Cyber Stalking Time Traveler Is Watching You
I think I have it in me to be a stalker. Not that I would, mind you, but the potential is there. I get fixated on people–almost at random, it sometimes seems. Or, rather, I get fixated on my idea …
I think I have it in me to be a stalker. Not that I would, mind you, but the potential is there. I get fixated on people–almost at random, it sometimes seems. Or, rather, I get fixated on my idea …
1. I already loved Elliott Smith when I lived in Brooklyn, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that he sounds even better in Portland. Especially on a beautiful rainy gray day. 2. Leonard Cohen sounds awfully good on …
We ended 2008 by cleaning the house, then falling into bed and to sleep a bit after midnight, happy the firecrackers down the street and the hooting, six-foot-four thirteen-year-old next door didn’t wake the kid up. We started 2009 with …
The rain has returned to Portland, melting all that godawful white stuff. The return of puddles and pavement. All is as it should be. While the snow lasted, driving was treacherous because of the lack of plows, and pushing a …
I was an Indie Lit Secret Santa over at HTMLGIANT. (I think I want that on a t-shirt. Or a bumper sticker. Or a snazzy tote bag.) I got this postcard in the mail the other day. (A treat in …
Secret Santa makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside Read more »
I’m sick in bed. Luckily it is a Sunday, so I’m free to take to my bed all day while Billy toddler-wrangles. Though, with all the snow on the ground, I suspect Billy would have been home today even if …
In case you haven’t heard, books make great gifts. And it seems to be that gift-giving time of year again. So, maybe you’re looking for suggestions? What books to buy for the giftees on your list? In no particular order, …
Well, it snowed here yesterday. It’s our second winter here, and I don’t recall any snow last winter at all. Or at least nothing that stuck. When the forecast started calling for snow, there was a general giddy sort of …