to my akles when I was younger, roll top socks sound very tempting.
    Posted by: Vicki

  34. Hope you feel better soon. I’ve been home for two days with a fevery Cheb. I’m sure you have enough yarn to keep you occupied while you’re sick, no?
    Posted by: Iris

  35. Ughhh you have my sympathy. I had 4 colds in a row in the fall (2nd trimester)…probably due to the 250 students I was teaching and my immune compromised system (thats what the doc said). The TB cough one was pretty bad. I’d cough until I threw up and bubs would get all upset and kick me. I ended up getting some cough medicine with codeine from the doc, but I was too nervous to use it more than once. Sticking my head over a bowl of steaming water with vicks vapor rub in it brought temporary relief as did real lemon and honey in hot water.
    Posted by: Ingrid

  36. Sock-knitting is a proven way to fight a nasty virus. (Well, proven by me; admittedly a very nonscientific study.) May the sock guide your way to better health!
    Posted by: anne

  37. my default sock pattern used to be some sort of ribbing, a heel flap and kitchner’d toes. This past weekend I cast on using a picot edge and there’s potential for it to become my new “old” standby. (I just need to finish this sock and see if it’ll stay up…)

    The feather and fan sock looks good – once I get over the idea of lacey holes in a cold weather sock I do vow to try it. (socks out of a solid color are on my “Someday…” list. Love the notion, but the ammount of striped/varigated yarn I have is working against the idea…)

    I hope you’re feeling better and drip-free soon.
    Posted by: Kristen

  38. You know, I’ve never considered making a sock that didn’t have ribbing at the top… I’ll have to give your default sock a try! Hope you feel better soon!
    Posted by: teresa

  39. I empathize, except I’d bet my bladder is doing better than yours. I’m merely hacking up a lung over here and on antibiotics now, much to my body’s dismay…

    Feel better soon, lovey.
    Posted by: Lee Ann

  40. I hope you are feeling better really soon. Your feather and fan sock looks lovely!
    Posted by: emily

  41. Agree with you on roll tops. They just look cute and casual and I think are flattering on my tree trunk calves. That feather and fan is so pretty – is it a free pattern somewhere?

    Feel better sweet cousin! Are you a bath person? Steamy bath helped me clear it all out when I was sick last month.
    Posted by: sarah g.

  42. Agree with you on roll tops. They just look cute and casual and I think are flattering on my tree trunk calves. That feather and fan is so pretty – is it a free pattern somewhere?

    Feel better sweet cousin! Are you a bath person? Steamy bath helped me clear it all out when I was sick last month.
    Posted by: sarah g.

  43. Um… I know I’m supposed to notice the knitting…. but I SO have to tell you what an awesome table that is! Can’t we see a full on pic and if you ever put it in a garage sale… call me first!
    Posted by: Mia

  44. I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well! I got bronchitis both times i was pregnant and I also second the vaporizer suggestion. I slept propped up with pillows, which was no fun, but it helped.

    Love the sock. Hope you’re feeling better soon. If you need anything, I’d be more than happy to trek out to your place with supplies. Just let me know.
    Posted by: regina

  45. Hope you feel better soon. Here in Berkeley that same virus kicked our butts! Still have a bit of a cough. Love the photo, really nice work.
    Posted by: Dharma

  46. Very pretty sock yarn, and such an artfully composed photo, too! Lovely!
    You know, I always want roll top socks, but I always am afraid its wrong! Perhaps its time to say it out loud, I don’t like ribbing, and I’m proud..! Oh, Cari, you’ve given me courage to not rib! Hourah!
    Sorry you are sick!
    Hope you are feeling better very soon!!

    Posted by: Pippy

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