A Public Service Announcement from the Knitter Relocation Department

Hey, any Dayton, Ohio, knitters out there? My beloved beloved friend Serena just relocated to Dayton and is looking for some people to knit with. If you’re out there, please leave a comment and I’ll put you in touch with her.

Don’t let her get too comfortable out there, though, and don’t be TOO nice. I’m counting on her moving back to New York before long.

6 Comments on “A Public Service Announcement from the Knitter Relocation Department

  1. Don’t you worry, Mr. Grumpy and I will be making our way back to civilized lands in the near (a year or so) future. I mean how can I stay in a place where there are no knitters?????

    🙂 hugs & squishes and see you soon.

    PS. Besosbesosbesos to Diego
    Posted by: Serena

  2. Hi I was just reading your blog by way of Yarn-a-go-go and I am in Dayton, Ohio for the summer! It’s my home town, but I’ve been off at school for the past 4 years and I don’t know too much about the knitting scene around here, but would be delighted to meet a fellow knitter!
    Posted by: Katie B.

  3. Don’t you worry, Mr. Grumpy and I will be making our way back to civilized lands in the near (a year or so) future. I mean how can I stay in a place where there are no knitters?????

    🙂 hugs & squishes and see you soon.

    PS. Besosbesosbesos to Diego
    Posted by: Serena

  4. Hi I was just reading your blog by way of Yarn-a-go-go and I am in Dayton, Ohio for the summer! It’s my home town, but I’ve been off at school for the past 4 years and I don’t know too much about the knitting scene around here, but would be delighted to meet a fellow knitter!
    Posted by: Katie B.

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