The winter garden
This year was our first attempt at year-round gardening. All in all, not a bad first effort, though there are things I’ll do differently next time. In the fall, it looked like this: Now, it looks like this: The garden …
This year was our first attempt at year-round gardening. All in all, not a bad first effort, though there are things I’ll do differently next time. In the fall, it looked like this: Now, it looks like this: The garden …
And 36-year-old Cari is quite amused, too. Look! Oh, the wonders of the Internet! Pull My Daisy! The whole short film! (Via Stupefaction) I was completely obsessed with the Beats from age 15 to 18. Now, mostly I just retain …
Thumper’s going through a phase. It’s not a phase I expected at all. It’s not one I’ve read about, or heard about. In fact, I thought the window of opportunity for such a phase had long since passed us by. …
This morning we went for the first post-Fifth-diagnosis monitoring ultrasound, and everything looks good! Normal! I’ll go back in on the 28th for a follow-up scan, and if that looks normal, too, they’ll most likely give us the all-clear. The …
Okay…what’s with all the bugs and viruses around here this winter, I’d like to know. I feel like the kiddo and I haven’t been healthy for a combined five minutes in months. Last week and this past weekend, the little …
Somehow, knowing already what the news would be didn’t make it all that much easier to hear. Yep. It was Fifth Disease, for sure. I got the results of the bloodwork today, and it came back positive. So now begins …
Those of you who’ve been hanging around here since back when I actually knitted with some regularity will remember I have a (mild) obsession with sock knitting. You may also remember my deep and abiding love for Cat Bordhi’s brain. …
1. My dear friend Lawrence is now selling some of his fantastic subway drawings on Etsy. 2. Today I schlepped the kid and a bag of outgrown maternity clothes to a maternity resale shop, hoping to sell the too-small pants …
The food blog is no more. Ah well. Honestly? I’m not sorry to see it go. As a tool for reining in our family budget, and showing us how much more we were spending than we needed to, it’s been …