The food blog is no more. Ah well.
Honestly? I’m not sorry to see it go.
As a tool for reining in our family budget, and showing us how much more we were spending than we needed to, it’s been fantastic. We learned a lot about our shopping and eating habits, and we adjusted accordingly. Our finances are in way better shape now than they were at the beginning of this experiment. For those of you who didn’t follow along over there, the idea was to spend no more than $50 a week per adult on food, while still eating well (which for our family means fresh, organic, and local). That includes groceries, meals out, snacks, etc. Everything you eat. We were allotted $125 a week: $50 each for me and Billy, and $25 for the kiddo.
That actually sounds like a lot of money, doesn’t it? It didn’t when we started the blog, but a few weeks in, when we’d made the necessary adjustments, it became clear that that is ample money to feed a family of three very well. Which was part of the problem with the blog. It was a very reasonable goal to work toward, but it didn’t exactly create blog magic, did it? Low bar. I have no problem with that. I wouldn’t feed my family on much less than that a week. But the blog got to be a drag after a while. How many interesting posts can you pull out of your ass, when you’ve committed to two posts a week and they’re all a variation on: “Yep, we stuck to the budget” or “Whoops. We shouldn’t have ordered that Thai food”? You know?
I learned all there was to learn from the project in the early weeks, which is:
Cook almost all our meals at home.
Plan meals so we’re only buying what we actually need at the store.
Grow or make as much as possible, within reason. (For us that meant growing 90% of our vegetables year round, baking 90% of our bread and baked goods, and canning all of our jam. None of this is that hard, because you don’t do everything all at once.)
Once I figured that out, there wasn’t that much left to say. That’s not why the blog died, though. The blog died the way nearly all blogs die. My co-bloggers stopped posting. I’m not sure why. And when they stopped posting, it made me not want to be the only jackass still doing the work. You know? After a couple weeks, I “prompted” Adam, as he put it, to post some kind of explanation.
Like I said, ah well.
For those of you who followed me over there from here, thank you for reading. And if you enjoyed what we were doing over there, I’m sorry for the abrupt end. The good news, for those who read $50 a Week, and those who did not, is that now I won’t be spreading my blog fodder quite so thin. And I get to post about gardening, baking, cooking, etc without having to talk about money. Because, really…do you care how much I spend on groceries?
We’re sticking to the budget, still, because it’s good for us. But I won’t be blogging that number anymore. And you know what? That’s a relief.