Yes, I’m finally releasing the hat and legwarmer set! Why did it take so long? Ask the cute kid in the pink hat and legwarmers. I can honestly say these pieces are among the most truly useful things I’ve knitted. …
Yes, I’m finally releasing the hat and legwarmer set! Why did it take so long? Ask the cute kid in the pink hat and legwarmers. I can honestly say these pieces are among the most truly useful things I’ve knitted. …
My big guy is conked out with a fever and a runny nose and cough. The baby? She’s cackling and crawling around the living room, banging on stuff and searching for choking hazards. Speaking of which, thank you for all …
It’s 8:32pm. Do you know where your children are? Read more »
Okay, parents of two or more… Tell me. Please. HOW do you keep a baby from killing herself with an older sibling’s toys? Seriously. It seems like everything Thumper cares about these days is a choking hazard–including his books, because …
1. Start kindergarten 2. Do yoga 3. Do kung fu (get a belt) 4. Get a booster seat
The baby is sleeping better, so now I have only myself to blame for my sleep-deprivation. I’ve been staying up late revising Adverse Possession. Before I had kids, my most productive writing hours were from 10am to 3pm. I didn’t …
Which is to say that I have not been sleeping well, because the kids have not been sleeping well. I blame the preschool winter break. Or rather, my not having kept up our regular schedule in spite of the winter …
You really, really do. Caroline Leavitt’s latest novel, Pictures of You, was scheduled to be released at the end of January. There’s been tremendous buzz about it, and some great reviews, and the release date was bumped up. You can …
I’m in my office, writing. Got MacFreedom turned on for 30-minute writing sprints and I’m working hard. Plugged in. Getting good stuff down on the page. Billy and the kids are asleep upstairs. I can hear Billy and Kiddo snoring …
Benny is home!!!
1. I had (minor) surgery not quite two weeks ago. Those who follow me on Twitter are already tired of hearing me kvetch, so let this be the last surgical kvetch of 2010: Ouch. (No, not going into detail. It …