Tree Hugger
(I promised to release this pattern a few weeks ago. I’m sorry for the delay. Here it is now… Tada! Next up, that baby hat and legwarmers gift set.) Tree Hugger is a tunic-and-pants set for babies and young kids, …
(I promised to release this pattern a few weeks ago. I’m sorry for the delay. Here it is now… Tada! Next up, that baby hat and legwarmers gift set.) Tree Hugger is a tunic-and-pants set for babies and young kids, …
It’s four a.m. and I can’t sleep. In two weeks or less, this baby will be born. She’ll be born via c-section, either on April 5th, as we’ve scheduled, two days before her official due date, or sooner if she …
Pattern: Hens and Roosters from Toymaking with Children by Freya Jaffke I made this little family for the kiddo’s preschool. I’m terribly proud of myself for handing them over to his teacher this morning. I really wanted to keep them. …
Ilona! I hope you enjoy the book, Ilona! I’ve emailed you for your mailing address, and will ship it out to you this week.
The universe must love me, because it recently gave me free books. A clerical error resulted in my receiving a box of books from Featherproof Books that I hadn’t ordered. The good-hearted, book-loving people at Featherproof then saw fit to …
I had the follow-up ultrasound today, and everything looked good! The velocity was slightly lower than last week’s. The concern was that the trend would continue upward. So far, so good. I go back for another check next week, but …
This kid? Whether she’s born at 40 weeks or sooner, one thing is absolutely certain. She’s coming into the world with no shortage of knitwear, most of it designed just for her. When it comes to knits for myself or …
I need to learn to keep my big mouth shut. Remember how in the last post I was so sure the doctor was having us continue the ultrasound monitoring mostly to work us for the insurance money? Well, never mind. …
We had him put down today. It was time. He’d been sick with kidney disease for a long time, and in this past week it became clear we weren’t doing him any favors by keeping him around. The house is …