Back to work
Anonymous* sidewalk message, SE Portland
I’m back to work on the novel, waving my hands to change second draft into third. Happily caffeinated, fed, and air-conditioned at the usual Sunday workplace. I got (fantastically helpful) feedback from Marrije, who went way above and beyond by reading the manuscript while on vacation, so now I’m working on revisions based on her, Heather, and Billy’s feedback. (Billy isn’t finished reading yet, but we talk about it as he finishes chapters, which is a terrific way to spend an evening with one’s mate.)
As feedback comes in from my other readers, I’ll work their comments in as well (or rather, what makes sense to me of their comments. I take what’s useful and ignore what isn’t, of course.) I’m glad my readers are getting back to me in a staggered manner, instead of all at once. It can get kind of overwhelming to try to incorporate feedback from too many people at one time. Much better this way, taking it in small bites.
I’m encouraged by what I’m hearing so far. Changes are needed, of course. It’s an early draft. But for the most part, I’m hearing that the book is quite strong. Such a difference from Drowning Practice, which was a hot mess for most of its life.
Okay. Back to work.
*Not so anonymous after all. Sonya ID’d the author of that sidewalk message. There’s a ton of street art and little messages scrawled on sidewalks around Portland, and I’m in the habit of snapping photos of them. I was so pleased to come across this one the other evening. And now I know who’s responsible. Cool, how small this world is, but I do regret the mystery of it is gone.
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I know who left that message, and I live in Texas.
I know who left that message, and I live in Texas.
I can’t wait to read the book once it’s PUBLISHED!!! It’s interesting to hear how it’s all coming together. I’m sending positive book publishing vibes your way!
I can’t wait to read the book once it’s PUBLISHED!!! It’s interesting to hear how it’s all coming together. I’m sending positive book publishing vibes your way!
My favorite sidewalk (multi-use path) quote recently was going eastbound over the Hawthorne bridge. It said “you are cool”. At the other end it it said “you are still cool”. Funny how something so small can brighten one’s day.
My favorite sidewalk (multi-use path) quote recently was going eastbound over the Hawthorne bridge. It said “you are cool”. At the other end it it said “you are still cool”. Funny how something so small can brighten one’s day.
The university I work for outlawed sidewalk chalking about a year ago. I’m still appalled by that — it’s such an old and easy and personal form of communication. A college campus with chalked sidewalks is just odd….
The university I work for outlawed sidewalk chalking about a year ago. I’m still appalled by that — it’s such an old and easy and personal form of communication. A college campus with chalked sidewalks is just odd….
That is so weird because I just saw this SAME photo but with Alicia’s feet in the corner last week on her blog. When I saw it on your blog…I was rightly confused. A very small world.
That is so weird because I just saw this SAME photo but with Alicia’s feet in the corner last week on her blog. When I saw it on your blog…I was rightly confused. A very small world.
I don’t think she wrote it, she too talks about walking past chalk messages, so maybe you both just take the same same dog walking route.
I don’t think she wrote it, she too talks about walking past chalk messages, so maybe you both just take the same same dog walking route.
How cool. All of it.
How cool. All of it.
🙂 I didn’t write it — just walk past it frequently (it’s been there all summer — but felt particularly reassuring this past week). xo
🙂 I didn’t write it — just walk past it frequently (it’s been there all summer — but felt particularly reassuring this past week). xo