A nice traditional American Christmas…

…means lots of family, too much food, and all of it ending in tears, yes?

A word to the wise: If someone you love is pregnant, and her face is breaking out like a teenager’s as a result of said pregnancy, chances are she’s feeling self-conscious about it. If the acne is worse than she’s ever had in her life before, chances are she’s not feeling all that pretty. Do not. I repeat, DO NOT tell her, “Hey, you look great except for all the zits.”

I’m breaking out like crazy. There’s an angry red ring around my mouth. I look in the mirror and I swear I see Fred Flintstone’s five o’clock shadow, rendered in teeny red bumps and raw red skin. And zits on my forehead too. And the rest of my face so dry it feels like it will tear if I don’t moisturize. When I’m not pregnant, I’m lucky enough to have reasonably clear skin. I didn’t even get much acne as a teenager. So now I look in the mirror and, frankly, want to cry. I had no idea I had so much invested in my appearance. Apparently I do. And it’s not so great these days. Where’s this pregnant-woman glow one hears so much about? Cause I’m not glowing.

So I walked into my family’s holiday gathering yesterday, and an uncle who claims to love me started teasing me about my skin. I ignored him and tried to have a nice visit with my family. And then it was time to leave and he made the same crack again. Maybe it seems like a small thing. A safe thing to tease about. Well, it’s not. It was the worst possible thing to say. I usually don’t get into such specifics here. I don’t really blog about my family. But I’m pissed. I shouldn’t have to walk around my family gathering–supposed to be the safest place in the world, right?–feeling embarrassed because the act of creating life is making my face break out.

Grrrr. So I called him a jerk. And I didn’t cry until Billy and I got home. And now Billy wants to punch my uncle. Why is it that being with family turns us all into 12-year-olds?

And all you moms and moms-to-be: Any idea of safe treatments for pregnancy acne? Because I think I’m reaching the end of my ability to just live with it.

134 Comments on “A nice traditional American Christmas…

  1. I’m so sorry that happened to you. People can be so cruel. If they just thought about what they were saying instead of just thinking they’re funny.

    Grr is right. But we love you and we’ll go punch him so Billy doesn’t have to get in trouble with your family.
    Posted by: Jenn

  2. I have really bad acne, have since I was a teen, and now I am 31. With alot of commitment, and the right products, I can get my face reasonably clear. When my baby was 3 months, she got a cold, and broke out with what the doctor called a “viral rash”. My BEST FREIND would comment that my baby was taking after me with her complection. Would really upset me. As for tips, I was told all I could do durring pregnancy was use a mild clenser, and a mosterizer. I was not allowed the treatments I had been using before. Ask the Yarn Harlot, she is a dula, and knows natural products.
    Posted by: Teresa

  3. (Well he is indeed a jerk!)

    Try to calm down, nobody sees your “zits” as much as you do.
    It’ll get better because nothing settles down very long during pregnancy (soon something else will bother you ;-))
    Keep moisturising (be sure to use a anti-comedogenic cream), drink lots of water, lay low with the chocolate, don’t touch them, drink lots of water, change your pillowcase everyday – it actually helps a lot.

    Take care,
    Posted by: Alice

  4. I’m allergic to most acne medications, and use witch hazel. It’s really helped to keep breakouts to a minimum.
    Posted by: Kat

  5. What a jerk! Actually, what an insensitive jerk! As you are finding out, your body changes daily with pregnancy so perhaps this issue will go away. Think happy thoughts about your baby.

    I enjoy your blog very much. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it.
    Posted by: pj

  6. Billy wants to punch someone? Yipes! You have a good man your corner.
    Posted by: Lawrence Quigley

  7. yikes — my sympathies. nothing like “good-natured ribbing” during pregnancy…hooray for billy. i used dove unscented soap or this neutrogena for sensitive skin wash and then oil of olay for sensitive skin. and ditto on the water and some soft, oft-changed linens.
    hope today is a happy one — the start of a long string of ’em!
    Posted by: mrspilkington

  8. I have really sensitive skin that breaks out because of hormones, and the best thing I’ve ever found to use is a French line called Laroche Posay. You can get it at most big drug stores, it’s really gentle, and their Effaclar line is designed for moderate acne – I use the cleanser, their Effeclar-K (which is a topical acne treatment), a really light but good moisturizer, and sometimes just regular witch hazel. Everything’s really nice and soothing, and although it’s a little (just a little) more expensive than some of the more common stuff, you totally deserve it.

    Also, if your skin is dry sometimes taking oil supplements (evening primrose, etc.) will help, but check with your doctor first on those.

    And I’m so sorry about your insensitive uncle…sometimes family could use a good, swift kick to shape up.
    Posted by: Jenn

  9. Yup. I try to pretend that I’m not a vain thing, but one thing that totally is crazy-making is weird stuff happening on my face. Call up your doctor! This is an emergency!
    Posted by: claudia

  10. Hey- Sorry to hear about the “good natured” ribbing. I hope it’s not the uncle I know! 🙁
    Ummmm pregnancy doesn’t sound like so much fun.

    Posted by: serena

  11. I’m so sorry that happened to you. People can be so cruel. If they just thought about what they were saying instead of just thinking they’re funny.

    Grr is right. But we love you and we’ll go punch him so Billy doesn’t have to get in trouble with your family.
    Posted by: Jenn

  12. I have really bad acne, have since I was a teen, and now I am 31. With alot of commitment, and the right products, I can get my face reasonably clear. When my baby was 3 months, she got a cold, and broke out with what the doctor called a “viral rash”. My BEST FREIND would comment that my baby was taking after me with her complection. Would really upset me. As for tips, I was told all I could do durring pregnancy was use a mild clenser, and a mosterizer. I was not allowed the treatments I had been using before. Ask the Yarn Harlot, she is a dula, and knows natural products.
    Posted by: Teresa

  13. (Well he is indeed a jerk!)

    Try to calm down, nobody sees your “zits” as much as you do.
    It’ll get better because nothing settles down very long during pregnancy (soon something else will bother you ;-))
    Keep moisturising (be sure to use a anti-comedogenic cream), drink lots of water, lay low with the chocolate, don’t touch them, drink lots of water, change your pillowcase everyday – it actually helps a lot.

    Take care,
    Posted by: Alice

  14. I’m allergic to most acne medications, and use witch hazel. It’s really helped to keep breakouts to a minimum.
    Posted by: Kat

  15. What a jerk! Actually, what an insensitive jerk! As you are finding out, your body changes daily with pregnancy so perhaps this issue will go away. Think happy thoughts about your baby.

    I enjoy your blog very much. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it.
    Posted by: pj

  16. Billy wants to punch someone? Yipes! You have a good man your corner.
    Posted by: Lawrence Quigley

  17. yikes — my sympathies. nothing like “good-natured ribbing” during pregnancy…hooray for billy. i used dove unscented soap or this neutrogena for sensitive skin wash and then oil of olay for sensitive skin. and ditto on the water and some soft, oft-changed linens.
    hope today is a happy one — the start of a long string of ’em!
    Posted by: mrspilkington

  18. I have really sensitive skin that breaks out because of hormones, and the best thing I’ve ever found to use is a French line called Laroche Posay. You can get it at most big drug stores, it’s really gentle, and their Effaclar line is designed for moderate acne – I use the cleanser, their Effeclar-K (which is a topical acne treatment), a really light but good moisturizer, and sometimes just regular witch hazel. Everything’s really nice and soothing, and although it’s a little (just a little) more expensive than some of the more common stuff, you totally deserve it.

    Also, if your skin is dry sometimes taking oil supplements (evening primrose, etc.) will help, but check with your doctor first on those.

    And I’m so sorry about your insensitive uncle…sometimes family could use a good, swift kick to shape up.
    Posted by: Jenn

  19. Yup. I try to pretend that I’m not a vain thing, but one thing that totally is crazy-making is weird stuff happening on my face. Call up your doctor! This is an emergency!
    Posted by: claudia

  20. Hey- Sorry to hear about the “good natured” ribbing. I hope it’s not the uncle I know! 🙁
    Ummmm pregnancy doesn’t sound like so much fun.

    Posted by: serena

  21. Oh, Sweetie. I want to punch your uncle! And you know I would. Just give me his address, damnit. Your liver is overloaded with estrogen, methinks. It’s possible that some dandelion capsules would help, taken three times a day…also, seaweed eaten regularly. And lemon water (drunk, not applied to the skin, although that might be nice, too) a couple of times a day might help, too. (warm water, not to the boiling point, and add the juice of half a lemon.) ’tis true that it’s a phase that will most likely pass soon, and there will be another thing along to bother you next. For me in my final trimester it was groin aches that nearly killed me. Turned out it was a good thing — it was my body getting ready for a really quick, easy delivery.

    I know that it seems like forever when you’re going through it, but when you look back on it, you feel it just FLEW by.
    Posted by: Norma

  22. I had the same thing happen to me during my first pregnancy, so I know how awful it feels. My skin was horrible, far worse than any acne I had ever experienced. My advice is ask your doctor about prescription washes that are safe to use. I didn’t until near the end of my pregnancy and I really regret waiting and suffering through it for so long. Nothing is worse than feeling big and off balance and then zitty on top of it. Many of the conventional advice about acne does not really apply to this situation since it really is hormones and not food or environment that is causing it, but I did find that spritzing my face often with those silly little Evian mister cans helped calm the skin a bit. Hang in there. Invest in a good concealer and know that you are beautiful anyway.
    Posted by: Nicole

  23. Glowing smowing. Remember that ideal femininity myths are HUGE during pregnancy. Do your best to ignore all that crap.

    Your uncle is a jerk and it sucks about the acne.

    There are some safe prescription things to use during pregnancy, but they all take a long time to work and you will probably just get better anyway. But if it makes you feel better they are worth it.

    A trip to the doctor might be a good idea because it might be rosacea or another rash and not acne.

    Just be really gentle to your skin because it’s manifesting a lot of the stress from your changing body. It’ll get better, really.
    Posted by: Steph

  24. I am so sorry… It’s… Well, there’s nothing worse. Some people were just born without souls. Ugh.Uhg.Ugh. What is it with idiotic uncles??
    Posted by: Andrea M.

  25. Hey, honey, I’m sorry about your holiday woes. My family is similar; those “love teases” still hurt, even when they’re delivered for a laugh. Not funny!

    My skin has been super dry, too. I’m not an expert on all this pregnancy stuff and it’s been something different every week, but I do know that normally, keeping your skin super hydrated is important (and so hard for me to do). I think trying to get even more water in each day might help your complexion a lot.

    Posted by: Karma

  26. based on what I’ve seen pregnancy is a catch-22 for some people: those with “regular” acne will find that their face will clear up when pregnant but those who usually have clear skin will exprience what you’re going through.

    some of the people I know who had worsening acne found that their skin cleared up in the latter half of their pregnancy – but I know that doesn’t help a whole lot now. There are topical things that a doctor can prescribe, and things like mud masks (real mud – aztec mud is one) and witch hazel might help. My face is on fire right now (hormones, but not because I’m pregnant…) and neither of those things work at the height of the breakouts. The “ring” you described around your mouth is something my acupuncturist would describe as stomach heat. I’d have to look up what can help with that, but citrus comes to mind. Trying not to pick them can decrease the spread and one of the docs I respect a lot says that hot, hot, hot wet washcloths (as hot as you can stand) over a patch of breakouts, up to 4-5x a day, can decrease the inflammation and help them clear faster.
    Posted by: Kristen

  27. Y’know what? That was a *totally* jerk-ass thing to tease you about. Personally, I think teasing is pretty lame in general, but you certainly shouldn’t have to worry about being teased during the holidays with your family. Of course, the real pickle about family is that you didn’t choose them – and so if there are some less-than-sensitive members in said family, there’s not a lot you can do about them. Except send a bunch of pissed of knitters with pointy sticks after them. 😉

    And darlin’? I am sure you are *beautiful* right now.
    Posted by: elisa

  28. Being family somehow can turn off all the sensible instincts anyone has and then the *worst* possible things are said. But it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt – it still hurts, and sometimes even worse.

    I’ll help Billy punch your uncle.
    Posted by: Cassie

  29. I had the same thing with my pregnancies – I certainly never glowed. There is so much hormonal stuff going on during pregnancy and I’m sorry your uncle was such an insensitive lout. I love that Billy wants to punch him – I’ve never had protective men, that just sounds lovely.

    I couldn’t wear my favorite perfume with my first child, because it changed on me and smelled like urine – ew! I wonder if you are having food allergies?
    Posted by: Patti

  30. Do not feel alone. I had horrible cyst-like acne with my first baby, and like you have had pretty great skin otherwise. It is a horrible feeling.
    My advice: DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER. You feel bad about yourself and that warrants a trip to the doctor. I ended up just suffering through the acne with my first (mistake).
    With my second, I started a skin care system that worked for me and I was fine the whole pregnancy.
    Any breakouts you have will go away with treatment, I promise. Just be sure to ask your doctor what is best for you. It will get better!
    Posted by: Nikki

  31. Awww, I hate that this is happening to you. I’m sure it’s the over zealous hormones causing it, so doubtful there are food culprits and normal acne cures might not help. I had clear skin all of my life, but now that I am approaching menopause, I’m getting ZITS! Arrghhh. I’ve had some talks with the Big Man upstairs, because zits AND gray hair together are just soooo not funny.

    Check with your doctor for some help. I feel quite sure there is something that can help, but I know you are thinking of the safety of that “little hitchhiker.” Remember this is just one more thing you can hold over his/her head when the little dumpling acts up.

    A pox on relatives that think it’s fun to pick on people because of some noticeable problem. I suggest your carry some teeny tiny dpns to poke him with the next time you are in his presence. After all the Harlot makes people quake on airplanes just by flashing her teeny tiny dpns.

    Most of all I send you some big old hugs, and hope that this part passes by quickly!
    Posted by: Bliss

  32. Poor you! I won’t say anything bad about your uncle, he’s your family and only you are entitled to do that. I did send him a mean thought or two however.

    As for your face, I think everyone is right, go ahead and see the doc. It’s not just making you feel unpretty, it’s irritating you. Moving to Maryland has made my normally clear skin freak out and it’s all around my mouth as well, and it’s so sore! At least I have the luxury of taking whatever I want for it.

    God Bless!
    Posted by: baast

  33. Pointing out someone’s zits, let alone a woman’s zits, let alone a pregnant woman’s zits is just about as insensitive (I’m being polite, here) as it gets. Your uncle is destined to be very lonesome in his life, and to spend his old age alone and eating cat food from a can. But even though he is pitiful and infantile, and thus deserving of sympathy, because he has to go through his life being an idiot, I still would have punched his lights out. Omg.
    Anyway, I’m so sorry you are going though this skin thing!
    We, your legions of fans, know you are gorgeous, so don’t ever forget it!!

    Posted by: Pippy

  34. I share a bit of your pain — I’m not pregnant but I’m getting acne with my first signs of aging. I also have a jerk-ass uncle that I had to deal with at Christmas. I hope you feel confident and beautiful very soon.
    Posted by: Gina

  35. Oh sweety – The acne WILL pass, honestly, but it doesn’t excuse your uncle or how you feel. I’ll send you info privately, but next time you have pregnant woman permission to burst into tears in front of someone.
    Posted by: Alison

  36. Oh you poor dear! Your uncle probably felt akward himself and teasing you made him feel more at ease.

    Posted by: LaurieM

  37. Do you have to see your uncle anytime soon? If so, engage in a pre-emptive strike. Give him a big, long, face-to-face hug and kiss. Then when he mentions the acne, tell him you went to the doctor. It isn’t acne; rather, you have contracted a particularly virulent fungal infection. The pain and irritation are horrible. The medication, which insurance WON’T cover since it is experimental, is horrendously expensive. Later, your husband can take said uncle aside, inquire if there was any face-to-face contact, and if so, suggest he make an appointment with the dermatologist post haste.
    Posted by: TLK

  38. I don’t have any experience or valuable advice, so I’m just going to be positive, and wish you and your growing family a Merry Christmas, and a Happy Holidays!
    Posted by: Beth

  39. Jerk? He got off light, I think. Asshole is more like it. There’s no excuse to tease anyone about her appearance. For whatever reason, being teased about acne is the one thing that WILL make me cry, guaranteed, and it’s happened as recently as last year. You’re already in pain and terribly self-conscious and hoping desperately that no one notices and no one cares (for the most part, they don’t) and then someone says something like that, and your defense crumbles.

    Grrr. I want to punch him, too. Let’s don’t tell La…. she’ll get on a plane and go all pugilistic’n’stuff.
    Posted by: Rachael

  40. I admire your restraint. I probably would’ve called him a raving asshole and thrown a drink in his face. But hey, every pregnancy’s different!

    Calendula is a wondrous thing – it soothes your skin, reduces redness and won’t dry you out. Kiehl’s has a calendula toner that I use religiously, especially in the winter. Lavender’s good for that, too.

    And you ARE gorgeous – you do know that, right?
    Posted by: mindy

  41. Oh, Sweetie. I want to punch your uncle! And you know I would. Just give me his address, damnit. Your liver is overloaded with estrogen, methinks. It’s possible that some dandelion capsules would help, taken three times a day…also, seaweed eaten regularly. And lemon water (drunk, not applied to the skin, although that might be nice, too) a couple of times a day might help, too. (warm water, not to the boiling point, and add the juice of half a lemon.) ’tis true that it’s a phase that will most likely pass soon, and there will be another thing along to bother you next. For me in my final trimester it was groin aches that nearly killed me. Turned out it was a good thing — it was my body getting ready for a really quick, easy delivery.

    I know that it seems like forever when you’re going through it, but when you look back on it, you feel it just FLEW by.
    Posted by: Norma

  42. I had the same thing happen to me during my first pregnancy, so I know how awful it feels. My skin was horrible, far worse than any acne I had ever experienced. My advice is ask your doctor about prescription washes that are safe to use. I didn’t until near the end of my pregnancy and I really regret waiting and suffering through it for so long. Nothing is worse than feeling big and off balance and then zitty on top of it. Many of the conventional advice about acne does not really apply to this situation since it really is hormones and not food or environment that is causing it, but I did find that spritzing my face often with those silly little Evian mister cans helped calm the skin a bit. Hang in there. Invest in a good concealer and know that you are beautiful anyway.
    Posted by: Nicole

  43. Glowing smowing. Remember that ideal femininity myths are HUGE during pregnancy. Do your best to ignore all that crap.

    Your uncle is a jerk and it sucks about the acne.

    There are some safe prescription things to use during pregnancy, but they all take a long time to work and you will probably just get better anyway. But if it makes you feel better they are worth it.

    A trip to the doctor might be a good idea because it might be rosacea or another rash and not acne.

    Just be really gentle to your skin because it’s manifesting a lot of the stress from your changing body. It’ll get better, really.
    Posted by: Steph

  44. I am so sorry… It’s… Well, there’s nothing worse. Some people were just born without souls. Ugh.Uhg.Ugh. What is it with idiotic uncles??
    Posted by: Andrea M.

  45. Hey, honey, I’m sorry about your holiday woes. My family is similar; those “love teases” still hurt, even when they’re delivered for a laugh. Not funny!

    My skin has been super dry, too. I’m not an expert on all this pregnancy stuff and it’s been something different every week, but I do know that normally, keeping your skin super hydrated is important (and so hard for me to do). I think trying to get even more water in each day might help your complexion a lot.

    Posted by: Karma

  46. based on what I’ve seen pregnancy is a catch-22 for some people: those with “regular” acne will find that their face will clear up when pregnant but those who usually have clear skin will exprience what you’re going through.

    some of the people I know who had worsening acne found that their skin cleared up in the latter half of their pregnancy – but I know that doesn’t help a whole lot now. There are topical things that a doctor can prescribe, and things like mud masks (real mud – aztec mud is one) and witch hazel might help. My face is on fire right now (hormones, but not because I’m pregnant…) and neither of those things work at the height of the breakouts. The “ring” you described around your mouth is something my acupuncturist would describe as stomach heat. I’d have to look up what can help with that, but citrus comes to mind. Trying not to pick them can decrease the spread and one of the docs I respect a lot says that hot, hot, hot wet washcloths (as hot as you can stand) over a patch of breakouts, up to 4-5x a day, can decrease the inflammation and help them clear faster.
    Posted by: Kristen

  47. Y’know what? That was a *totally* jerk-ass thing to tease you about. Personally, I think teasing is pretty lame in general, but you certainly shouldn’t have to worry about being teased during the holidays with your family. Of course, the real pickle about family is that you didn’t choose them – and so if there are some less-than-sensitive members in said family, there’s not a lot you can do about them. Except send a bunch of pissed of knitters with pointy sticks after them. 😉

    And darlin’? I am sure you are *beautiful* right now.
    Posted by: elisa

  48. Being family somehow can turn off all the sensible instincts anyone has and then the *worst* possible things are said. But it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt – it still hurts, and sometimes even worse.

    I’ll help Billy punch your uncle.
    Posted by: Cassie

  49. I had the same thing with my pregnancies – I certainly never glowed. There is so much hormonal stuff going on during pregnancy and I’m sorry your uncle was such an insensitive lout. I love that Billy wants to punch him – I’ve never had protective men, that just sounds lovely.

    I couldn’t wear my favorite perfume with my first child, because it changed on me and smelled like urine – ew! I wonder if you are having food allergies?
    Posted by: Patti

  50. Do not feel alone. I had horrible cyst-like acne with my first baby, and like you have had pretty great skin otherwise. It is a horrible feeling.
    My advice: DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER. You feel bad about yourself and that warrants a trip to the doctor. I ended up just suffering through the acne with my first (mistake).
    With my second, I started a skin care system that worked for me and I was fine the whole pregnancy.
    Any breakouts you have will go away with treatment, I promise. Just be sure to ask your doctor what is best for you. It will get better!
    Posted by: Nikki

  51. Awww, I hate that this is happening to you. I’m sure it’s the over zealous hormones causing it, so doubtful there are food culprits and normal acne cures might not help. I had clear skin all of my life, but now that I am approaching menopause, I’m getting ZITS! Arrghhh. I’ve had some talks with the Big Man upstairs, because zits AND gray hair together are just soooo not funny.

    Check with your doctor for some help. I feel quite sure there is something that can help, but I know you are thinking of the safety of that “little hitchhiker.” Remember this is just one more thing you can hold over his/her head when the little dumpling acts up.

    A pox on relatives that think it’s fun to pick on people because of some noticeable problem. I suggest your carry some teeny tiny dpns to poke him with the next time you are in his presence. After all the Harlot makes people quake on airplanes just by flashing her teeny tiny dpns.

    Most of all I send you some big old hugs, and hope that this part passes by quickly!
    Posted by: Bliss

  52. Poor you! I won’t say anything bad about your uncle, he’s your family and only you are entitled to do that. I did send him a mean thought or two however.

    As for your face, I think everyone is right, go ahead and see the doc. It’s not just making you feel unpretty, it’s irritating you. Moving to Maryland has made my normally clear skin freak out and it’s all around my mouth as well, and it’s so sore! At least I have the luxury of taking whatever I want for it.

    God Bless!
    Posted by: baast

  53. Pointing out someone’s zits, let alone a woman’s zits, let alone a pregnant woman’s zits is just about as insensitive (I’m being polite, here) as it gets. Your uncle is destined to be very lonesome in his life, and to spend his old age alone and eating cat food from a can. But even though he is pitiful and infantile, and thus deserving of sympathy, because he has to go through his life being an idiot, I still would have punched his lights out. Omg.
    Anyway, I’m so sorry you are going though this skin thing!
    We, your legions of fans, know you are gorgeous, so don’t ever forget it!!

    Posted by: Pippy

  54. I share a bit of your pain — I’m not pregnant but I’m getting acne with my first signs of aging. I also have a jerk-ass uncle that I had to deal with at Christmas. I hope you feel confident and beautiful very soon.
    Posted by: Gina

  55. Oh sweety – The acne WILL pass, honestly, but it doesn’t excuse your uncle or how you feel. I’ll send you info privately, but next time you have pregnant woman permission to burst into tears in front of someone.
    Posted by: Alison

  56. Oh you poor dear! Your uncle probably felt akward himself and teasing you made him feel more at ease.

    Posted by: LaurieM

  57. Do you have to see your uncle anytime soon? If so, engage in a pre-emptive strike. Give him a big, long, face-to-face hug and kiss. Then when he mentions the acne, tell him you went to the doctor. It isn’t acne; rather, you have contracted a particularly virulent fungal infection. The pain and irritation are horrible. The medication, which insurance WON’T cover since it is experimental, is horrendously expensive. Later, your husband can take said uncle aside, inquire if there was any face-to-face contact, and if so, suggest he make an appointment with the dermatologist post haste.
    Posted by: TLK

  58. I don’t have any experience or valuable advice, so I’m just going to be positive, and wish you and your growing family a Merry Christmas, and a Happy Holidays!
    Posted by: Beth

  59. Jerk? He got off light, I think. Asshole is more like it. There’s no excuse to tease anyone about her appearance. For whatever reason, being teased about acne is the one thing that WILL make me cry, guaranteed, and it’s happened as recently as last year. You’re already in pain and terribly self-conscious and hoping desperately that no one notices and no one cares (for the most part, they don’t) and then someone says something like that, and your defense crumbles.

    Grrr. I want to punch him, too. Let’s don’t tell La…. she’ll get on a plane and go all pugilistic’n’stuff.
    Posted by: Rachael

  60. I admire your restraint. I probably would’ve called him a raving asshole and thrown a drink in his face. But hey, every pregnancy’s different!

    Calendula is a wondrous thing – it soothes your skin, reduces redness and won’t dry you out. Kiehl’s has a calendula toner that I use religiously, especially in the winter. Lavender’s good for that, too.

    And you ARE gorgeous – you do know that, right?
    Posted by: mindy

  61. I started getting acne a couple of years ago and, like you, my skin went from being pretty clear to looking like a hormonal teenagers.

    I tried practically every product under the sun but I got really good results with St Ives Medicated Apricot Scrub – which made a difference to my skin within a week.

    The other great (and more expensive, unfortunately) product is Erno Lazslo Sea Mud Soap, which is a miracle worker.
    Posted by: PurlyQueen

  62. Try this – not least because it will do no harm ! – massage almond oil,very gently but thoroughly,into your skin. Fill basin with hot water. Get cotton pads or balls,dip in hot water,squeeze almost dry,wipe away oil from skin. The oil lifts oil and dirt,but wiping off with water won’t aggravate dryness.
    This tip originally comes from the herbalist Mark Constantine. He was the Body Shop herbalist,founded Cosmetics To Go and is the driving force behind Lush.
    I do this with Hemp oil with rose absolute and neroli oils added. It would be safe for pregnancy,but almond oil is safest. Hope it works.

    Posted by: Emma

  63. Grrrr! Just point me in the general direction of said uncle so I can take out his knees and tease him about it…

    I can’t imagine that any little red bumps and dry skin would keep you from being gorgeous. Big hugs sweetie!
    Posted by: Cassie

  64. Interesting how pregnancy accents gender roles. You hurt and crying, Billy wanting fisticuffs. He must be a good husband, truly, standing ready to defend and protect.
    Meanwhile: This works for my teenaged grandson and also for my husband who gets zits from the mask of his CPAP machine. Put a q-tip in tea tree oil, touch gently to each zit. They seem to go away overnight.
    Posted by: Catherine

  65. Ughhhhhhh. Jesus. I completely understand. I revert to my most awkward self when stuff like this happens, and it doesn’t just go away when you leave. And I wouldn’t been able to save the tears for later!

    I have pretty bad skin and I feel so ridiculous for being a fan of it, but Proactiv actually works for me. I stopped because it was pricey and I thought it had ‘fixed’ the problem but I was back to bad soon after. I renewed my supply and my skin is pretty again and scars are fading. I am NOT pregnant but am on the Pill, which wreaks a little havoc.
    Posted by: Cirilia

  66. I’m sure you’re still beautiful. Ignore the foolish comments of those who will never know what it is to carry a child and to endure all the changes that your body will go through.
    Posted by: Liz

  67. I would suggest calendula too. It is wonderful.

    How nice that your husband takes up for your feelings. That was at least one good thing that came from that unpleasant encounter.

    Wait until someone says, “Oh, I see what you’ve been up to”. I couldn’t believe it when a neighbor of my parents’ said that to me. I was like, “uh, I think it goes with the territory.” I can’t believe the things some people will say. But you’ll know it was all worth it when you have the end result. Another bonus is that you’ll be so sick of being pregnant that you’ll welcome labor and delivery. I certainly did.
    Posted by: Cindy

  68. Hi, Cari! I’m sorry your special Christmas gathering included an uncle who made you so upset. What a stinker! About your skin, I’m not a mom or mom-to-be, but my mother and I saw different dermatologists who each independently recommended the Cetaphil line of cleansers (bar or liquid) and moisturizer. Mom and I have very sensitive skin, but the Cetaphil has really been working. Also, the dermatologists recommended the Neutrogena lip moisturizer for my chapped lips…in case you run into that problem during the cold, dry winter. Good luck! And Happy New Year!
    Posted by: Rossana

  69. Now I want to punch your uncle. I’ll punch all of the strangers who think it’s ok to grab your belly, too. I certainly punched all of the ones who grabbed mine *g*

    Posted by: Rabbitch

  70. The best you can use is a face mask of green clay (mascarilla de arcilla verde)…sorry I don’t know if that’s the name in english.
    Un abrazo,
    Posted by: Lia

  71. I began the day crying too. And I wouldn’t have been able to wait until I got home. So you’re very strong, I tell you.

    Posted by: betty

  72. Grrrr. Your family should be so lucky to have its members actually want to procreate. I’m sayin’.
    Posted by: Em

  73. I started getting acne a couple of years ago and, like you, my skin went from being pretty clear to looking like a hormonal teenagers.

    I tried practically every product under the sun but I got really good results with St Ives Medicated Apricot Scrub – which made a difference to my skin within a week.

    The other great (and more expensive, unfortunately) product is Erno Lazslo Sea Mud Soap, which is a miracle worker.
    Posted by: PurlyQueen

  74. Try this – not least because it will do no harm ! – massage almond oil,very gently but thoroughly,into your skin. Fill basin with hot water. Get cotton pads or balls,dip in hot water,squeeze almost dry,wipe away oil from skin. The oil lifts oil and dirt,but wiping off with water won’t aggravate dryness.
    This tip originally comes from the herbalist Mark Constantine. He was the Body Shop herbalist,founded Cosmetics To Go and is the driving force behind Lush.
    I do this with Hemp oil with rose absolute and neroli oils added. It would be safe for pregnancy,but almond oil is safest. Hope it works.

    Posted by: Emma

  75. Grrrr! Just point me in the general direction of said uncle so I can take out his knees and tease him about it…

    I can’t imagine that any little red bumps and dry skin would keep you from being gorgeous. Big hugs sweetie!
    Posted by: Cassie

  76. Interesting how pregnancy accents gender roles. You hurt and crying, Billy wanting fisticuffs. He must be a good husband, truly, standing ready to defend and protect.
    Meanwhile: This works for my teenaged grandson and also for my husband who gets zits from the mask of his CPAP machine. Put a q-tip in tea tree oil, touch gently to each zit. They seem to go away overnight.
    Posted by: Catherine

  77. Ughhhhhhh. Jesus. I completely understand. I revert to my most awkward self when stuff like this happens, and it doesn’t just go away when you leave. And I wouldn’t been able to save the tears for later!

    I have pretty bad skin and I feel so ridiculous for being a fan of it, but Proactiv actually works for me. I stopped because it was pricey and I thought it had ‘fixed’ the problem but I was back to bad soon after. I renewed my supply and my skin is pretty again and scars are fading. I am NOT pregnant but am on the Pill, which wreaks a little havoc.
    Posted by: Cirilia

  78. I’m sure you’re still beautiful. Ignore the foolish comments of those who will never know what it is to carry a child and to endure all the changes that your body will go through.
    Posted by: Liz

  79. I would suggest calendula too. It is wonderful.

    How nice that your husband takes up for your feelings. That was at least one good thing that came from that unpleasant encounter.

    Wait until someone says, “Oh, I see what you’ve been up to”. I couldn’t believe it when a neighbor of my parents’ said that to me. I was like, “uh, I think it goes with the territory.” I can’t believe the things some people will say. But you’ll know it was all worth it when you have the end result. Another bonus is that you’ll be so sick of being pregnant that you’ll welcome labor and delivery. I certainly did.
    Posted by: Cindy

  80. Hi, Cari! I’m sorry your special Christmas gathering included an uncle who made you so upset. What a stinker! About your skin, I’m not a mom or mom-to-be, but my mother and I saw different dermatologists who each independently recommended the Cetaphil line of cleansers (bar or liquid) and moisturizer. Mom and I have very sensitive skin, but the Cetaphil has really been working. Also, the dermatologists recommended the Neutrogena lip moisturizer for my chapped lips…in case you run into that problem during the cold, dry winter. Good luck! And Happy New Year!
    Posted by: Rossana

  81. Now I want to punch your uncle. I’ll punch all of the strangers who think it’s ok to grab your belly, too. I certainly punched all of the ones who grabbed mine *g*

    Posted by: Rabbitch

  82. The best you can use is a face mask of green clay (mascarilla de arcilla verde)…sorry I don’t know if that’s the name in english.
    Un abrazo,
    Posted by: Lia

  83. I began the day crying too. And I wouldn’t have been able to wait until I got home. So you’re very strong, I tell you.

    Posted by: betty

  84. Grrrr. Your family should be so lucky to have its members actually want to procreate. I’m sayin’.
    Posted by: Em

  85. First and foremost, congratulations on your pregnancy and Merry Christmas. How wonderful for you?
    Second, try to remember that people who point out flaws in others are really trying to deflect attention from their own. Maybe he has a small penis…
    Third, I’m sure you’ve talked to your OB about your skin, but try to be gentle to it. It may be just irritated and stressed. Be gentle to yourself, too.

    I didn’t go to my family’s house this year for Christmas beause, after 34 years of it, I’m done being the scapegoat. I am always too fat, too thin, too pale, too this, too that. To hell with them.

    People should just say ‘you look wonderful. Congratulations’. You are, I’m sure, hard enough on yourself and don’t need anyone’s assistance in that arena.

    Happy New Year to you and yours, and blessings!

    Posted by: Chaeriste

  86. Oh, boo. Acne sucks. I started breaking out when I was 22 – and my Mom is still breaking out at age 60! Birth control pills are the only thing that work for me – it’s all hormonal. The idea of teenage acne is really something that applies to boys. Most women face it later in life. I truly understand how self-conscious it can make you feel – just the worst. I second the Cetaphil recommendation, mild cleansers are necessary so as not to aggravate. Duane Reader has a generic brand that is cheap and just as good. And call a derm. I’m not sure if they can help you, but I think it’s worth a try. See you soon. xoxo
    Posted by: sarah g.

  87. Look how much people love you! And your uncle loves you too, that’s why he feels safe in saying something rotten, though it doesn’t excuse it. We always feel free to treat our best loved ones worse than we treat strangers, which is sad.

    I popped in to second the hot water advice. This works better than anything from a bottle, and you’ll know it’s completely safe. 🙂

    It will get better. Promise.
    Posted by: bettina

  88. ooo, maybe you are having a girl… same thing happened to me in the first few months. I stopped using EVERYTHING except Dove bar soap for sensitive skin and Complex 15 moisturizer. And I skip the makeup on weekends. I am still waiting for the glow (5 months), but the acne is better!
    Posted by: kaitlyn

  89. While I was channel-surfing last night, I came across an infomercial for Proactiv. Now I’ve never used it, and can’t vouch for its efficacy, but from the before-and-after pix of some of those girls, it might be worth a try. Nobody said anything about its use while pregnant, so you might want to check that part, but it could be helpful.

    As to your dick-head uncle: that’s why I spent Christmas at home with my cats. Any and all tolerance for my family’s lack of impulse control has dried up, and I’m done. It sounds like you’ve got a good man, and with the upcoming bambino(a), you can start a new holiday tradition. Life’s too short to put up with other people’s bad manners, especially if they’re family.

    Happy gestating!
    Posted by: jeanne

  90. My grandma told me I looked like I’ve gained weight on X-mas. Gee – thanks. I didn’t think I had, but apparently my face was looking a little cubby.
    Posted by: Diana

  91. *hug*
    Can we have an Uncle Punch-along?
    Darn hormones… I would’ve cried in front of that #*@*@#$ if I was you!

    Cetaphil is brilliant and super-gentle 🙂
    Posted by: Kel

  92. Longtime lurker, occasional commenter here. Your message is very timely. I just had Christmas dinner with my brother and sister-in-law, who are expecting their first baby after trying for many many years. It’s a high-risk pregnancy but is so far going well. I did notice sis-in-law had a couple of patches of angry looking acne. I didn’t say anything, and I’m glad I didn’t. She’s probably feeling self-conscious enough.

    I wouldn’t have known about acne being a possibility during pregnancy, but with all those hormones running amok, I guess it makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.
    Posted by: ABell

  93. Longtime lurker, occasional commenter here. Your message is very timely. I just had Christmas dinner with my brother and sister-in-law, who are expecting their first baby after trying for many many years. It’s a high-risk pregnancy but is so far going well. I did notice sis-in-law had a couple of patches of angry looking acne. I didn’t say anything, and I’m glad I didn’t. She’s probably feeling self-conscious enough.

    I wouldn’t have known about acne being a possibility during pregnancy, but with all those hormones running amok, I guess it makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.
    Posted by: ABell

  94. Oh sweetie. People can be such clods. I had acne when I was pregnant (and not just on my face — ick). I can second the kiehl’s calendula toner and the cetaphil cleanser. I tri
    ed the laszlo soap but found it a bit intense for my face (which was also very dry). I’m so sorry that you have to endure that stupid crap, and from a relative, no less. Oy. Kisses to you, and while it’s probably not much consolation now, you do know that the acne will go away once your hormones settle down, and most people really don’t notice your acne as they’re too busy admiring your pregnancy-related assets (and you know what I’m talking about).
    Posted by: regina

  95. I have super sensitive skin due to rosacea and my doctor recommended cetaphil cleansing lotion and luke warm water. Anything else I ever used seemed to make me break out even more. I am sending positive thoughts your way for you and your baby 🙂
    Posted by: emily

  96. What a freakin’ asshole. You should have punched him yourself.

    My skin is also not so great since being pregnant (and it’s always too rosy – damn rosecea). Because I haven’t been able to fix it, this weekend (after waiting 6 months with some amount of pain) I had my hair dyed again in a small attempt to feel pretty again. I also painted my nails. If the skin remedies don’t work, primp in other places. You have the best hair in all NYC you know.
    Posted by: melanie

  97. Oh sweetie, that sucks. Family can be meaner than anyone else without intending to; somehow they think it’s okay to say things to relatives that they would never ever say to anyone else.
    Posted by: jodi

  98. I have so been there with the family crap. Sorry it was aimed at you.

    Water is your best friend. My Mother swears that I had no acne as a teenager because she would not buy pop or juice for us, we only had ice water. I am still a huge water drinker now, and have a little bit of acne during my period. I didn’t have any acne during my three pregnancies, but remember that all of our bodies react completely differently to those hormones.

    Good luck! Keep breathing! And come up with a *great* response for the next person stupid enough to say something about your skin.

    Posted by: Colleen

  99. I’ve been using Olay Regenerist and have the best skin of my life. It has really made a difference.

    Just remember we all love you!!
    Posted by: Lori


    I’m so sorry about the senseless uncle. I wish I could give you some tips. When I was pregnant, my skin and hair looked better than before! I think it was because my diet was much improved. I didn’t eat any rich foods and I drank only water; I wouldn’t even drink tea. (I also had intense cravings for nectarines…maybe the added vitamin c?) In any event, enjoy this time and don’t let anyone get you down.


    Posted by: Becky

  101. What a rotten thing to say! When he finally harbours a human being in his abdomen, he can say whatever he likes. Until then…he should just keep his opinions to himself!

    I like tea tree oil-based products for skin breakouts, but it might feel harsh on the skin that’s sensitive.
    Posted by: Heather

  102. Let me suggest Nelson’s homeopathic acne gel. You can get it at Whole Foods market, or any such store. It is one first class treatment for acne, and is well tolerated by my sensitive skin.
    Posted by: Lee

  103. families can suck bigtime… i’m living half a world away from them (quite literally) and they still drive me insane.
    about the acne, i have mild but consistant acne and my upper arms and back are a nightmare. last year, however, i found the best products ever. they’re suki’s (http://www.sukisnaturals.com/) 100% natural, plant, and organic, and they worked magic. my skin is appearently sensitive to all those chemicals in commercial facila stuff. the combination of products i use is the lemongrass cleanser, the camomile serum, the eye cream (which makes AMAZING lashes, BTW) and white willow toner. they’re a tad expensive, but they’re amazing, and the whole foods in our so-cal town has them too. you can buy them online too. and what makes it all sweeter, is that suki, the owner, is SUPER nice. you could even ask her specificly about your case.
    good luck with your to be baby, book and new year!
    Posted by: michal

  104. First and foremost, congratulations on your pregnancy and Merry Christmas. How wonderful for you?
    Second, try to remember that people who point out flaws in others are really trying to deflect attention from their own. Maybe he has a small penis…
    Third, I’m sure you’ve talked to your OB about your skin, but try to be gentle to it. It may be just irritated and stressed. Be gentle to yourself, too.

    I didn’t go to my family’s house this year for Christmas beause, after 34 years of it, I’m done being the scapegoat. I am always too fat, too thin, too pale, too this, too that. To hell with them.

    People should just say ‘you look wonderful. Congratulations’. You are, I’m sure, hard enough on yourself and don’t need anyone’s assistance in that arena.

    Happy New Year to you and yours, and blessings!

    Posted by: Chaeriste

  105. Oh, boo. Acne sucks. I started breaking out when I was 22 – and my Mom is still breaking out at age 60! Birth control pills are the only thing that work for me – it’s all hormonal. The idea of teenage acne is really something that applies to boys. Most women face it later in life. I truly understand how self-conscious it can make you feel – just the worst. I second the Cetaphil recommendation, mild cleansers are necessary so as not to aggravate. Duane Reader has a generic brand that is cheap and just as good. And call a derm. I’m not sure if they can help you, but I think it’s worth a try. See you soon. xoxo
    Posted by: sarah g.

  106. Look how much people love you! And your uncle loves you too, that’s why he feels safe in saying something rotten, though it doesn’t excuse it. We always feel free to treat our best loved ones worse than we treat strangers, which is sad.

    I popped in to second the hot water advice. This works better than anything from a bottle, and you’ll know it’s completely safe. 🙂

    It will get better. Promise.
    Posted by: bettina

  107. ooo, maybe you are having a girl… same thing happened to me in the first few months. I stopped using EVERYTHING except Dove bar soap for sensitive skin and Complex 15 moisturizer. And I skip the makeup on weekends. I am still waiting for the glow (5 months), but the acne is better!
    Posted by: kaitlyn

  108. While I was channel-surfing last night, I came across an infomercial for Proactiv. Now I’ve never used it, and can’t vouch for its efficacy, but from the before-and-after pix of some of those girls, it might be worth a try. Nobody said anything about its use while pregnant, so you might want to check that part, but it could be helpful.

    As to your dick-head uncle: that’s why I spent Christmas at home with my cats. Any and all tolerance for my family’s lack of impulse control has dried up, and I’m done. It sounds like you’ve got a good man, and with the upcoming bambino(a), you can start a new holiday tradition. Life’s too short to put up with other people’s bad manners, especially if they’re family.

    Happy gestating!
    Posted by: jeanne

  109. My grandma told me I looked like I’ve gained weight on X-mas. Gee – thanks. I didn’t think I had, but apparently my face was looking a little cubby.
    Posted by: Diana

  110. *hug*
    Can we have an Uncle Punch-along?
    Darn hormones… I would’ve cried in front of that #*@*@#$ if I was you!

    Cetaphil is brilliant and super-gentle 🙂
    Posted by: Kel

  111. Longtime lurker, occasional commenter here. Your message is very timely. I just had Christmas dinner with my brother and sister-in-law, who are expecting their first baby after trying for many many years. It’s a high-risk pregnancy but is so far going well. I did notice sis-in-law had a couple of patches of angry looking acne. I didn’t say anything, and I’m glad I didn’t. She’s probably feeling self-conscious enough.

    I wouldn’t have known about acne being a possibility during pregnancy, but with all those hormones running amok, I guess it makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.
    Posted by: ABell

  112. Longtime lurker, occasional commenter here. Your message is very timely. I just had Christmas dinner with my brother and sister-in-law, who are expecting their first baby after trying for many many years. It’s a high-risk pregnancy but is so far going well. I did notice sis-in-law had a couple of patches of angry looking acne. I didn’t say anything, and I’m glad I didn’t. She’s probably feeling self-conscious enough.

    I wouldn’t have known about acne being a possibility during pregnancy, but with all those hormones running amok, I guess it makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.
    Posted by: ABell

  113. Oh sweetie. People can be such clods. I had acne when I was pregnant (and not just on my face — ick). I can second the kiehl’s calendula toner and the cetaphil cleanser. I tri
    ed the laszlo soap but found it a bit intense for my face (which was also very dry). I’m so sorry that you have to endure that stupid crap, and from a relative, no less. Oy. Kisses to you, and while it’s probably not much consolation now, you do know that the acne will go away once your hormones settle down, and most people really don’t notice your acne as they’re too busy admiring your pregnancy-related assets (and you know what I’m talking about).
    Posted by: regina

  114. I have super sensitive skin due to rosacea and my doctor recommended cetaphil cleansing lotion and luke warm water. Anything else I ever used seemed to make me break out even more. I am sending positive thoughts your way for you and your baby 🙂
    Posted by: emily

  115. What a freakin’ asshole. You should have punched him yourself.

    My skin is also not so great since being pregnant (and it’s always too rosy – damn rosecea). Because I haven’t been able to fix it, this weekend (after waiting 6 months with some amount of pain) I had my hair dyed again in a small attempt to feel pretty again. I also painted my nails. If the skin remedies don’t work, primp in other places. You have the best hair in all NYC you know.
    Posted by: melanie

  116. Oh sweetie, that sucks. Family can be meaner than anyone else without intending to; somehow they think it’s okay to say things to relatives that they would never ever say to anyone else.
    Posted by: jodi

  117. I have so been there with the family crap. Sorry it was aimed at you.

    Water is your best friend. My Mother swears that I had no acne as a teenager because she would not buy pop or juice for us, we only had ice water. I am still a huge water drinker now, and have a little bit of acne during my period. I didn’t have any acne during my three pregnancies, but remember that all of our bodies react completely differently to those hormones.

    Good luck! Keep breathing! And come up with a *great* response for the next person stupid enough to say something about your skin.

    Posted by: Colleen

  118. I’ve been using Olay Regenerist and have the best skin of my life. It has really made a difference.

    Just remember we all love you!!
    Posted by: Lori


    I’m so sorry about the senseless uncle. I wish I could give you some tips. When I was pregnant, my skin and hair looked better than before! I think it was because my diet was much improved. I didn’t eat any rich foods and I drank only water; I wouldn’t even drink tea. (I also had intense cravings for nectarines…maybe the added vitamin c?) In any event, enjoy this time and don’t let anyone get you down.


    Posted by: Becky

  120. What a rotten thing to say! When he finally harbours a human being in his abdomen, he can say whatever he likes. Until then…he should just keep his opinions to himself!

    I like tea tree oil-based products for skin breakouts, but it might feel harsh on the skin that’s sensitive.
    Posted by: Heather

  121. Let me suggest Nelson’s homeopathic acne gel. You can get it at Whole Foods market, or any such store. It is one first class treatment for acne, and is well tolerated by my sensitive skin.
    Posted by: Lee

  122. families can suck bigtime… i’m living half a world away from them (quite literally) and they still drive me insane.
    about the acne, i have mild but consistant acne and my upper arms and back are a nightmare. last year, however, i found the best products ever. they’re suki’s (http://www.sukisnaturals.com/) 100% natural, plant, and organic, and they worked magic. my skin is appearently sensitive to all those chemicals in commercial facila stuff. the combination of products i use is the lemongrass cleanser, the camomile serum, the eye cream (which makes AMAZING lashes, BTW) and white willow toner. they’re a tad expensive, but they’re amazing, and the whole foods in our so-cal town has them too. you can buy them online too. and what makes it all sweeter, is that suki, the owner, is SUPER nice. you could even ask her specificly about your case.
    good luck with your to be baby, book and new year!
    Posted by: michal

  123. 🙁 Not a nice guy……and it doesn’t help that the hormones that are making your face break out also effect your emotions during pregnancy. I’m 20 weeks along and cry at the dopiest things! Drink lots and lots of water. I’ve been using Cetaphil (cleanser, not lotion- I made that mistake ) to wash my face- it’s a very mild cleanser. I found that wiping it off gently with a barely damp facecloth and leaving behind a thin film on my skin has helped my breakouts and dry skin tremendously. I wish you the best of luck and hope that once you get further along the problem will lessen for you.

    Posted by: Amy

  124. Ok, so ain’t family grand. So let Billy punch him like he soooooooooooo wants to, and I’ll give you my sister’s phone number so he can cuss her out while he’s in his fit of rage. It’ll do both of us some good. And didn’t anyone tell you that your skin has to “suffer” just a bit while pregnant? That’s why baby’s skin is gonna be soooooo silky smooth. It’ll be worth it. Your skin is manufacturing some silky perfect baby skin right now.
    Posted by: john

  125. Seriously you ALL need to stop. It was x-mas, your hormones are all over the place and maybe uncle had too much nog or maybe he was insensitive. In any event you and your man should focus more on TALKING to him instead of letting your friends digitally crucify him in the background like 12 yr olds saying “I’ll knee cap him” and if reality hit the road and he walked into a room everyone clams up looking at each other doe eyed.

    WHAT happened to x-mas spirit? If you know your uncle you knew something was coming. And the next time something like that happens you can either pull them to the side and say it bothers you or have “Bop em Billy” run interference and say it. But if you stew on it the entire night it’s a bad time for you and begins bad blood. And many a stupid long drawn out needless and USELESS family feuds have been started for smaller offenses. It’s amazing what a lil lack of communcation can do.

    You are sensitive about as you pointed out, but, it’s only a physical appearance and temporary. Everyone is beautiful, focus on what’s inside. You can use it as a character building experience. (I’m sure you’ll see folks in magazines or people who have acne in a whole new light! 🙂

    I’m sure if your uncle had any idea how much it hurt your feelings he’d feel even worse then you. He’s FAMILY. If you don’t believe me imagine what he’d feel if he read your blog.

    My advice? Talk to your uncle, don’t get caught up so much in the hype of society’s definition of physical beauty and move on. Cause holding onto this stuff affects YOU and your kid more then anyone else. Your uncle made a mistake. Don’t roast your family cuz it only makes YOU look bad.

    Unless he’s got a history of being a bad egg that’s one thing, but, if in general you’ve always loved him and he you WHY ruin that now? You may need him to babysit in a pinch! 🙂

    And then folks are surprised to wonder why wars last for hundreds of years….
    Posted by: Strangel

  126. If you’re getting dryness, acne AND sensitivity, I would stay away from witch hazel – the stuff itself has anti inflamatory properties, but most commercial preparations are like 70 or 80 percent alcohol which won’t help.

    I recommend zerozits.com. No matter what I try, I always come back to their scrub, cleanser and gelloid moisturizer for non-clogging, non-irritating, zit-fighting skin care.

    As for your uncle – some people just don’t get class or decency or awareness of others. I’m sorry he stomped on your holiday.
    Posted by: Juno

  127. 🙁 Not a nice guy……and it doesn’t help that the hormones that are making your face break out also effect your emotions during pregnancy. I’m 20 weeks along and cry at the dopiest things! Drink lots and lots of water. I’ve been using Cetaphil (cleanser, not lotion- I made that mistake ) to wash my face- it’s a very mild cleanser. I found that wiping it off gently with a barely damp facecloth and leaving behind a thin film on my skin has helped my breakouts and dry skin tremendously. I wish you the best of luck and hope that once you get further along the problem will lessen for you.

    Posted by: Amy

  128. Ok, so ain’t family grand. So let Billy punch him like he soooooooooooo wants to, and I’ll give you my sister’s phone number so he can cuss her out while he’s in his fit of rage. It’ll do both of us some good. And didn’t anyone tell you that your skin has to “suffer” just a bit while pregnant? That’s why baby’s skin is gonna be soooooo silky smooth. It’ll be worth it. Your skin is manufacturing some silky perfect baby skin right now.
    Posted by: john

  129. Seriously you ALL need to stop. It was x-mas, your hormones are all over the place and maybe uncle had too much nog or maybe he was insensitive. In any event you and your man should focus more on TALKING to him instead of letting your friends digitally crucify him in the background like 12 yr olds saying “I’ll knee cap him” and if reality hit the road and he walked into a room everyone clams up looking at each other doe eyed.

    WHAT happened to x-mas spirit? If you know your uncle you knew something was coming. And the next time something like that happens you can either pull them to the side and say it bothers you or have “Bop em Billy” run interference and say it. But if you stew on it the entire night it’s a bad time for you and begins bad blood. And many a stupid long drawn out needless and USELESS family feuds have been started for smaller offenses. It’s amazing what a lil lack of communcation can do.

    You are sensitive about as you pointed out, but, it’s only a physical appearance and temporary. Everyone is beautiful, focus on what’s inside. You can use it as a character building experience. (I’m sure you’ll see folks in magazines or people who have acne in a whole new light! 🙂

    I’m sure if your uncle had any idea how much it hurt your feelings he’d feel even worse then you. He’s FAMILY. If you don’t believe me imagine what he’d feel if he read your blog.

    My advice? Talk to your uncle, don’t get caught up so much in the hype of society’s definition of physical beauty and move on. Cause holding onto this stuff affects YOU and your kid more then anyone else. Your uncle made a mistake. Don’t roast your family cuz it only makes YOU look bad.

    Unless he’s got a history of being a bad egg that’s one thing, but, if in general you’ve always loved him and he you WHY ruin that now? You may need him to babysit in a pinch! 🙂

    And then folks are surprised to wonder why wars last for hundreds of years….
    Posted by: Strangel

  130. If you’re getting dryness, acne AND sensitivity, I would stay away from witch hazel – the stuff itself has anti inflamatory properties, but most commercial preparations are like 70 or 80 percent alcohol which won’t help.

    I recommend zerozits.com. No matter what I try, I always come back to their scrub, cleanser and gelloid moisturizer for non-clogging, non-irritating, zit-fighting skin care.

    As for your uncle – some people just don’t get class or decency or awareness of others. I’m sorry he stomped on your holiday.
    Posted by: Juno

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