So that “kidney discomfort”?
It was a back ache. And after Billy stretched and rubbed it last night it went away. (How much do I love being married to a physical therapist?!) I guess my feelings about eating meat are still kind of complicated, …
It was a back ache. And after Billy stretched and rubbed it last night it went away. (How much do I love being married to a physical therapist?!) I guess my feelings about eating meat are still kind of complicated, …
Meat! Meat! I LOVE MEAT! Did you know that meat is delicious? And makes you feel like a superhero when you eat it? Hello, protein rush! In the two weeks that I’ve been eating it I’ve tried roasted chicken, burgers, …
I’ve never been all that good at that moderation thing Read more »
The fall and winter plants I started in mid-July are now healthy teenagers and have been transplanted into their winter beds, which had previously been the spring beds of the peas and red potatoes. The first bed has Dwarf Siberian …
and I liked it. Yes, you read that right. Yes, you’re at the right blog. Last night, for the first time in nearly 22 years, I ate meat. I ate it on purpose, and I liked it. I became a …
I keep taking pictures and then meaning to post them, and then the process of posting a photo via this old computer seems like too much of a chore for the limited time I have, and I don’t do it. …
What we’ve been doing on our summer vacation (scandalously photo-heavy) Read more »
My friend Lisa Unger’s new novel, Fragile, comes out today. I’m very much looking forward to reading it. The wonderful Caroline Leavitt did a great interview with her here, and Lisa did a guest post on Caroline’s blog here. The …
I guess July was the month of infidelity then, because I’ve finished the three books I set out to read and am moving on. I wish I could tell you that Madame Bovary was as wonderful as I remembered it …
The Summer of Infidelity ended sooner than expected Read more »
So, those birth photos I posted a while back… It wasn’t to shock you. And it wasn’t an urge to gratuitously share images of someone’s gloved hands inside my abdomen. Really. I thought the photos spoke for themselves. They did, …
Remember how the marauding neighborhood cats and their evil garden-shitting ways destroyed my spinach bed two seasons in a row? And how I swore it had put me off cats forever, that I would never again have a cat myself? …
I read Anna Karenina for the first time in 1992, in the second semester of my freshman year in college. I loved it, but was never moved to read it a second time. There are a lot of books in …