And then the sun came out…
…and I wrote one really good paragraph before Thumper would not be happy without his mama, which wasn’t nearly enough writing but at least it was something.
And then the other bridesmaid hunted down a perfect two-piece solution from David’s Bridal of all places and sent the link and fingers crossed that the bride goes for it. (The other bridesmaid has post-partum bod desire for two-piece as well.)
And then–get this– the mail carrier delivered a box, and in that box was a whole lot of chocolate, sent by my beloved Norma. (Yes, I know she’s your beloved Norma too. Certainly we can share the Norma love.) I’ve already had three truffles and a dark chocolate kiss. I’m totally stoned. (Having cut back on the sugar intake somewhat makes me a cheap date, chocolate-wise.)
So now I just need a bag of money or a book deal to fall from the sky and it’ll be a pretty damn perfect turnaround of a day.
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XO *grin*
Posted by: Norma
Norma’s the greatest.
Posted by: regina
Mmmmm chocolate.
Posted by: Kathy
I’m glad things are looking up! This time of year is trying at best.
Posted by: Susan
I still have my post-partum body, 11 years later…it always makes me think of Anne Lamott’s comment from Operating Instructions: “I lay in bed, and my stomach lays besides me like a warm puppy.”
Posted by: Amy
Well the thought of you does NOT conjure up visions of refrigerators dancing in my head no matter what you say. But the new dress is better even if it is from David’s (of all places)
Posted by: Bridezilla
Damn. Now I want chocolate.
Posted by: Rachel H
When you say turnaround, you MEAN turnaround.
Posted by: claudia
Mmmm…chocolate (in my best Homer Simpson voice). Seriously, I am drooling right now.
Posted by: Knittripps
😀 So glad things got better!
Posted by: Amy
I vote for the book deal. When that happens, I think I am going to be almost as excited for you as you are. Well, I imagine there will be an order-of-magnitude situation, but you get my drift.
Posted by: Lizbon
Aww. That beloved Norma always knows just the right thing to do or say. 🙂
Posted by: Laura
one good paragraph is better than no good paragraphs! 🙂
Posted by: carolyn
One of my future bridesmaids has a rather rectangular body as well and I’ve been concerned about finding a dress which would flatter her. Any chance you could share a picture of the dress you’ve found?
By the way, I ADORE the Acorn Hat! It looks both cute and functional. And I’m glad to hear a positive review of Knitpicks Swish.
Posted by: Adriana
XO *grin*
Posted by: Norma
Norma’s the greatest.
Posted by: regina
Mmmmm chocolate.
Posted by: Kathy
I’m glad things are looking up! This time of year is trying at best.
Posted by: Susan
I still have my post-partum body, 11 years later…it always makes me think of Anne Lamott’s comment from Operating Instructions: “I lay in bed, and my stomach lays besides me like a warm puppy.”
Posted by: Amy
Well the thought of you does NOT conjure up visions of refrigerators dancing in my head no matter what you say. But the new dress is better even if it is from David’s (of all places)
Posted by: Bridezilla
Damn. Now I want chocolate.
Posted by: Rachel H
When you say turnaround, you MEAN turnaround.
Posted by: claudia
Mmmm…chocolate (in my best Homer Simpson voice). Seriously, I am drooling right now.
Posted by: Knittripps
😀 So glad things got better!
Posted by: Amy
I vote for the book deal. When that happens, I think I am going to be almost as excited for you as you are. Well, I imagine there will be an order-of-magnitude situation, but you get my drift.
Posted by: Lizbon
Aww. That beloved Norma always knows just the right thing to do or say. 🙂
Posted by: Laura
one good paragraph is better than no good paragraphs! 🙂
Posted by: carolyn
One of my future bridesmaids has a rather rectangular body as well and I’ve been concerned about finding a dress which would flatter her. Any chance you could share a picture of the dress you’ve found?
By the way, I ADORE the Acorn Hat! It looks both cute and functional. And I’m glad to hear a positive review of Knitpicks Swish.
Posted by: Adriana