Oh…in case you didn’t notice, book publishing is imploding
Finally, a bailout I can get behind.
Finally, a bailout I can get behind.
Okay, so this didn’t bring the chills that Virginia Woolf did, but it amused the hell out of me. It’s Vladimir Nabokov being exactly as one would have imagined him being. (And do please note that I love him dearly, …
Damn, revising is hard work. It gets harder with each draft, as the possibilities narrow and the story becomes surer of itself, more resistant to change. Also, with each draft there’s an increased pressure to Get It Right. And that’s …
Because I’m a sucker for presents, and because books are good food. I already know what I’ll be getting for my giftee. I signed up. How about you?
Thank you for all the wonderful support and cyber-hugs yesterday. They helped. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and/or Thursday!
A little girl in Thumper’s playgroup has a brand new baby sister. I just went to pick him up from playgroup, and this sweet little girl regaled me with tales of going to see the baby in the hospital, and …
Just when you think you’re feeling kind of okay about it Read more »
My friend Tad was in town last night with his band. (Long-time readers know I’m somewhat fond of The Hold Steady.) Pre-baby, I would see them play every chance I got. Post-baby…well… I hadn’t been to a single show since …
oh right…so this is what it’s like to leave the house after dark… Read more »
Yesterday I heard back from my agent about the current novel. It was her usual in-depth, thoughtful feedback. As usual, I agreed with about half of it and disagreed strongly with the other half on first reading of her email. …
Billy spent the past two weekends in continuing ed courses. The weekend before last, the course was in town, so he was home at night. This weekend’s course was out of town. During the week, he gets home from work …
In the great tradition of random Wednesdays, because otherwise I have nothing for you today. 1. How we recycle cardboard: 2. I’ve finished my Central Park Hoodie, except for adding the toggles and crochet button loops. Must get that done …