The tail end of an unproductive summer
Okay, well not really. Not in the grand scheme of things. But as far as the writing goes? Yeah. I let this summer slide right by me. I’m in a particular kind of limbo with Adverse Possession (which I still …
Okay, well not really. Not in the grand scheme of things. But as far as the writing goes? Yeah. I let this summer slide right by me. I’m in a particular kind of limbo with Adverse Possession (which I still …
I’m thirty-six today. Thirty-five was oddly traumatic. Thirty-six feels pretty good. The kiddo’s in playgroup and I’m headed to Goodwill to spend my birthday discount, and then enjoy a childfree lunch with a friend. After that, maybe a nap. Ah, …
1. I’m 25 pages away from the end of my friend Lon’s novel manuscript. This is the third draft I’ve read of it. It was good the first time. It keeps getting better. And yet, I’m not at all confident …
Not on Twitter much. Not on Facebook much. Not much feeling like blogging. I took the kiddo for some frozen yogurt. I made some bagels. The whole twitter/facebook/blogging thing is fun most of the time. And over the past 6+ …
Thanks for all the concerned emails and comments this weekend about the blog getting eaten, but everything’s okay. A glitch during a server migration caused my url to be redirected to someone else’s blog for a while, and you all …
Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. See, a 15,000-pound elm limb fell on our porch/yard/street/neighbors’ cars/power and phone lines, and we were without power for a while, and without phone/dsl for a while longer. Yes, I said 15,000 lbs. …
1. My SIL (my brother’s wife), Amey, has a new blog about being a Korean American adoptee. Go see what Amey has to say. 2. We went to see a reproductive endocrinologist today. “blah blah we don’t know why you’re …
1. My beloved pet artichoke plant has put up a bud. I’m beside myself with excitement. It’s almost unseemly. It seems more than I dared hope for in the first year of its perennial life. But there it is. An …
The kiddo and I walked over to the post office today, the stroller weighed down with packages of goodies to send to the raffle prize winners. (That stroller is a pack mule. I’m going to be rather sad when the …