Fall hit Portland rather suddenly last week. It felt like it came early, but it is October, after all. In fact, I think it was unseasonably warm up until last week. Guess I’m just sort of distracted, so the chill …
Fall hit Portland rather suddenly last week. It felt like it came early, but it is October, after all. In fact, I think it was unseasonably warm up until last week. Guess I’m just sort of distracted, so the chill …
This new one? Hasn’t gotten the message. Yes, everyone is fine. I’m fine. The fetus is fine. Had a bit of a scare during a routine prenatal appointment yesterday, though. And given everything that led up to this pregnancy, I’m …
Kids aren’t supposed to cause trouble until they’re born. Read more »
Nah. I just went to California. I’m not in the habit of telling the internet that my house is empty, so… Surprise! I’m back! Didja miss me? Hunh? Hunh? Oh I missed you. Dreadfully. Truly, I did. See, Billy’s cousin …
A small (quite small) excerpt is now posted on The Owls, as part of their Stamps project. Thanks to J. M. Tyree for selecting it. It’s nice to see some small part of the book out the world. It’s funny…it’s …
Meh. I think I’ve listened to too much NPR today. Now that the kid is at school for long stretches of the day three days a week, I’m getting way too caught up on the news. Not good for one’s …
1. Morning sickness is gone. Replaced by that constant, desperate hunger, which is infinitely more fun. Welcome back, Second Breakfast! I missed you. 2. I still can’t stomach the thought of eating kale. Good thing the garden is full of …
Blake Butler’s Scorch Atlas is, at first glance, a collection of linked stories. Whatever expectations that format sets up in your mind, this book is not what you think it will be. It is not a compilation of discrete stories …
…and Mom forgot to take any pictures. He’s wearing a gray long-sleeve t-shirt and dark blue pants. He was clean when I dropped him off. He will probably not be clean when I pick him up. (Note to self: The …
Yep. I’m 9.5 weeks pregnant. Due 4/7/10. I know, I know…seems kind of early to be announcing a pregnancy after three miscarriages, but it’s been so hard to keep this news from you, and things are looking very, very good. …
Yesterday at naptime, I was sitting at my desk, being terribly unproductive and feeling shitty about it. I’ve never been so unproductive, even though I’ve certainly had obstacles before. This is not the first time I haven’t gotten what I …